"I caught you, **** loach."

   In the inexplicable anxiety, at a certain moment, Fillmores finally caught Smaug's trace, although it was only a flash, but it was enough.

  Rainze Kingdom, this very important ability in the feathered snake bloodline inheritance is not only terrible in that it can be monitored on a large scale, but also that it is perfectly compatible with other abilities of the feathered snake.

The black eclipse rain, the feathered snake's breath, although the power is good, but it is limited after all, but at this moment, under the increase of the Yuze Nation, this breath has undergone a qualitative change, not only has its scope widened, but its power has also increased. A lot.

   Fluttering, the pure black raindrops fell from the sky, completely covering the area where Smaug had just revealed his traces.

Roar, the dragon's breath is long, and the hot dragon's breath reflects the sky into a bright red. In order to resist this corrosive black rain, Smaug can only spit out the dragon's breath to fight against it, but the dragon's breath has its limit after all, facing continuous The endless black rain, even if Smaug tried his best to spit out, could not avoid the existence of fish that slipped through the net, and these black rains looked inconspicuous, corrosive but terrifying, even the scales of Smaug's body that were stronger than steel could not resist. After staying there, Smaug's body had a lot of fist-sized pits in his body shortly afterwards. If this goes on, after a long time, Smaug will eventually fall under the black rain.

   In the hidden place, the body was flowing like water, and once again clearly perceiving Smaug's movements, Fillmores still felt a little uneasy, because it did not find Sean's figure.

"caught you."

   The shadow faded, and Sean, wearing a black cloak, appeared not far from Fillmores.

Hidden his body with the help of the third-order strange thing shadow cloak, and with Smaug's mind, he walked on the edge of Fillmores' blind spot every time. After a period of searching, Sean finally locked the position of Fillmores again. .


   The snake scales suddenly appeared. At the moment when Sean appeared, Fillmores immediately spotted his trace through his eyes, but it was already a little late at this time.

The three-goed jade rotates, the big windmill appears, the pupil power is surging like a river, and a giant figure begins to derive from behind Shaun. It is the ultimate pupil technique of the kaleidoscope, and this is where Shaun came. Where is the confidence to hunt down the feathered snake this extraordinary beast.

Because it has just been mastered not long ago, Suzuo behind Sean is still very illusory, only Moribai’s bones, not to mention armor, but this does not affect its strength, to some extent, at this moment Sean's power has surpassed Tier 4 and reached Tier 5.

Being in Susao’s body, consciousness merges with Susao’s body. Although it is not the first experience, Sean still feels a little fascinated. Zuo, although only the upper body, only bones and no flesh and blood, Sean can still feel the surging power, as if he could set off a huge storm just by stretching out his hand.

  Intoxication was only a moment, scarlet eyes swept across, and Susao's red lantern-like eyes locked on Fillmores' body.

   Anxiety turned into reality, and panic was spreading. The moment Suzu appeared, Fillmores felt the breath of death, as if it had returned to the days when it was targeted by natural enemies, powerless and fearful.

   After the bloodline returned to the ancestors, feeling the strength of his own bloodline, Fillmores thought he would never experience this feeling again, but he did not expect to feel it again so soon.

   hissing, making a harsh hiss, Fillmores twisted his body, trying to turn water to escape from here, but he couldn't do it because Suzuo had already stretched out his right hand to it.

   The bones are dense, the knuckles are distinct, and the emerald aura is entwined. Not only does it not make people feel cold and evil, but it has a sense of sacredness.

   The palm of his hand stretched out, his five fingers contracted slightly, and the air was liquefied, like sticky glue, constantly squeezing Fillmores' body.

   At this moment, the faint green brilliance in Fillmores's eyes began to dim, and traces of blood mist continued to seep from the gaps in the scale armor, and its tough body looked extremely fragile in the face of Suzuo's lightly grasping.

It will die, it will die, it will die. The bloodline warns wildly. Fillmores clearly knows that once the big bone hand that is grasping at it is completely closed, it will really be pinched to death, just like an insignificant ant. .

   hiss, Fillmores doesn't want to die yet, its blood has just returned to its ancestors, it still has a bright future, it hasn't killed the **** eagle yet, it hasn't become the King of Warcraft yet.

   The boundary between life and death, all kinds of unwillingness ignited the crazy flame in Fillmores' heart, and it began to burn its own blood.

   hiss, another sizzle sounded, but it was different from before, as if it resounded directly in the bottom of people's hearts, making people chill all over the body.

The power of horror erupted, and the huge snake shadow flashed away. There was only a pair of secluded green, like a deep pool, the ancient well was waveless, and the unhappy snake eyes stayed in the air for a moment, as if crossing time and space with the scarlet Xu Zuo. Hitomi, or Shaun, looked at each other for a moment, and at this moment, Suzuo's right hand stretched out to pieces, as if it had been directly erased by some invisible force.

   The **** disappeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I felt an unprecedented invigoration. Taking this opportunity, ignoring the weakness in the body, Fillmores' body twisted and turned into a cloud of water and disappeared in place.

   Hmph, sensing the movements of Fillmores, Sean burst out coldly, how could he let the duck in his hand fly?

  The pupil power is flowing, and Suzuo's erased right arm appears again. Suzuo is just a kaleidoscope appearance, not a real life. As long as he has enough pupil power, Sean can reshape Suzuo anytime and anywhere.

   Two big bone hands protruded at the same time, grabbing into the empty void, and then the air began to twist, blurring all vision, and only a piercing neigh was heard, full of pain, panic, and inevitable resentment.

   The pupil power converges, the big windmill disappears, Suzuo's huge body disappears between the sky and the earth, and Xiao En's body once again appears above the sea, but his face is not good at this time.

   Even though he caught the traces of Fillmores at the last moment, he still took a step slower and let it escape. Of course, although he escaped by chance, Fillmores was not well.

   reached out his hand to wipe the blood and tears from his eyes, Xiao En looked at the pair of golden wings floating in front of him, this was the last moment Suzuo tore alive from the feathered snake.

   "I hope you won't meet me again."

The voice was flat but cold and deep. Looking at the undulating sea, Sean casually put away the pair of feathered snake gold wings, burned his blood, and lost this important pair of gold wings. This feathered snake won't die. It will also suffer heavy losses, and future growth will be affected irreparably.

   Roar, the sound of the dragon's roar sounded, and Sean steered Smaug out of the sea, not knowing when the gloomy sky had cleared, and strands of golden sunlight were hanging down.


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