"Baron Sean, don't you really come back to Lenz with me? I want to have a grand banquet to entertain you, Baron."

   On the deck, Yaros retained Sean who wanted to leave.

   "No, the time of coming out this time has exceeded expectations. There are still many things in the territory waiting for me to deal with."

   In words, Sean expressed his rejection.

   Hearing this, Yaros understood that Sean was really determined, and the reasons given were reasonable.

   "If that's the case, then I won't stay too much. It's just a pity. I want to communicate with you, Baron Sean."

   "There will be a chance, Mr. Yaros, then I will leave."

   said, Sean fell on Smaug's back.

  Huh, the air swirling, flapping his wings, Smaug headed away.

   Looking at the smaller and smaller figure of Sean, the smile on Yaros's face gradually reduced, and his face became gloomy.

   "Are you sure this has nothing to do with him?"

   "Yes, we have tested various methods during this period, and we can be sure that the Baron Sean and his dragon species stayed on the ship during that period and never left."

   At some point, a figure came behind Yaros.

   "How many other people?"

   "It's been confirmed that these people were on the ship during that time, and they never left the fleet."

   Hearing this, Yaros looked even more ugly.

The public treasure house and the treasures of the Max family were missing, which touched the sensitive nerves of Yaros and the other three people, because it not only means a valuable asset, but also means that someone is likely to know the truth about the Lenz City incident. This is intolerable for them.

   "It seems that the suspicion of the Baron Sean has been ruled out."

   A soft and weak voice sounded, Delphi also came to the deck, and Lei Lian was walking with her.

   Compared to Yaros, Delphi's appearance has changed more intensely. If she used to be a very feminine lady, then she is now a beautiful snake, and her every move exudes feminine charm.

   "Well, it shouldn't be him."

   Glancing at Delphi, Yaros's sullen expression has faded a little.

After eliminating Sean’s suspicion, Yaros’s feelings are complicated. On the one hand, he feels that Sean’s suspicions are great. After all, people who can do such things are not weak. The number of such people is limited. Among them, Sean is the most suspicious, because this is the only person he can’t see through. Now that Sean’s suspicion has been ruled out, it means that he guessed wrong, and the clues for tracing are broken again. On the other hand, Sean’s suspicion is ruled out. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart, because he found that even if part of the gods were fused, he would probably not be Sean's opponent if he really fought against him. This feeling is a bit absurd, but the inexplicable Yaros That’s how it feels, the most important thing is that Sean is not alone, not to mention the Montel family behind him, as far as he got the news from Holkins, Sean’s Greenfield Town has a genuine Tier 5 combat power. , This is a factor he has to consider.

   "Then the biggest suspect now is Czech Spin?"

   Eyes raised slightly, Delphi spoke again.

   "Yes, but this guy seems to have evaporated, so far we have not found any clues."

   Speaking of this, Yaros couldn't help but shook his head.

After this happened, apart from those Tier 4 transcendents, the most suspicious person in their hearts was Czech Spin. Although this person was only a Tier 2 transcendent in their data, the information on these phones is inevitable. There will be mistakes and omissions. It is very possible that a person like Czech Spean has hidden his strength from outsiders. This is entirely possible. In the Lenz City incident, Czech Spean is a role that cannot be ignored. He has run through the whole story, and knows the truth far better than many people. It is not impossible to grasp the opportunity and seize the loopholes to achieve success.

   "If it is Czech Spin, it is normal to find no trace. After all, this is a really smart person. Since he dares to do such a thing, he will naturally prepare for his escape in advance."

   At this time, Lei Lian also spoke.

   "It's true, but if it's him, it won't be a threat even if it can't be found."

Regarding Delphi’s remarks, both Yaros and Lelian agreed. Czech Spin’s background and role in this matter made it impossible for him to inform the secret, because what happened to the four of them would be. Certainly, Czech Spin will undoubtedly die.

   "Abandon the search on the surface and continue the investigation secretly. If it is really Czech Spin, we still can't push him in a hurry."

   Pensively for a while, Yaros offered his opinion.



  On the deck, the three permanent members of Lenz City reached an agreement on the theft of the treasure house.

   High in the sky, looking back at the fleet that had become a small black spot, the corner of Sean's mouth outlined a nice arc.

He doesn't want to go to Lenz City at present, not to mention that he ransacked the treasure there. In the process of getting along before, he has determined that the three Lenz City councillors, Yaros, Delphi and Relian, have integrated part of the sea. The **** of the strange mother, under such circumstances, he will not go to Lenz unless his head is dizzy.

   Maybe Lenz City has not changed on the surface, but Sean believes that some things in his bones have begun to change.

Although the mother of the sea monster has fallen with a high probability, Sean does not have too many thoughts of overlapping with the other party. The previous half-dead true **** has made him suffer a sorrow and forced a deal with him. After leaving his eyes, how could this mother of sea monsters, who obviously had a back hand, be so annoying?

   The thoughts turned, and there was a trace of pity on Sean's face.

   "When you thought Max was a poor worm, how could you know that you are the same."

   Although things have just begun, Sean seems to have seen the end of Yaros.

   "I will pay attention to the state of Lenz in the future, there may be surprises."

   Thinking like this, Sean's figure disappeared into the clouds.

   One month later ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the harvested Sean returned to Greenfield Town.

   Lord’s Mansion, Study Room. Looking at the three things on the table, Sean fell into contemplation. These three things were deep-sea sinking copper, space debris, and a scroll.

After looting and the rewards later, the deep-sea sinking copper in Sean’s hands has already weighed 70 kilograms, enough to build a glorious weapon, but Sean always felt that this was a lot worse for Whitebeard, and could only be used as an alternative, or Said auxiliary materials.

   And the amount of space debris is more, this time plus the previous ones, Sean has 130 drops in total, this amount is enough for him to build a new world gate.

   But if it's true in terms of pure value, neither the living metal deep-sea copper sink nor the space debris can compare to the last scroll.

The Frozen Throne, the secret of the blood wizard, the inheritance that Max got under the guidance of the Wishing Nut, the rank is as high as seven, it is what Sean found in Max’s treasury. This is a complete surprise. Shaun didn't see this thing in Max's memory before, and it was not until he saw the notes above that he could determine the origin and authenticity of this thing.

"this thing······"

   Looking at the scrolls on the desktop, Sean's expression was a little gloomy, making it hard to see clearly.



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