"Is this the former Dragonite? Really a kind of humble creature."

   At high altitude, three airships were suspended quietly. Two of them were tattered and dumped garbage ships. Although the other was smaller than them, the decoration was much more gorgeous.

   "Master, what is said is that these criminals are the most humble people in the world with the dirtiest blood flowing in them."

   On the airship, upon hearing the previous words, an old man with the appearance of a housekeeper immediately agreed.

   "Although he is a humble creature, the young master is in a good mood today, and I will reward them with this piece of barbecue."

   As he said, the young man called the young master threw the fragrant little lamb that was roasted on the table from the airship.

   "Untouchables, cheer, this is a gift from the young master to you."

   The searchlight was on, and accompanied by the sharp voice of the housekeeper, the greasy roasted whole lamb landed on the trash mountain under the green eyes of everyone.

   Because of the special attention of the searchlight, everyone around the garbage mountain basically saw this whole roasted lamb at this moment.

   gurgling, it was the sound of saliva swallowing. Some people in Marijoa have not eaten a bite of meat since they were born, and when the aroma of barbecue mixed with the smell of garbage reaches their noses, they are crazy.

   "That's mine, that's mine."

   After a short silence, countless figures rushed from the darkness to the light.

   "Give me to die."

   The first person to arrive has just touched the roast lamb in his palm. Before he can taste it, his head is blossomed from behind.

  嘭, the body fell down, and the warm blood added a different color to the golden roasted whole lamb.

   "Haha, it's mine."

   Throwing away the body of the first person, the second person grabbed the roasted whole lamb and took a big bite, not caring about the red blood infested on it.

   "Bring me here."

More people arrived, and more fierce snatching began. As time passed, more and more bodies fell to the ground, and the surrounding area was gradually stained red with blood. There is no doubt that this was a murder caused by a whole roasted lamb. , It sounds ridiculous, but in fact it is more of a kind of sorrow.

   "Haha, old Bata, do you see if they are like wild dogs grabbing bones."

   On the airship, watching the situation on the ground, the young man let out a cheerful laugh.

   "Like, Master."

   Hearing what the young man said, the old butler agreed as always.

   "Next time we have time, we will feed the dog again. It's quite interesting."

   With laughter, the three airships gradually moved away.

   In the darkness, watching the airship flying farther and farther in the sky, Sean and Monka walked out from behind a mountain of garbage.

   "Let's go."

   Withdrawing his gaze, I don't know what he remembered, Monka turned around and left first, and the whole thing seemed to become more silent.


   agreed, turned his eyes, took another look at the unfinished competition, and Xiao En left here.

   Two hundred years have passed, and the pride in the bones of the Tianlong people has long been polished clean, and now they are no different from wild dogs.

   Separated from Monka, and carrying his own harvest, Sean returned to his dilapidated wooden house.

   his eyes swept across, and no traces were left that shouldn't have appeared, and Xiao En gently closed the small wooden door.

"It seems that it may be because time has passed. Those people have relaxed their supervision of the Tianlong people, at least they have not closely monitored their daily lives. The strongest person encountered during this time was just on the airship. That old guy from here."

   Sean was cooking with fire while thinking about the surrounding situation.

   "Such words make me a lot easier. I have had enough of these days."

   Looking at the flame that was extinguished again, Sean had a cold smile on his face.

   gurgling, boiling water tumbling, waste a lot of energy to light the fire in the stove, Sean decided to make a delicious meal to reward himself, so he cooked a big pot of white jade pearl porridge.

   Time passed, with a little musty smell, a scent of rice began to flow in the small broken wooden house.

   looked at the pot and felt that the time was almost up, and Sean plunged his consciousness into the door of infinity.

A long time ago, Sean discovered that as he continued to grow stronger, Wujianzhimen had gradually changed in terms of containing items. When he was weak, there would be a lot of waste in the containment of Wujianzhi, and there would also be a lot of things that he basically used. Things that are not available, but as he continues to grow stronger, this situation is becoming less and less. Gradually, the quality of the items contained in the door of the infinite is getting higher and higher, and basically he uses them, and many of them are still right. On demand.

   With such a guess, after knowing that the soul must come this time, Sean waited for a few days, but the result did not disappoint him. In those days, there were two more items in the door of the door, which was exactly what he wanted.

With this result, Sean became more certain about his previous conjectures, but there were still many doubts in it. For example, he had also thought before that the door of the Infinite Door could contain a powerful life metal, so that he could be able to Armed with the glory of casting the white beard, but after so long, it still hasn't appeared.

Under such circumstances, Sean conjectures that as he continues to grow stronger, the containment of Infernal Gate will gradually move closer to his needs and his ideas, and is no longer purely random, but this closeness is not 100% achievable. Yes, there are still many restrictions. As for what these restrictions are, now Sean doesn't have much clue.

   Thoughts fluctuated, looking at the two new items that appeared in the door of the Infinite Door, Xiao En did not hesitate to exchange one of them.

   [Item]: Renyuan Great Pill (5 capsules)

   [evaluation]: The extraordinary pill from Yangshen World Taishang Dao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can help people build the foundation.

  [Price]: 75 source power points

   As Shaun’s thoughts flowed, 75 source power points were deducted immediately, and Shaun’s source power points were only left 850.

After redeeming the Mountain League Gu and other items for me, Sean only had 100 source power points left. However, Sean and his party in Lenz City searched a lot of strange objects and obtained some source power points, plus the remaining wraiths in Shipwreck Bay. Output and the wonders that Greenfield Town collected for Shaun during this period and the beasts he captured, Shaun’s source power point once again rose to 925 points.

   Consciousness returned, playing with the glazed jade bottle in his hand, Xiao En had a smile on his face.

Renyuan Great Pill is a kind of pill that is good at helping people to build the foundation. It can make up for the shortcomings of the human body. The value of each one is equivalent to a fourth-order strange object. It is very valuable, not enough for Sean. It's all worth it.

   The most troublesome thing about the soul coming is that the body is fragile and the aptitude is limited, and the Renyuan Dadan can help him solve this problem.

  Opening the pill bottle, Xiao En poured out an amber-like pill that looked like a longan and swallowed it in one mouthful.

   The medicinal power diverged, and the transformation began.



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