Kazed, easily twisted a person's neck, and Frieg walked into the temporary residence of the Shepherd Chamber of Commerce.

After two days of investigation, Frieger has basically determined that the case of the loss of the children in Luye Town was the hands and feet of the Shepherd Chamber of Commerce. I don’t know the result. It is difficult to find clues and evidence through clues, but it is difficult to find evidence after knowing the result. It's much simpler.

"Who are you?"

  Frieg didn't take a long time to walk in before he was discovered by the people of the Shepherd's Chamber of Commerce, or he didn't hide it at all.

   Shaved and stepped on, Frieg's figure disappeared in an instant, and the man who had just spoken lost his life in just an instant.

   "Kill, come on."

   Witnessing Frieg's behavior, several other Shepherds Chamber of Commerce people immediately called out loudly, and Frieg had no ability to stop or did not stop it.

Now he seems to have broken into the wolf’s den by himself, but in fact at this moment the soldiers of Greenfield Town have surrounded the area. Although his strength is not weak, Frieg is not an arrogant person, especially After listening to old Hamm's special reminder.

   In the depths of the Shepherd Chamber of Commerce.

   "Leader, someone broke in. It should be an extraordinary person. The specific rank is unknown, and the probability is second."

   "Second-tier? Let the old one-eyed go, he should also help with the benefits of our Shepherd's Chamber of Commerce."

   "I have sent someone to inform. The most troublesome thing now is that our chamber of commerce is surrounded by soldiers from Greenfield Town."

   Hearing this, the leader of the Shepherd Chamber of Commerce, who had been so indifferent, finally changed his face.

  咻, the dark wind hit, Frieg's expression changed.

   Crossed his arms and stood in front of him. As soon as Frieg responded, the dense shadows of fists enveloped his whole body.

   Bang, bang, bang, the shadow of the fist is like wind, and it seems to be true, and Frieg is unable to fight back.

   "Hundred Magic Boxing, the old one-eyed turned out to be you."

   The shadow of the fist dissipated, and quickly pulled the distance away with a shave, Frieg fixed his eyes on the figure in front of him.

   "Frieger, long time no see."

   The old one-eyed body is tall, but not burly, on the contrary, he is very thin, like a bamboo pole, revealing a cold atmosphere from all over his body.

Seeing this old friend whose temperament has changed dramatically in front of him, Frieg's expression has become particularly dignified. Now the old one-eyed is much stronger than before. Not only has his rank changed to a second-order, but the power of Baihuanquan has also been further revealed. Just now, if it weren't for the existence of the iron secret skill, he was afraid that he would suffer a big loss, even so at this moment, his whole body was covered with deep or shallow fist marks.

   At the beginning, his relationship with the old one-eyed was good. The two worked together several times and had a good understanding. Later, the old one-eyed suddenly disappeared. He did not expect that now he would join the Shepherd's Chamber of Commerce.

   "Long time no see, old one-eyed."

Before the words were over, Frieg and the old one-eyed were fighting together again. Both of them are determined generations. The relationship between the two people may have been good before, but now that they are on the opposite side, the past is over. Now no one tries. To convince anyone, everything has to be beaten.

   "Old one-eyed, how about my finger gun?"

   "Very good, to be honest, Frieg, you gave me a surprise."

   Looking at the hole in the shoulder with blood flowing, the old one-eyed expression remained unchanged, even if the hole appeared on his neck just a short time ago.

   At the same time, dozens of lambs gathered in the depths of the Shepherd Chamber of Commerce. Their eyes were full of humanity, fear, helplessness, and cowardice.

   "Prepare to sacrifice, take the messenger clone and descend."

   Holding a sheep's head staff and looking at the helpless lambs, the leader of the Shepherd Chamber of Commerce uttered indifferent words. In a difficult situation, he could only choose to break the deadlock with external force.

   "Greenfield Town, the Montel family, I hope you will not regret today's decision in the days to come."

   Chi, cut off his palm, let the blood flow, dyed the sheep's head staff, the shepherd leader's dry face showed a smile from his heart, as if it was not his blood that was flowing.

   Kneeling down in front of a statue of a strange snake, as the sheep's head staff was dyed red with blood, a strange force radiated, causing a change in the statue of the strange snake.

   At this moment, the statue that was originally like a dead thing seemed to "live", and a pair of scarlet snake pupils glowed with scorching brilliance, as if they wanted to choose people and eat them.

   hissing, the weird snake sounds abruptly, all the lambs are crawling on the ground, they can't even move them, as if they are waiting for someone to slaughter them.

   And when this sound of hiss sounded, Frieg, who was entangled with the old one-eyed, suddenly changed his expression, and he sensed the danger.

After joining Yin Beast, Frieg's strength has grown rapidly, both in essence and in secret skills. Although the strength of the old one-eyed has also increased a lot, he still has such a powerful secret skill as Baihuanquan, but in general it is still It's thinner. As long as he can adapt, it is not difficult to deal with. Frieg was originally prepared to delay and take the old one-eyed at a relatively small price, but now he has changed his attention.

With a certain mind, Frieger's offensive suddenly became fierce, and sometimes even deliberately replaced by injury. Under such circumstances, the balance on the scene was suddenly broken, and for a while, the old one-eyed seemed a little stretched~www.wuxiaspot.com~ recruit Can't stand.

   "Die to me."

   Seizing the opportunity, fighting the risk of the left shoulder bone being broken by the old one-eyed punch, Frieg pointed a gun into the old one-eyed eye.

   "Ah, **** you, **** you."

   Lost the light, the old one-eyed battle rhythm changed drastically, the combat power plummeted, and soon fell under Frieg's hands.

   "Old one-eyed, go well."

Squeezing the slight waves in his heart, Frieg strode over the old one-eyed corpse and walked forward. For people like him, he has long been accustomed to life and death, whether it is his own or other people's. In such a world, life is like grass, and the lives of ordinary people are simply too insignificant.

   Deep in the resident of the Shepherd Chamber of Commerce, when Frieg came here, it seemed to be a bit late.

   An illusory snake shadow descended from nothingness and hovered above the statue.

   The snake shadow is about three meters long. It is covered with red scales and has a thick layer of scales around its eyes. It looks like two small horns extending outward from a distance.

"this thing……"

   After confirming the source of the danger, Frieg immediately prepared to do it, but just by looking at the red scale monster snake, he lost all his courage.

His body was stiff, cold sweat dripped, and there was a huge fear in Frieg's heart. It was clearly far away, but Frieg felt that he was under the kiss of a giant snake at this moment. It could be possible at any time. Burial in the belly of a snake.

   "Damn, move me, move."

"what do I do?"

   "What the **** is this strange snake?"

   A sense of powerlessness spread throughout his body, Frieg was like a drowning man, unable to grasp anything he wanted to grasp.


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