"Then how to deal with them? Do I need to take action?"

   Perceiving Yadsson’s emotional changes, Banjiro asked, the other party had saved his life, and he vowed to use the rest of his life to repay the other party.

   "No, let's monitor them for now. After all, they have the value of being regained. The place where they first appeared is the Chambord Islands. I have already asked people to inquire about their roots and make a decision at that time."

   After thinking about it, Yadsson still didn't decide to kill him immediately, not knowing whether it was because of pity, fear, or both.

  , the door opened, and the darkness outside eroded in.

   It is reasonable to say that the gate was closed at this time, and it was tightly guarded, and no one would come in. But at this time, the impossible happened.

   "Help, help, me..."

   The door opened, and a figure crawled in from outside, leaving a blood-stained path on the ground.

   "Isn't this a steel fist?"

"It really is."

   "How could he be like this?"

After seeing the face of the figure clearly, there was an uproar in the huge ballroom. Many people have realized that it is wrong, because Gang Fist is a guard captain of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce. He is powerful and a master of boxing. He was beaten like this, and at such a place and at such a time, the people who shot were either fools, lunatics, or well-prepared ones.

   In the corner, seeing this scene, Sean knew that Monka and Youde had completed the task he gave them. In order to avoid accidents, Sean chose to clean up the armed personnel of the nearby Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce.

   Da, da, new footsteps sounded, and a tall figure stained with blood appeared at the gate, impressively Monka.

   Holding an iron rod in his hand, letting the uncoagulated blood drip down. At this moment, although Monka did not speak, everyone understood what he meant, and he wanted to block the door.

   "Today is really a good day, all kinds of ghosts and monsters have emerged."

Glancing at Monka's figure, Yadesson's face sank completely, and his whole body exuded an undisguised killing intent, but his target was not Monka, but Sean, because he knew that this person was Sean. 'S men.

   Although Banjiro standing next to him did not speak, his hand was already on the hilt of his waist, and the sharpness of his whole body began to slowly converge and condense.

   "Forget it, although some are not perfect, but so be it."

   Ignoring Yadsson's killing intent, the corner of Sean's mouth outlines a beautiful arc.

   da, raise your hand, the crisp sound of fingers rang out in the huge ballroom, everyone seemed to be slapped to the head by someone, dizzy, and immediately lost consciousness.

Mind Blast, an application of mind power, is a move developed by Sean imitating the domineering color of the overlord, but compared to the range covered by the overlord color, the range of the mind blew is much smaller, but It is enough to cover a ballroom.

   "The overlord looks domineering, no, you are a demon fruit capable person?"

   shook his head and looked at the scene in the ballroom. Yadsson's face was shocked. After all, domineering has a special meaning in this world, but it quickly returned to normal.

"who are you?"

   Eyes locked on Shaun, Yadesson's whole body began to surge.

   At the same time, Banjirou beside him has quietly disappeared.

   hum, the blade hummed, and the cold killing intent enveloped Sean's body.

   "200 years later, the six styles of today seem to have really become the stuff of bad streets."

   clearly captured Banjiro's figure, but Xiao En had other thoughts in his mind, and did not make any evasive actions.

"go to hell."

   The low voice sounded, and the cold blade cut across Xiao En's body.

   "Um~ No, you are a natural demon fruit ability person."

   Just as the blade slashed across Sean's body, Benjiro had already noticed that it was wrong, but it was too late at this time.

  Buzz, the broken golden streamer recombined again, a dazzling golden spot shone on Xiao En's fingertips, dazzling laser.

   嘭, a violent explosion occurred. When Sean’s radium was shot, Banji Lang was thrown off by surprise, hitting the wall heavily, covered by smoke, and he didn’t know his life or death.

   "Are you still angry? Really tenacious."

   Seeing and hearing the color spread, feeling the life breath of Banjirou, a little golden light shines on Xiao En's fingertips again.

   But at this moment, a figure came in front of Sean.

   "You are too arrogant, and the natural element is not invincible. Please remember this lesson, although you have no future."

   A cold voice sounded, a hawk melon pierced through Sean's abdomen, and a hint of pitch black could be seen faintly wrapped around the eagle's claws. Although dim, it was indeed armed and domineering.

   "What gives you such confidence? Is it a devil fruit or an armed domineering?"

   Looking at Yadsson in front of him, even though his abdomen was pierced, Xiao En still had a smile on his face, without the slightest pain.

   "What, how come?"

Seeing Sean’s current appearance, Yadesson’s face can no longer remain calm, his eyes are full of shock and inevitable doubt. It is obvious that he has used the armed look and domineering, and it is clear that Sean should have been seriously injured. , Why is it so relaxed.

   "Have you been kicked by the light?"

   murmured softly, his right foot was raised slightly, the golden light was shining, Yadesson was kicked out by Sean.

Indeed, armed color domineering can allow users to grasp the natural type of fluid form, but this does not mean that armed color domineering restrains natural type abilities. Having armed color domineering just allows you to have the qualifications to fight against natural type abilities. As the three devil fruits, the rarest and most valuable devil fruits on the whole, the natural devil fruits are so overbearing.

   Just before Yaderson penetrated Sean's abdomen with the eagle claws wrapped around the armed color domineering, Sean had already completed the partial elementalization in advance, which is the advantage of having the domineering color.

   For those with natural abilities, their excellent knowledge and domineering will further magnify their own advantages.

   The golden brilliance was shining, and the void in Sean's abdomen was instantly compensated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, Monka dragged Banjilang over like a dead dog.

   Under normal circumstances, Banjiro, a sword tyrant, would naturally not put Monka in his eyes, but in the process just now, he was severely injured by Sean, and his combat power fell to the bottom.

   "Kill him."

   glanced, watching the undisguised hatred and killing intent in Ban Jilang's eyes, Xiao En slowly said.

As a swordsman, Banjirou's will is much stronger than ordinary people. If this kind of person does not really surrender, it will take a considerable price to distort the opponent's will with the spiritual power he can use now. The gain is not worth the loss, in the final analysis it is just a third-order.

   Kacha, after hearing Shaun's words, Monka broke Benjilang's neck without hesitation.

   Life is gone, and there is a sense of relief in Banjirou's eyes. For people like him, since he has been defeated, dying happily in the hands of the enemy is also a relief.

   "Next, it will take a little time to process the follow-up work."

   found out Yadsson who was still alive, and looking at a person who fainted in the hall, the corner of Xiao En's mouth outlined a nice arc.



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