Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

: Chapter 267 Life Design Drawing Magic Tree

The creaking and creaking sounds continued to sound. In Tieying’s cold eyes, made of special resin, the nutrient tank with a hardness comparable to that of steel cracked cracks, and at this time the nutrient solution in the nutrient tank has been completely removed. There is not much left.

   Ten days have passed, and Xiao En’s life form has undergone a huge change from before. At this moment, his whole body has been woodized, not only growing roots, but also growing branches and leaves.

   The nutrient trough cracked, and the brown roots were constantly twisted, like a living thing, protruding out of the nutrient trough, and finally plunged into the ground.

Seeing such a weird scene, Tie Ying's gaze moved, but there was never any movement. He resolutely implemented Sean’s orders. For this experiment, the rest of the Rose Manor were cleared out, leaving only The members of the Yin Beast are responsible for the guard work. They are under the control of Sean. They will not question Sean's orders and will not disclose any information. They are the most suitable candidates.

   With the roots of the trees in the ground, more and more roots began to take action. With a bang, the whole nutrient trough was completely split, and Sean changed from lying down to standing.

   Within the body, consciousness wandered, looking at the interpillar cells that had occupied half of the country, Sean still did not move.

   "It's almost, but soon."

   Consciousness fluctuated, and Sean still let the interpillar cells grow wildly.

If you want to change your physique and transform into an immortal human body, the number of inter-column cells must reach a certain number. Seventy percent is a standard, but at the same time this is also a high-voltage line, because after the number of inter-column cells reaches this number, the human body is inevitable. It will be fully wooded, and it is very difficult to reverse it.

Taking root in the earth, Sean’s figure began to change, his figure gradually blurred, like a tree close together, his legs turned into roots, and his body turned into a trunk. At this moment, Sean looked like a tree planted. Tree.

   Seeing this scene, thinking of Sean’s confession, Iron Eagle watered the highly nutrient solution that had been prepared a long time ago around the tree.

   is greedily absorbing nutrients. With the dual nutrients provided by the earth and nutrient solution, the proliferation speed of the inter-column cells has once again increased by a step.

After three days, the inter-column cells reached 70%, and Sean did not move. After four days, the inter-column cells reached 80%, but Shaun still did not move. After five days, the inter-column cells reached 90%. Completed the phagocytosis of his body cells, leaving only a very small part of the remnants.

   Buzz, consciousness fluctuated, and the power of the glittering fruit was mobilized by Sean.

From a certain perspective, the devil fruit is also a special descent factor or descent factor group. The ability to eat the devil fruit is actually to let their life design incorporate the descent factor represented by the devil fruit, and thus have Special power.

It’s just that this fusion is actually only temporary and cannot permanently change the life design of the capable person. The devil fruit is like a special plug-in. The capable person will let his life design and the devil fruit represent when he eats it. The blood factor is connected through a special interface, and the capable person dies. This connection will naturally break, and the devil fruit will be reborn. The two seem to be compatible but in fact they are strictly independent.

   Under such circumstances, even if the intercolumnar cells have completed the phagocytosis of Sean's own cells, it will not affect the power of the glittering fruit.

   The rays of light gathered, and after five days, Xiao En's figure had completely disappeared, leaving only a lush tree. At this moment, the golden light dyed the tree a different color.

The yang escape of the Naruto world and the power of light are actually not the same thing, but it is undeniable that there is a natural commonality between the two. At the moment when the rays of light converge, Xiao En’s body was constantly clamoring and full of greed. The cell suddenly quieted down.

   "Why is it dark?"

   "This is a solar eclipse?"

   As the power of the glittering fruit was reversed by Sean, the surrounding light was swallowed, and the entire Blackthorn Island was plunged into darkness, but this process lasted for a short time and did not cause much panic.

   Within the body, consciousness fluctuated. Looking at the interpillar cells that were temporarily quiet and enjoying the sunshine, the power of the soul began to flow in Xiao En's body.

   Hypnosis·Long sleeplessness, powerful psychic power manifested invisibly, moisturizing things silently, hypnotized them at the moment when the interpillar cells were quiet, causing them to fall into a deep sleep.

The inter-pillar cells do have the strength of the sixth order, but this strength is very weak, and the increase in number does increase this strength, but from the individual point of view, this strength is thinned, and it needs to be restored. Time, the most important thing is that they have only instinct.

   Hypnosis is silent, the inter-column cells fall into a deep sleep without knowing it. At this time, Sean’s remaining self-cells begin to become active, and in turn continue to swallow the inter-column cells.

   Outside, the golden light is flowing between the branches and leaves, and the appearance of the big tree that Shaun has transformed has changed slightly.

   The bark changed from light brown to dark brown. The tall tree trunks became shorter and shorter unconsciously, as if they had reversed growth, and the lush tree crowns began to wither.

   "That's it."

   The power of the mind fluctuates, and Sean has completed the revision of the design drawing of his own life.

In the previous time, although Sean allowed the barbaric growth of the cells between the pillars, he did not do nothing. He was inspired by Kaido’s design of the dragon’s life. From the very beginning, Sean had designed the external framework of his own life. It has restricted the development direction of the inter-column cells invisibly, preventing uncontrollable mutation of its genetic material, breaking through this framework, and now Shaun has officially closed the framework, using the lineage factors carried by the inter-column cells and himself Based on the descent factor that he possessed, he began to fill this life design map directionally.

Of course, even if it’s just an external framework, it’s not just built Its rationality must be guaranteed, and it needs to go through rigorous scrutiny. In this process, choose an existing life design drawing as The second build of the template is a pretty good choice, and Sean did just that.

Based on itself and the cells between the pillars, in order to successfully construct the life design diagram, the two must move closer to the outer frame at the same time, and the outer frame must also move closer to the two. In the end, the two parties compromised and reached an agreement. After all, the descent factor It can be mutated, but it also has its limits. It cannot be made out of nothing.

Under such circumstances, Sean chose to use the devil fruit tree as a template in the life design drawing he is familiar with. He and the devil fruit tree are on two sides. Even if the two worlds are separated, he can still perceive his devil fruit tree. For the devil fruit tree He knew everything about his life design. The most important thing was that the life design of the Devil Fruit Tree had a high degree of fit with him and the lineage factors of the cells between the pillars.

  As the frame of the life design drawing was set and the filling started, the tree that Shaun transformed from outside changed more drastically. For this life design drawing, Shaun named it the magic tree.

  The leaves wither, the branches wither, and then re-germinate and grow, and then wither again. Such endless repetition, the impact of the reconstruction of the magic tree's life design drawing is very severe, and it needs to be constantly adjusted and adapted by Sean.



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