Emerald Crown, Cliff Canyon, Sean and White Beard are engaged in daily duel exercises. Compared with the wizarding path that focuses on accumulation and research, knights or physical skills require more combat training.

Boom, the air bursts and blows up air waves. In physical skills, Sean is definitely not as hard as Whitebeard, but he has a mental level of forgetfulness, and he can control himself in a short time. There are back and forth.

  Hu, sweat transpired and turned into a mist visible to the naked eye. Under the influence of Sean, the white beard's soul finally grew to a level that completely matched the physical body. At this time, his physical strength alone can rival the fifth-order transcendent.

   clicked, the sound of broken bones sounded, and Sean's right arm was directly fractured in the last collision.

   "Well, Baibeard, let's stop here today."

   glanced at the drooped right arm, and Sean spoke to end the battle.

   Muscle rhythm, accompanied by a clicking sound, Xiao En's right arm, which had been slumped down, regained strength again. This is an application of life return.

   "White Beard, you may be able to work **** the return of life in the future, and study it in depth."

   Feeling the effect of the return of life, looking at the white beard, Xiao En said.

The shocking fruit of the white beard is indeed powerful and even domineering in attack, but it is easy to break. This kind of power kills the enemy while also hurting himself, although there are many treasures in the Boya world that can heal This kind of injury on White Beard's body, but after all, only treats the symptoms and not the root cause, and as the white beard continues to grow stronger, the treasures that can play a role must be cherished more and more, and if the white beard can make a breakthrough on the basis of returning his life , Then he can avoid this kind of damage to the greatest extent with the help of the power of life return.

   "I see, Baron."

   Whitebeard would naturally not object to Sean's words.

   "By the way, Whitebeard, how long will it take you to go further on the road of knights, break through the fourth-order great knight and become the fifth-order glorious knight."

   took the towel that Gurea handed over and wiped the sweat off his face, Xiao En asked casually.


   The white beard's deep voice sounded.


   Hearing this, Sean couldn't help but stunned.

Although Baibeard’s current combat power has reached Tier 5, the breakthrough of the knight’s path has a different meaning. The increase in combat power is second. The most important thing is the transformation of the essence of life, from ordinary life to legendary life. , The most intuitive embodiment is the substantial extension of life.

Although due to the extremely violent nature of the fighting spirit, the extraordinary person of the knight pathway can not increase the life span of the extraordinary way like the wizard at the fifth stage, but the glory knight of the fifth stage can live for three hundred years under normal circumstances, for the average person. This is a long time, no different from a legend.

   "Anytime, why..."

   At this point, Sean suddenly stopped talking, and he thought of something important.

   "Life Metal?"

   raised his eyebrows, and Xiao En thought of the possibility that White Beard hadn't crossed the fifth order for a long time.

Life metal does not specifically refer to a certain type of extraordinary metal, but refers to a certain type of extraordinary metal. This type of extraordinary metal has a common feature, that is, it can completely blend with grudge and complete the leap between matter and energy. Stay in the human body in a special form.

   Among the four common transcendent metals, black iron, chalcocite, mithril, and pure gold, only pure gold is the living metal, and the transcendents who value most of the living metal are often knights.

  The knight supernatural person believes that there are three shackles on a person's body, from the outside to the inside, which restrains the person's vindictiveness, flesh, and blood. Opening these three shackles can free life.

   Although it is impossible for life to be truly free, after opening these three shackles, the knight can indeed complete a life transformation, and this is what the knight road must do at the fifth level.

There are two thresholds for a fourth-order knight to become a fifth-order glorious knight. The first threshold is to condense one's will to reach the standard of will like steel, and the second threshold is to open the yoke of qi and complete vindictiveness. The sublimation.

The secret qi shackles fetter the source of fighting qi. Although this **** limits the growth of the knight’s fighting qi, it is also a protection for the knight to some extent. After all, fighting qi is a very violent force in nature, which is too fast. Growth will make the knight's body and spirit unbearable, and after opening the qi shackles, protection will disappear at the same time as the shackles. In addition to qualitative changes, the fighting qi in the knight will usher in terrifying quantitative changes.

   The vindictiveness in the knight is likely to rise tenfold or even more in the short instant when the chains of Qi are opened, and this leap-forward growth is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the knight.

In the period when the road of knights just appeared and was not perfect, in order to break through the fifth rank, I do not know how many talented knights fell on this step. It was not until one day that a knight discovered the magical effect of life metal by accident. The knight’s path to the fifth rank.

   Fighting qi violent, in order to prevent the violent fighting qi from smashing the knight's body and spirit after the chain of qi is cut off, the knight needs to use other things to share this pressure ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the most important role of life metal.

Life Metal has a strong absorbing effect on fighting qi, and can effectively share the pressure of the knight, allowing the knight to complete the transformation smoothly. After the life metal has absorbed the knight’s fighting qi, it naturally has a deep connection with the knight. According to this point, the knights Created a special strange thing exclusively for them, they called it the Glory Arms.

The emergence of Glory Arms laid the road for the fifth-tier knight and guaranteed its superiority over other transcendent ways. Under normal circumstances, if a knight is not armed with Glory, even if he is lucky enough to survive the violent baptism of vindictiveness, eventually The amount of fighting energy that can stay in the body is probably less than 30% of the total increase, and the growth of strength is limited. With the glory armed, the number of fighting energy that the knight can finally leave may reach 60% of the total, or even more. These are two completely. Different results, the knights armed with glory and the knights without glory are not on the same level.

   The thoughts in his heart turned, and Sean's brows frowned.

The amount of life metal itself is not many, coupled with its special role, its value can be imagined, the worst known life metal in the Boya World has fourth-order, and this life metal Although it is possible to make Glory Arms, the effect is not ideal. The most important thing is that even Sean, the worst life metal, does not have it.



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