In Greenfield Town, after temporarily stabilizing the situation of the wasteland world fragments, Sean and Whitebeard left there and returned to Greenfield Town, leaving the Viper alone to build his planned breeding farm. Of course Now that Sean has agreed to his plan, he will naturally invest the corresponding manpower and material resources in the follow-up.

As Sean returned to Lvye Town, Lvye Town was completely stabilized, because all the senior officials knew that the crisis faced by Lvye Town had passed, and the clouds that had been hanging over Luye Town unknowingly were quietly covered by the wind. Blown away.

   And shortly after Sean returned to Greenfield Town, the space portal between Shipwreck Bay and Greenfield Town finally reached the time to open again.

   "Baron, this is the harvest of our trip."

   In the study, Kyle handed the soul-binding bag containing the wraith spirit to Sean.

Seeing this thing, Sean’s expression has changed slightly. This time he has gained a lot from the wasteland fragments. In addition to the 650 source power points contributed by the spear of power, he also collected some other strange things and transformed them into With 45 source power points, plus what he had before, there are 720 personal source power points.

   This number seems to be a lot, but when he thinks about the things he wants to exchange, Sean feels that it is not enough. It takes 700 source power points for a planned Mountain League Gu alone.

   hum, the power of the soul is permeated, wrapping the entire study room, and Sean opens the soul-binding bag.

   woo, woo, woo, the cold wind whistling, at the moment when Sean opened the soul-binding bag, a cloud of erratic or solid black air roared out from inside, rendering the entire study into a dim darkness.

   Seeing such a scene, a smile was drawn on the corner of Xiao En's mouth, and the number of resentful spirits was a little more than he expected.

Thoughts kept turning, and as Sean’s soul power condensed, these resentful spirits that were still whistling and running around were like balloons that were squeezed out, suddenly collapsed into a cloud of smoke, and slowly disappeared, and At the same time, Sean got 630 source power points. At this moment, adding the previous 720 source power points, Sean has a total of 1,350 source power points, which is a record high.

   "Baron, there are still some resentful spirits in the Shipwreck Bay, but the number is relatively small, and the hidden ones are relatively deep. It may take a while to catch them."

   At this time, looking at the smile on Sean's face, Kyle continued to speak.

   "Well, this is nothing. I can wait for a while. You did a good job this time."

   With sufficient source power, the smile on Xiao En's face is also a lot brighter.

   "This is what I should do. If you don't tell me otherwise, I will return to the lost land of Shipwreck Bay."

   Hearing the praise, Kyle's expression did not change in any way. To some extent, he was just a robot without emotion.

   "Well, you go."

   Naturally, he didn't hinder his thoughts about Kyle Sean, who is dedicated to his duties, and he really needs a source of strength.

   After Kyle left, tasting the black tea in the cup, and pondering for a while, Sean sank his consciousness into the door of the infinite.

Looking at the colorful bubbles in the vast void, Xiao En first pulled the Mountain League Gu that he had decided to exchange. This was what he had planned for a long time, and then Xiao En added the other two bubbles. Pulled over.

   [Item]: Book of Runes (Missing, only one page)

   [Evaluation]: A mysterious book page from the Rune Continent, which records 30 primary, ten intermediate runes and a high-level rune named Dark Harvest, which touches the profound meaning of the soul.

  [Price]: 500 source power points


   [Item]: Burning fruit

   [Evaluation]: A magical fruit from the world of One Piece, with a little flame.

  [Price]: 50 source power points

Looking at these two things, Sean's mind turned, burning the fruit. Needless to say, as a powerful natural devil fruit, since it is encountered, Sean will naturally exchange it out without losing the source of strength, not to mention This fruit is more compatible with Smaug.

The most important thing is that Smaug itself is only a hybrid, and has basically reached the end of its potential by Tier 4. If it cannot achieve the limit breakthrough, then in the future it may not be able to keep up with Sean's pace, and in this way In the case of burning the fruit may be able to bring some changes to it.

Of course, compared to burning the fruit, Shaun values ​​the book of runes more. Runes are the most fundamental knowledge of the Rune Continent. They once supported the gods and exalted the throne. Many occult knowledge in the Liberal World are similar or similar. If we can conduct in-depth research, it will be of great benefit to Sean’s wizarding path. The most important thing is that most of the runes recorded in this rune book page It is all related to the soul, and there is even a high-level rune on the side of the soul, Dark Harvest. Under such circumstances, Sean will not give up.

   had an idea in his heart, settled his attention, the 1,250 source power points quietly disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, Sean's source power points returned to three digits, exactly 100 points.

   Three days later, the transformation of the burning fruit was completed, and Sean took the burning fruit and found Smaug.

The crown of emerald, the valley of dragons, since Sean exchanged for the Xiaolong Pit, Smaug has not gone there. He has occupied this place for a long time and is sleeping here. As for the wind **** pterosaur Sliss, he can only watch from the side. .

I have to say that the Xiaolong Pit is really helpful for the growth of the Variety Dragon. I haven’t seen it for a few months. Although Smaug’s body shape has not changed, the scales are heavier and the claws are sharper. Engraved with a faint dragon entanglement.

   At this moment, anyone who doesn't know when they see Smaug will think it is a flame flying dragon that has reached the prime of life, and no one would have thought that it was just a little guy who was less than ten years old.

   Roar, aware of Sean's approach, Smaug opened his eyes and let out an intimate growl.

   咚, 咚, 咚, stepping forward, Smaug finally walked out of the Dragon Pit for the first time, and Salis, who had been napping beside him before seeing this scene, suddenly opened his eyes.

   "Take this thing, it should help you a little bit."

   Touched Smaug's head stretched out, feeling the scorching sensation in his palm, Sean took out the natural burned fruit that he had prepared long ago.

   Seeing the fruit and hearing Sean's words, Smaug opened his mouth and swallowed the fruit, and then couldn't help letting out a roar full of pain.

   But after a brief period of pain, Smaug felt heartfelt joy, because it sensed that the bloodline that had fallen into silence in its body became active again.

   roar, roar in the sky, shaking the emerald crown, Smaug vented his joy recklessly, and Xiao En showed a smile on his face when he saw this scene.



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