Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 167: Look at each other in the air

   rumbling, the mud surging, Barbarossa's body was buried in the ground by Sean, this is the respect that Sean gave to this opponent.

   And when Sean buried Barbarossa's body, a cold murderous intent suddenly enveloped him.

  咻, a sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a spear suddenly shot from a distance at an extremely fast speed, and the target was directed at Sean.

   The spear is very ordinary, both in style and essence, but the power entangled in the spear is not ordinary.

   was as bright as gold, piercing the obstacles of the air, turning into a stream of light, and the spear came to Xiao En in an instant.

The sharp light continued to magnify, making Sean's originally vague sight even more distorted, and the cold murderous intent made Sean shine in his back, but at this moment, Sean did not have enough power to block the blow, even if it was. Fighting to become blind is the same with Suzano again, because the blow came too fast.

   Death seemed to be near, but Sean did not make any defense, because he had already seen the future.

  Huh, the wind whistling, shadows covered, a tall white beard figure suddenly appeared in front of Xiao En.

   The red light flashed in his eyes, his fingers spread out, and he squeezed it lightly. Under the seemingly random movement, the white beard just caught the spear that turned into a streamer.

   Looking closely, Baibeard's palm did not touch the spear tip of the spear, but the shocking force in his hand kept colliding with the power entwined with the spear.

   One platinum and one gold, two forces with different natures but the same overbearing force are like two beasts, constantly biting between square inches, endlessly dying.

   thorn, the dark thunder and lightning flashes, although subtle, it makes people feel palpitating, because this is not a real thunder and lightning but a space crack.

   hum, stalemate for a while, the golden light suddenly dimmed, in the case of subsequent weakness, it is not the opponent of the white beard's shock power after all.

  Hu, the breeze was blowing, without the shelter of golden power, the spear of ordinary material instantly turned into fly ash under the shock of the white beard, and scattered with the wind.

   Put down his palms, raised his head, and looked far away. From a long distance away, the white beard and the pair of pure gold pupils on the city wall of Gattuso looked at each other.

   "Heh, white beard, let's go, it's not the time yet."

   glanced at Gattuso City, Sean turned and walked back.

   Hearing the words, Baibeard withdrew his gaze and followed closely behind.

   Above the city wall of Gattuso, looking at the backs of Sean and White Beard, although Gatto Rhein looked calm on the surface, the killing intent in his heart was violently boiling.

Although he doesn’t want to see Barrorik because of his different positions, he would not watch Barrorik die without being indifferent under the circumstances. He would even pay a price if possible. He tried to rescue Baroric, but it was a pity that Baroric's last blow was too fierce. Either you die or I die, leaving no room at all.

   In such a situation, what Cato Rhein can do is kill Sean. This is not only to avenge Baroque, but also to eliminate hidden dangers.

In the battle just now, Catu Rhein is all in his eyes. No matter Baroque’s knife talk before, sadness, upstream river, and the later Tibetan front, endless storm, all belong to the fifth-order power, one is weird and the other is strong. And Sean, who was able to block these two moves and kill Baroque, was naturally stronger.

For such an enemy, it’s better to die naturally, so to catch Sean’s weakness, Cato Rhein takes action, and even in order to be able to get a hit, he also used his own fundamental power, but unfortunately he didn’t think of Sean. There is a strong man around him, even more terrifying.

   suppressed the killing intent in his heart and watched the silhouettes of Sean and White Beard fade away. Catu Rhein didn't make any more moves. It was not the time yet.

   Sean and White Beard leave temporarily, but the war is still going on. Although Sean’s arrival of the tree world has caused terrible damage to the orcs, the situation on the front battlefield is still not optimistic.

Under the increase of the banner of glory, that part of the orcs is not afraid of death, just like a sharp knife, constantly piercing the heart of the human coalition army. The most terrifying thing is that this is still an unbreakable sharp knife, even with the increase of the banner of glory. When the orcs were killed, another orc would get the boost of the banner of glory, and then continue to rush up. In this situation, the ratio of the battle damage between the human coalition and the orcs has always been high.

   If it were not for the high-end combat power of the human coalition to occupy the upper hand, then the human coalition on the frontal battlefield might have been defeated.

   "Order the artillery to fire, and at the same time order the artillery of the large fleet to coordinate."

   glanced at the situation on the battlefield again, Maz Kanilunka gave such an order without expression, but from his quietly clenched hands, it can be seen that his heart is not at peace at this time.

   "Yes, commander in command."

   The order was passed, and the faces of the officers in the temporary command headquarters were not pretty.

At this moment, the powerhouses of all forces are basically on the front line. Most of the staff who stay here are staff officers. To be honest, before the war began, they actually didn't think much of the orcs, even if Gattuso had fallen. , Because humans have been the overlords of this world since a long time ago, not to mention that they have war weapons and artillery, and the orcs only have big swords and spears, they never thought that the war would reach such a point.

   The Light of the North.

   "General, this is the latest command from the command."

   In a few words, the adjutant handed the document to Joey.

   He glanced away, and Joey's brow furrowed slightly.

   "It seems that the orcs really pushed Maz Kanilenko in a hurry."

   Standing above the sea, Joey can only understand the situation on the frontal battlefield. He did not expect that the situation on the frontal battlefield would deteriorate to this point in a short period of time.

   "Order the ships to quickly adjust the gun positions, and target the rear group of the orcs."

  Although he had other thoughts in his mind, at this moment Joey still fulfilled his duty as a soldier.

   Boom boom boom, the explosion resounded across the world, and the fiery fire light brightened the world.

   The newly-built artillery positions and thousands of artillery pieces of the large fleet fired at the same For a time, the second half of the frontal battlefield was completely enveloped in flames and smoke.

  The artillery washes the ground, and the cannonballs are like rain. In this situation, even the brave orcs are afraid, and only those who are boosted by the banner of glory are still fearless.

   Under the shroud of artillery fire, the casualties of the orcs rose rapidly, and the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed. The orcs' violent offensive momentum was strongly interrupted.

   With the help of artillery, the situation on the battlefield seems to be deflecting in a favorable direction for the human coalition forces, but in fact, this is just appearance.

In the fierce battle, the orcs and the human coalition have long been mingled together. The so-called orc army rear group actually has a human army. Under such artillery baptism, not only the orcs but also the humans are killed. It's just that the number is less than that of the orcs.

Killing is actually second. The most terrifying thing is that once this practice spreads, it will be a devastating blow to the morale of the human coalition forces. With this approach, the human coalition forces will not completely change the situation on the battlefield in a short period of time. , Then only failure will be waiting.

   Gattuso, standing on the city wall, looking at the orc troops shrouded in artillery fire, Gattus Rhein’s expression was calm, just standing there, watching quietly, without any movement.



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