"Have you been kicked by the light?"

   The figure was condensed and appeared behind Vinsmok Gal, and Sean lifted his right leg, which was shining with golden light.

  咻, with a kick, the air vibrated. At this moment, the Yin Hong wings behind Vinsmok Gal suddenly shook and disappeared with his body, even avoiding Sean's light-speed kick.

   "It's fast."

   retracted his right leg that was kicked, and Sean raised his brow, obviously a little surprised.

As a capable person in the form of Garuda, Gal's speed is not slow. He is also the overlord of the sky. Perhaps in terms of pure speed, he is indeed inferior to Shaun who is a capable person of shining fruit, but he is powerful in combination. He is domineering, and it is not impossible for him to avoid Sean's attack.

   "But I can go faster."

   The color of seeing and hearing diverged, capturing Gal's figure, and Sean put his hands on his abdomen, palms facing each other, condensing a light mirror.

   "The Yata Mirror·A Line of Sky."

   A golden beam of light shot out from the mirror, and Sean's figure disappeared.

Although he is capable of phantom beasts, in terms of pure physical defense, Gal is still no better than Kaido's imitation, Troll God No. 0. For such an opponent, as long as he can accurately catch the opponent, it is for Sean. There is no need for Yata Mirror·Infinite Cutting, just a simplified version of Yata Mirror·Yixiantian is enough. After all, he is not what he was before.

  嗤, the blood was thrown, and at the moment Gal just revealed his figure, a ray of golden light penetrated his body.

   "What, how come?"

   Looking at the hole the size of the bowl on his abdomen, there was a trace of disbelief in Gal's crimson eyes. It was obvious that he had escaped the opponent's attack.

   The breath of life decayed rapidly, and without the support of strength, the red wings suddenly converged, and Gal's body immediately fell from the sky.

   But at this moment a strange force exploded, and Gal's body changed significantly.

   Golden light covered, accompanied by the sounds of Katz and Katz, a huge green eggshell appeared on the surface of Gal's body, allowing him to avoid the fate of falling into the sea and hovering in the air.

   "Is this Garuda's unique ability?"

   Looking at the green giant floating in the air, Sean frowned.

   Raised his hand, the golden light condensed, and the laser burst.

  嘭, an explosion occurred, and along with gunpowder smoke and flames, the green dome was instantly knocked into the air.

   Seeing this scene, Sean's brows tightened, because although the green dome was knocked into the air, it didn't actually receive any damage, and there was not even a trace of cracks in the eggshell.

   "Is the defense so strong?"

   Although Sean’s laser looks ordinary, it is actually not weak. That is to say, at this moment, the green dome suddenly becomes transparent, revealing the faint figure inside.

   The egg shell, which was not damaged by the radium, cracked naturally, and the figure of Gal came out of it.

   "Not only has the injury recovered, but the aura seems to be stronger."

   Looking at the reappearing Gal, a dark light flashed in Sean's eyes. At this moment, Gal's abdomen that he had pierced was completely healed, and he could not see the injury before.

   "You are indeed stronger than I expected, but you are still going to die."

   looked indifferent, looking at the figure of Sean, Gal's body exuded a cold killing intent.

   The red wings shook, and Gal immediately disappeared in place.

   "It has indeed become stronger, even faster than before. This ability is really strange, a bit like a fruit."

200 years ago, under the hands of BIGMOM of the Four Emperors Pirates, there was a Baron Dan Dan. He was a fruit capable of Dan Dan. He could carry out two stages of evolution, from Dan Dan Baron to Chicken Viscount to Rooster Earl, every time Changes in strength will become stronger.

   "But if this is the case, it is not enough."

   Seen and heard the color diverged, and when he caught Gal's figure, Sean kicked it out. I have to say that the speed of light kick is a simple and convenient move, which is extremely practical.

Touch, foot-to-foot, a huge wave of air followed. As a capable person of Eudemons, Gal’s physical skills are not bad. It was a little too close, because before that, Sean's physical body had already completed a breakthrough.

"how come?"

   After a short stalemate, with an irresistible force, Gal's body was kicked out by Sean.

   huh, fanning his wings, stabilizing his figure, and realizing that he has a cracked right leg, Gal's expression is completely gloomy, and the injury is still the second, the key lies in the meaning.

   "You have broken the limit?"

  The voice is low, and although it is doubtful, Gal's words are full of affirmation.

   "You can say that, but it's a bit short of a real breakthrough."

Without covering up, Sean tells the truth. His current physical body has already completed a breakthrough, but his arrogance and fruiting ability are even worse. Only if the two are the same and make a breakthrough again, can he truly break the limit, that is, Become the so-called general-level powerhouse, but even so, the general candidate general is not his opponent at all in the current situation.

   "Is that so."

   Hearing Sean's answer, Gal's face became calm again.

   "It seems that this battle will be more interesting than I expected. I don't know which of us will die."

   The deep voice sounded, and a raging flame burned in Gar's crimson eyes, that was the desire for battle.

Covered by golden light, Gal’s body has undergone a strange change again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The body shrank and time went back. At this moment, Gal changed from an adult to a baby. Seeing this scene, I thought of the myths and legends. For the record, Sean thoughtfully.

   The golden light dissipated, and the baby grew up in an instant, and Gal appeared in the sky again. Unsurprisingly, his strength increased by one more point.

   If the candidate is divided into one, two and third ranks, Gal, who has changed again, may have reached a first-class level.

   "Is this oviparous and viviparous? It's really a wonderful ability."

Looking at Gal, the light in Sean’s eyes grew hotter. In myths and legends, Garuda has four forms, namely oviparous, viviparous, wet and metaplasia. Among them, the egg is the weakest and the metaplasia is the strongest. Gal, who is capable of planting the form of Garuda, seems to have this ability. After all, the two changes he showed before are very similar to the oviparous and viviparous births in myths and legends.

   Regarding Sean’s doubts, Gal naturally had no interest in answering. After another form change, he immediately launched an attack. This time his attack was far more violent than the previous two, and for a while, he seemed to vaguely suppressed Sean.

   The reason for this situation is not only because his strength has greatly increased after the change again, but also because of his fierce style of play, completely out of his life and death.



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