"Now that you have a good idea, then go down the mountain."

   Under the golden oak, looking at the disciple he had taught for ten years, Sean's expression was vaguely complicated.

   "Yes, teacher, I will come back to visit you from time to time."

   Looking at Sean's old face, Caesar's heart suddenly felt a little sad. After all, in his heart, Sean, like his father, was the closest person in his life.

   "Go, go, this is a responsibility you can't escape."

   turned around and stopped looking at Caesar, Sean looked into the distance with his godless eyes.

   "Teacher, I'm leaving."

   With a salute, Caesar turned and left, but just as he was about to walk out of the area covered by golden oak, a fist-sized apple shaped white fruit fell from the tree.

"This is······"

   reached out his hand to catch this strange fruit, Caesar's face was astonished for a moment. After living here for ten years, he never knew that this golden oak would still bear fruit.

   "Take it away, this is a gift it gave you."

   Sean’s voice sounded, and a breeze blew, and the branches and leaves of the golden oak rustled, as if echoing something.

   "Thank you, teacher."

   With this strange fruit, Caesar left the place where he had lived for ten years.

   "Teacher, has Caesar gone?"

   A crisp voice sounded, and a young girl came over.

   "Well, I just went down the mountain."

   "Ah, then I will send him off."

   As he said, the girl hurried down the mountain. She was an orphan that Sean brought back from outside five years ago. She named Alice. She is now twenty years old and is the second disciple accepted by Sean.

   Looking at the back of Alice hurriedly leaving, Sean's expression was deep.

   "The seeds have been planted. I don't know what kind of fruit will eventually come out. Is it sweet or bitter?"

   stretched out his hand, spread it out, and then slowly closed it again, Sean seemed to have not grasped anything, and it seemed that he had grasped something.

   The next six years will be six years of wars, six years of raging fire and blood, and six years of vegetarian island humans moving from darkness to light.

After inheriting the position of leader of the Yashan tribe, Caesar changed the Yashan tribe to the Longya Kingdom. He considered himself the first king. On the basis of ten years, he carried out a comprehensive reform of the kingdom, confirmed a clear class system, and promulgated it. With the first complete set of laws, Asan gradually moved from the barbaric age to the civilized age.

   After the establishment of the kingdom, Caesar made great efforts to promote reforms internally, launched wars externally, and transferred some of the contradictions accumulated in the reforms to the outside through wars.

   This process is destined to be tortuous and requires bloodshed, but with strong force and a group of diehard support, under the leadership of Caesar, the Kingdom of Longfang has embarked on the fast lane of development.

   At the same time, the Sacred Oak Church was quietly established on that unnamed hill, and Sean began to recruit disciples on a large scale to teach spiritual martial arts after his improvement.

The original spiritual martial art has five levels: deep sleep, meditation, fetal breath, forgetfulness, and manifestation. The upper limit is very high. It is comparable to the fifth or even sixth level of the Boya Great World. However, although the spiritual martial art focuses on the mind, The point is still above the physical body.

The mind is the embodiment of the realm, and the body is the bearer of power. At least in the early stage, the stronger the mind, the higher the requirements on the body. Once the gap between the two is too large, the body is likely to be affected by the powerful mind. It is crushed, and the strength of the body does not come out of thin air. It needs external energy to fill it. It is a pity that the Ark World does not have such high-energy substances, which cannot meet the needs of the later stage of the spiritual martial arts.

Although the spiritual martial art after Xiao En’s improvement is not high, it can only go to the point of entering Ding, roughly equivalent to the third level, but it also has its own advantages, low threshold, easy entry, and less demand for materials. There are shortcuts at the deep sleep level.

Three years later, the first group of disciples went down the mountain. Although these disciples had only a deep sleep level, equivalent to the first- and second-order transcendents, they were already very powerful compared to the more ordinary people on the vegetarian island. The twelve most powerful people in this group were all given an animal devil fruit by Sean, which made them more powerful. Of course, they were blessed by the golden oak and were given the sacred fruit.

With the help of the Church of Sacred Oak, the momentum of the Dragon Tooth Kingdom has become more fierce. Three years later, the unification of the Vegetarian Island was finally completed. Since then, the first unified kingdom in the history of the Ark World has appeared, and its name is Dragon. tooth.

   With the unification of the Dragon Tooth Kingdom, the Sacred Oak Church, whose roots have penetrated into all aspects of the Dragon Tooth Kingdom, naturally became the state religion of the Dragon Tooth Kingdom.

In the first year of the Kingdom’s calendar, today’s sacred mountain, the unnamed hill in the past, thousands of citizens and nobles gathered together. They will witness history. Of course, ordinary citizens can only stay at the foot of the mountain, and only nobles can truly climb. Go up to the sacred mountain and watch the ceremony up close.


   Wearing luxurious clothes, Caesar knelt in front of Sean on one knee.

The Sacred Oak Church is dedicated to the guardian of nature and the master of life. The father of the oak is the only true god, and Sean is regarded as the surrogate of the father of the oak in the world, the angel walking on the ground, Caesar, the king of the dragon tooth kingdom He called himself a godson.

   "Caesar, you are the king of dragon teeth and the son of Father Oak. From now on you can carry the hope of your people and hold the glory that God has given you."

   With the passage of time, Sean's face seems to be getting older ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but his voice is still as kind as before, but at this moment Caesar's heart is somewhat complicated.

   "I will, godfather."

   kept his face serious, and at this moment Caesar’s words were full of piety.

   "I believe in you, boy."

   stretched out his hand and broke the thorn that was entwined with the golden oak, and Sean woven it into a crown.

   "May you wear thorns and glory on your head, and God be with you."

   The voice fell, and Sean put the crown of thorns on Caesar's head.

Om, the golden brilliance is flowing. The moment when Caesar puts on the crown of thorns, the golden brilliance flows out from the branches of golden oak, filling the whole holy mountain. Under the shroud of brilliance, everyone feels their own body. It was a little easier, and Caesar's feeling was the most obvious among them.

The    ceremony is over. This is a rich and colorful stroke in the human history of the Ark World. It symbolizes the beginning of the monarchy and divine authorization, and it also marks the beginning of a new chapter in human history.

   "Does gods really exist?"

   Boarded the luxurious dragon cart and looked at the ordinary sacred mountain once again, Caesar's eyes were deep.



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