Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 262: Science foreseeing the future

   bang bang bang, the air ripples escaping, stepping on the air, Kaido's figure is looming, as if teleporting, and he came to Sean in an instant.

   Both eyes were red, exuding a cold to the extreme killing intent, armed with domineering coverage, Kaido held a mace and set off a huge wind pressure and slammed it against Sean fiercely.

   "Sky Cong Yunjian."

   Derived from the golden light, a long sword condensed from light instantly appeared in Xiao En's hand.

  嘭, sparks splashed everywhere, mace and lightsaber intersected, and a sonorous sound was heard. At this moment, the lightsaber, which was clearly only the power of the elements, seemed to have a real entity, and the quality was not inferior to those famous knives.

   "It's just not enough."

   Perceiving the slight difference before and after Kaido, a hidden brilliance flashed in Sean's dark eyes.

   "Mind Liberation·Ghost Hand."

   The muscles of his right arm swelled, and his body suddenly grew in a circle. The veins were intertwined, like the arm of a **** evil spirit. At this moment, Sean hypnotized himself, causing his right hand to explode with more power than normal.

   In the world of One Piece, Sean himself has made great progress in the fine application of mental power, but there is no way. After the soul is reincarnated, the spiritual power is his most powerful power in this world.

   The power exploded, the sky cloud sword swung, Kaido's huge body was overturned by Sean.

   "Sky Cloud Sword·Cross Slash."

  咻咻, the golden light was born, forming a dazzling cross star, and the two intertwined slashes slashed towards Kaido.

Of course, Sean is not a swordsman. The so-called slash is actually just a manifestation of the ability of the fruit. Shining fruit is the manifestation of light. Light has the properties of particles, and the orderly particles moving at high speeds themselves have powerful Cutting power.

   But at this moment, Kaido, who was thrown off, unexpectedly restored his balance.

   "It was blocked, and the reaction was much faster?"

   Looking at Kaido, who was using a mace to block the attack, Sean narrowed his eyes. In contrast, Kaido's changes were more conspicuous in his eyes.

   The thought in his heart turned, and Xiao En's figure disappeared in the same place in an instant.

   "Have you been kicked by the light?"

   A soft whisper sounded behind Kaido, and Sean lifted his right leg, and the golden light on it filled.

   "Um~ not right!"

   kicked out, Sean realized something was wrong, but it was too late.

   "I finally caught you, little bug."

   The deep words sounded, at this moment Kaido turned his upper body 180 degrees, and grabbed Sean's kicking skills with his hands at an incredible speed.

   "Go to death for me."

   roared, but Kaido's expression did not change, there was still no sadness or joy.

   "Damn it."

   At a moment, Sean's expression changed.

   Kaido grabbed him with an armed and domineering presence on his left hand. At this moment, he was really caught by the entity and couldn't escape.

   Released the mace, made a fist with his right hand, condensed his strength, aimed at Sean, Kaido punched out fiercely, and even caused a sonic boom.

   Faced with such a heavy blow, unable to avoid it, Xiao En could only cross his hands, condense the color of his whole body on his arms, and resist it frontally.

   crunching, bones groaning, internal organs shaking, after a punch, Kaido made up another kick, and Sean's body was kicked out.

   "Ah, do you foresee the future?"

   Steady his figure, spit out a large mouthful of blood, looking at Kaido in the distance, Sean's expression was a little gloomy.

There is no doubt that as a flasher, he is very fast in both moving speed and kicking skills. Although he is far from the real speed of light, under normal circumstances, Kaido at that time can't react, let alone accurate. Caught him.

   The situation like this can only show that Kaido had anticipated it, and he knew Sean's actions in advance.

   "But I always feel something is wrong."

With pure white light flowing on his body, Sean’s injuries quickly healed. This is based on the abilities developed by Sean based on the embrace of the fifth-order witchcraft archangel and combined with the healing properties of light. It is named Photosynthesis·Life Healing, because of this Although the method to recover from the injury is quick, it consumes the human body's potential life force, and each use consumes life.

   "I was a little disappointed, but now it seems that I underestimated you."

Looking directly at Kaido, there was a trace of fluctuations in Sean’s dark eyes. Sean was not unfamiliar with the characteristics of foreseeing the future, because his body possessed this kind of power, so he knew this very well. This characteristic is unlikely to appear until a person’s perception and appearance are strong to a certain extent, and now the Kaido in front of him is domineering and weak and pitiful, and he does not look like a person who can predict the future. .

   "Try it."

   A sneer was outlined at the corner of his mouth, and Sean's figure disappeared in place. He is now more and more interested in this Kaido.

  咻, the golden light bloomed and then quickly disappeared. He didn't choose to face it hard. At this moment, Sean took the mobility of Shining Fruit to its extreme, moving at high speed, constantly mobilizing Kaido's power and launching tentative attacks from time to time.

  嘭, kicked it out, and was blocked again, Sean didn't entangle too much, and immediately disappeared.

   With a solid body, he moved away from Kaido, and Sean looked at Kaido's figure and had an idea in his heart.

   "I didn't expect it to be calculation!"

Looking at this biological weapon resembling Kaido, there was a sigh in Sean's At the beginning, Kaido obviously couldn’t react to his wandering attack, and could only rely on it. With a domineering physique and a good armed color, he resisted, but as time passed, he blocked Sean's attacks more and more frequently, so that by now, this kind of attack by Sean had no effect at all.

To be honest, Sean did not expect the other party or the people behind the other party to use big data to build his character model, analyze his behavior, and then make predictions about his attacks. To some extent, say this. The method is not worse than foreseeing the future, because it is also a kind of prediction in itself, but a kind of metaphysics. One is science.

   "Then can you figure it out next?"

   Looking directly at Kaido's eyes, Sean seemed to see the endless stream of data in those red blood eyes.

   With palms facing each other, he placed his hands on his abdomen, and a little bit of golden light began to gather quietly.

   "The Yata Mirror·Infinite Cut."

   murmured softly, a golden mirror was formed in the palm of his hand, a ray of light shot out, and Xiao En's figure disappeared.

   Light can only move in a straight line, but the appearance of Yata Mirror has changed this phenomenon. Through the rebound, light can also change its direction at any time.



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