Clean City, King Goa Palace, Study Room.

   "Since the guests are here, please sit down."

   The current king of the Goa Kingdom, Rubor, who was reading in the study alone, suddenly put down the book in his hand, raised his head, and said slowly while looking at the empty place.

   "Meeting for the first time, hello to you, King Ruboer."

   hum, the light flowed, and Sean's figure appeared from the empty place.

Human eyes can see all kinds of things because these things reflect light, and when an object absorbs all the light shining on it and no longer reflects it, human eyes naturally cannot see it. According to this principle, Sean used the glittering fruit to develop a move similar to the invisibility technique, and named it Between Light and Shadow.

   Looking at the somewhat familiar face of Sean and the two iconic tears, a look of surprise flashed in Ruboer's eyes. He didn't expect the other party to take the initiative to find him.

   At first, he thought that the person who sneaked into his study through invisibility should be a capable person like Transparent Fruit. He didn't expect it to be this person. Can Shining Fruit still play like this?

   Although there was surprise and doubt in his heart, Ruboer's face did not show any expression, still maintaining a gentle and polite smile, as if he was entertaining a guest rather than a sneaker.

   "Please sit down, I don't know what I should call you, young and strong."

   talking, standing up, Ruboer took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet.

   "My name is Polusalino, of course, you can also call me Yellow Ape."

There was also no overreaction. Xiao En Shi Shiran sat on the sofa. This time he came to seek cooperation and not to kill, but if he hadn't walked there in person, he would not know that he would be ordinary in the eyes of outsiders. The aristocratic Rubol turned out to be a strong man, a lieutenant admiral whose strength is comparable to that of the former world government, can it be called Russalino hidden in secret? What a good name. "

   Sean's pseudonym was repeated in his mouth, and a dim light flashed in Ruboer's eyes.

   "Please have a taste, this is a specialty of our Goya Kingdom, the blue sea and blue sky."

   With a smile on his face, the smoke gathered, turned into a palm, and handed a goblet of wine to Sean.

  Different from ordinary dark red wines, this specialty of Goa Kingdom is sea-blue, and looking at the small bubbles rolling inside, it really feels like a blue sea.

   "Natural smoking fruit?"

   Taking the wine glass, Sean asked a little surprised.

   Although out of politeness, there is no need to observe carefully, but at this time, Sean also roughly guessed Ruboer's fruit ability.

   Ruboer has nothing to hide about this, or he revealed it to Sean on purpose.

   "It is indeed a natural smoking fruit, but it is of little use. It is not worth mentioning compared to your sparkling fruit."

   With a smile on his face, Rubol expressed his humility, of course he was also telling Sean that he knew his details.

   "Your Excellency Ruboer is too humble, this wine is very good, I like it."

   Gently took a sip of the liquor, and Sean commented.

   "Just like your Excellency, the Goya Kingdom lacks everything, but there is no shortage of good wine for entertaining friends. I will give you some when you leave."

   "Then I will be disrespectful."

   Between the words, the atmosphere between Sean and Ruboor became harmonious, just like real good friends.

   Talking about this good wine for a while, Sean shifted the topic to the right track.

   "King Ruboor, I actually want to make a deal with you this time."

   put down the wine glass, looked at the bearded Ruboer Shaun and spoke slowly.

   Hearing this, Ruboer's eyes narrowed slightly.

   "I don't know your Excellency Polusalino, what do you want to do with me?"

   The smile on his face diminished, and Ruboer's expression became solemn. He knew how the situation would develop in the future, depending on the situation of the so-called transaction.

   "I have the core scientific research materials of the Vinsmok family in my hand, including the production methods of various biological weapons such as the biochemical man and the biochemical dragon."

   relaxed and leaning on the sofa, as if carelessly, Sean gave his price.

   Hearing Sean's words, Ruboer's eyes flashed with a glow, but it disappeared quickly.

   "Then you don't know what you want?"

   To restrain his emotions, Ruboer asked casually.

   "Red road signs."

   He raised his eyes, raised Erlang's legs, and looked at Ruboer's face, and Sean spoke word by word.

Hearing this answer, Ruboer couldn’t help but pick up his brows. Obviously he was a bit surprised, because even today the red road sign is still a rare treasure, but in fact the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning. The so-called Lovedrew, The so-called Big Secret Treasure is more like a legend, except for some pirates who are still chasing, other forces are actually not interested in it.

   "Your Excellency is also interested in Love Drew?"

   "Of course, after all, there are treasures left by One Piece."

   retracted his gaze, fiddled with his nails, and Sean gave a reason.

   "Really? In that case, I won't go around the corner. The red road sign does have a piece in the hands of the East China Sea Alliance, but it is the common property of the five major countries. Our Goya Kingdom has no control and cannot trade with you."

   "Although the core scientific research materials of the Vinsmok family are very attractive, they are too hot."

   picked up the wine glass again, Ruboer shook his head, and rejected Sean's offer.

   There is a drama to add money to something as obvious as Ruboer, and Sean doesn't have much thoughts to linger.

   "I don't need the original text of the historical text. You only need to give me a rubbing copy. If King Ruboor feels embarrassed in this way, then I will look for other traders. I believe someone will be interested."

   Swallowing the liquor in the cup, the aura of Sean's whole body became cold, no longer the inattention before.

   At the same time, an inexplicable chill began to flow in the study, depressing people to breathe a little.

   Seeing Sean like this, Ruboer's eyes narrowed.

   "Haha, since your Excellency said that, it would be too bad for me to decline, but this matter is really not trivial. I hope your Excellency can give me some time to think about it."

   let out a hearty laugh, and the solidified atmosphere in the study was broken by Ruboer.

   Hearing this, Sean got up from the sofa.

   "In that case, I am waiting for King Ruboer's answer. I hope you don't let me down."

   said, leaving a phone bug, Sean turned and left the study.

   Looking at Sean's disappearing back, the smile on Ruboer's face disappeared, gloomy, and the last words Sean said were completely naked threats.

   "Wallon, if you play against this so-called Polusalino, are you sure to beat him."

  I don't know when, a burly man with a big bald head and three meters tall walked into Ruboer's study.

   Wallon, master of physique, the steel fruit ability of the superhuman branch of the Superman system, the most powerful shield of the Goya royal family, and the powerhouse of the candidate general level.

   "I don't know if I haven't played, but I won't lose."

   a sonorous voice rang from Wallon’s mouth, as if metals were colliding with each other, full of confidence.

   "But I have never heard of this Polusalino. I don't know where it came from."

   Upon hearing this, Ruboer let out a cold snort.

"Hmph, of course you have never heard of because this is a pseudonym at all. The former world government has a navy admiral named Polusalino, code-named Yellow Ape, and that one happens to be a person with the ability to shine. ."

   As a qualified king, Rubol's history is still quite good.

   "Could it be that the other party is the remnant of the former world government, or how could he take such a fake name?"

   The sound of metal collision sounded again, and Wallon spoke casually.

   "It is possible, but it is unlikely, after all, two hundred years have passed."

   At this point, Ruboer's heart is inexplicably questioned, because a few years ago, the news of the escape of the dragons from the land of sins came out. Is it true that there are really the remnants of the former world government on this sea that have not been eliminated?

   "Wang, do you really plan to trade with the other party? If this matter is not handled well, I am afraid it will cause some trouble to the Goya Kingdom."

   As the strongest shield of the Goya royal family, destiny is closely connected with the royal family. Wallon and Ruboer did not have too many taboos when talking.

   "A deal? It's not impossible, it depends on whether he can survive this time."

   With words, looking at the direction that Sean was leaving, raising his glass, with a smile on his face, Ruboer took a sip.



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