"Boss, according to your request, this chamber of commerce best meets our conditions."

   Walking ahead, Youde took Sean to a branch of a chamber of commerce. After staying in the Chambord Islands for a while, after figuring out the general situation, the three of Sean began the next step.

   Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce, on the surface is a wood-based chamber of commerce, but secretly involves a number of dark transactions such as human trafficking, drugs, weapons, etc., no matter where it is located, it is a veritable criminal organization.

Of course, it is basically impossible to find a formal chamber of commerce in the Chambord Islands today. Since the overthrow of the world government more than 200 years ago, the road to the new world on the red soil continent has been opened. Now many formal chambers of commerce Basically, people with no special purpose and background will go to the new world through it, which is not only convenient and fast, but also far safer than going through the fisherman island under the sea, although there is a toll toll.

   It can be said that the current Chambordian Islands is a veritable place of evil, and the people who stay here are basically pirates, gangsters and other people from the dark world.

Of course, the gathering of these people has also created an alternative prosperity in Chambord. After all, as long as the existence of pirates has money, they are basically happy to spend, because they don’t know if they have the opportunity to spend the money next time. Under such circumstances, many chambers of commerce with dark backgrounds naturally gathered, like sharks that smelled a fishy smell. Blackthorn is one of them, but the strength is not outstanding. This is from their slightly outdated chamber of commerce. The branch can be seen.

   "What are you doing? This is the residence of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce, so idlers are not allowed to enter."

   Shadows cast, and as soon as the two of Sean approached, a tall figure stood in front of them, but it was a three-meter tall, full-faced, big-and-three-thirty, strong man who was the gatekeeper of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce.

  For doing business in a place like Chambord, force is the most important point. Without enough force, if you start a business one moment ago, you may be robbed in the next moment.

   "Take me to meet your principal."

   raised his head and looked at the brawny man, a dim light flashed through Sean's dark eyes.

   "Okay, okay, please come with me."

   dumbfounded for a moment, a smile appeared on the brawny man's face, and he walked towards the interior of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce with both Sean respectfully on his face.

   Someone along the way also noticed the two strangers, Sean and Youde, but after seeing that they were led by a strong man, they didn't pay much attention.

   嘭嘭嘭, walking to a room deep in the chamber of commerce, the strong man knocked on the door.

   "Damn it, who the **** is it? It's a good thing to bother me at this time."

   After hearing the knock on the door, an impatient voice came from the room.

   After a while, a woman opened the door, walked out, and invited a few people in.

   "Nigger? It's you, why are you here now?"

After seeing the figure of the strong man, Norbert reduced his anger. The position of janitor seemed humble, but in fact his position in the chamber of commerce was not low. Under normal circumstances, the head of the branch of Norbert would also be required. Give some respect.

   "Hey, who are they?"

   Turning his gaze, Norbert's gaze fell on Sean and Youde, and there was some doubt in his heart.

   "The two of us are here to join the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce."

   Raising his head, looking straight into Norbert’s eyes, Sean spoke slowly.

   "Nigga, what does this mean?"

   Ignoring Sean, Benault once again set his eyes on the nigger. At this moment, he had vaguely noticed that something was wrong. Based on his understanding of the nigger, the other party shouldn't do such a thing.

   And hearing his words, the **** didn't respond, and still stood there quietly. Seeing this scene, Benault's expression changed slightly.

   "I need to think about you joining the Chamber of Commerce, so let me have someone arrange for you to go and rest."


  Benot was about to speak, but at this moment, a whisper appeared in his ear.

   "No, you have agreed."


  Hu, the sea breeze is blowing gently, and the golden sun is shining down, but today is a good day to go to sea.

   "Just take care, everything is ready."

   On the Thorns, the captain of Old York is reporting to Benot about the situation of the fleet.

Looking at the three strangers standing next to Benot, although Old York was a little curious, he was sure that he had never seen each other in the Blackthorn Flower Chamber for so many years, but he would not ask more, or even more. Look.

   "Well, let's set sail."

   After listening to Old York's report, Benault gave the order to set sail, just as he did in the past, there is no difference.

Although the Blackthorn Chamber of Commerce is not prominent among the Chambers of Commerce in the Chambordian Islands, it is only relatively speaking. It originated in the Kingdom of Minni in the North Sea and is one of the three largest chambers of commerce in this kingdom. If there is no such strength , It is impossible for it to transfer business from the North Sea to the Chambord Islands, or know that the world is not stable.

   The reason why Sean chose the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce this time, the most important thing is that it comes from Beihai.

In the Revolutionary War more than 200 years ago, the kingdom forces became the biggest gainers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One of them was Derma 66, known as the evil army. According to Sean’s understanding, it is in the present Beihai. There are still many countries coexisting, but Djerma 66 is a well-deserved overlord.

In the original war, Djerma 66 gained a great deal, obtained many technologies left by the world government, plus their own scientific and technological heritage, has developed rapidly since then, and now 200 years have passed, they have long been He realized his original wish and once again became the veritable overlord of Beihai, and even has a pivotal position in the whole world, as one of the giants. This time, Sean went to Beihai mainly because of Derma 66.

  Judicial Island, this was the place where the world government tried criminals more than 200 years ago, but now it has become an ordinary island.

Although two hundred years have passed, the current navigation technology has not made a breakthrough compared to the previous one, and even has a vague retreat. All ships entering and leaving the great waterway can only pass through the upside-down mountain. After the collapse of the world government many years ago, the technology of processing hailou stone disappeared.

   Rumbled, the huge iron gate slowly opened, and the sound of ocean currents resounded between heaven and earth. This gate has a special name for more than 200 years, called the Gate of Justice.



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