Greenfield Town, underground laboratory, Sean stayed here for several days.

As a wizard, Sean has been involved in potions and alchemy, but compared to potions, Sean has done more in alchemy, because he has thought about making strange objects by himself and then transforming them. As the source of power, let yourself have a stable source of source of power.

   This idea is not completely impossible, but it has two premises, one is superb alchemy skills, and the other is sufficient raw materials, and both of these points are currently lacking in Sean.

   The second floor of the laboratory is brightly lit.

   A tall figure stood in the laboratory, and Sean and Aneth were constantly observing and recording something beside him.

   The figure is four or five meters tall and has a sturdy figure. Wearing a bear ear cap, it looks like a giant bear standing up, and its face is exactly the same as the king of the world of One Piece, Qiwuhai tyrant bear.

   [Item]: Pacifist

   [evaluation]: A black technology creation from the world of One Piece.

  [Price]: 7 source power points

   "Master, this and this construct is a bit special, and its structure, especially the energy system, is very different from those I have known before."

   After recording the data, looking at the tall construct in front of him, let's call it the construct, Aneth's expression was a little puzzled.

   "Of course, this thing uses mechanical power, which is naturally different from the previous constructs, but this time I hope to combine the two."

Construct is a kind of witchcraft creation, and it is also Sean’s key research direction during this time, because he wants to combine the construct with the ability of his soul fruit, but the general construct can’t meet his needs. , So he exchanged the pacifists out, wanting to find a breakthrough in this.

   The construct originated from the war weapon alchemy golem of the wizard. Later, it gradually expanded through development and completely separated from the path of the alchemy golem. It even spawned a special branch of the wizard, the construction wizard.

There are two types of constructs. One is a semi-independent construct. This construct has its own energy system and can burst out a certain strength by itself. The advantage is that it is easy to control and can form a scale. The disadvantage is that a single strength is usually Limited, the behavior is relatively dull. One type is subsidiary constructs. This construct does not have a complete and independent energy system. A single construct is a dead object without any power, but this construct can interact with The power of the wizard is perfectly combined, bursting out the power that makes people look at it, which is the so-called constructed wizard.

   Sean naturally did not have the idea of ​​becoming a construct wizard, but if he could really realize the idea in his heart, he might become a construct wizard who is not a construct wizard in the eyes of others.

   And when Sean was still immersed in his own research, a storm on the sea breeze quietly set off.

  The sea breeze is blowing, and a fleet of ships with golden oak flags is full of sails, and it cuts the waves at a very fast speed.

   "Sir, at this speed we will reach Monfitos soon."

   "Yeah, it's finally here."

Sir Link’s voice is very low and low, but there is a hint of eagerness that can’t be concealed. As the head of the Montere family’s new and old continent routes, Link has been to Monfitos many times, but not like today. Urgent too.

   could not help but touch his chest, and Link looked into the distance with a smile on his face.

   An unnamed island, in the shade, a huge iron-clad ship is docked here quietly. It is the Hunter of the Red Eagle Fleet of the Bald Eagle Kingdom.

   The soldiers on the ship performed their duties, fully armed, without a trace of sloppyness. They didn't seem to be stopping here for rest and supplies, but rather like waiting for something.

   "Colonel, the prey has appeared."

   In the officer's room, a soldier awakened a man in military uniform who closed his eyes and meditated, sitting in a large backrest chair.

   "Is it finally here."

   opened his eyes, and a cold smile was outlined at the corner of the Bald Eagle Kingdom Navy Colonel Leon Bisett's mouth.

Tugging the Feng Ji buckle, tidying up his military uniform, Leon Bisset strode out, for the prey, he has been in this place where the birds do not **** for several days, but fortunately, the Kingdom Intelligence Bureau. The intelligence is as reliable as ever. Although he doesn't like those sullen guys, he has to admit that they are great.

   The bugle blew, and the seamen on the Hunter quickly started operating like a clockwork machine.

   On the deck, with a cigar in his hand, Leon was standing on the bow, looking into the distance, his deputy Talibu Tell was standing on the side.

   "Colonel, do we really want to do this? The other party is different from the caravans we prepared before, and the power behind it is not weak."

   The tone is low, and Talib Thiel has some doubts in his heart. For such a little financial, it is not worth the loss to move this kind of caravan with a strong background. Of course, it is also because he has a good relationship with Leon that he asked this question.

   "Hey, if the power behind it is small, I might not touch it this time."

   For his friends, Leon has nothing to hide from him at this time.

"Although we are pursuing the truth about the Omar tragedy in name this time, in fact this matter has already been taken over by the white gloves of the CIA. Our real task is to establish the authority of the bald eagle in this sea and suppress the Soviet Union. Tilt, the progress is good, but not enough."

   Speaking of this, Leon paused, UU reading spit out a faint smoke ring.

   "The people of Sutilt or Menfitos are more tolerant than we expected. We need to find a chance to step them on the soles of our feet more cleanly. That's why we have this action."

   The tone is low but very powerful, Leon's face has an undisguised smile, which is the pride of his own country, but also the contempt of Sutilt.

   "It turned out to be like this."

   After listening to Leon’s words, Talibu Tell was thoughtful. Some of the things Leon just said he knew, but some did not.

   "Of course, the reason for choosing this one is mainly because they have a very precious thing in their hands, Atolia's tears, which was named by a big man."

   Looking at the thoughtful Talib, Leon added another sentence.

   "The tears of Attoria, the tears of the legendary goddess, the treasure in the sea!"

   Hearing Leon's words, Talib couldn't hide his surprise.

Atolia’s Tears This treasure or this kind of treasure has a great reputation in the sea. It is rumored that she is the tears left by the sea goddess Atolia. It has the function of washing the soul. Of course, the real The Tears of Attoria actually have nothing to do with Attoria, the goddess of the sea, at least not directly related to it. It is a miracle of mysterious forces gathering in the sea under certain conditions.

   "So you think we chose the wrong goal?"

   turned around, Leon looked at Talib with scorching eyes.

   "No, this is a choice of fate."

   "Haha, yes, this is the decision of fate."

   laughed loudly, Leon’s laughter spread far, far away, accompanied by the roar of the steam engine.


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