"The human body is actually elementalized, and such a thing will happen in the world of One Piece."

On the dissection stage, the golden light in his hand exploded, eliminating the newly born ice layer on the green pheasant. Sean carefully observed the fractured wound on the green pheasant’s left arm, where the flesh and blood had completely crystallized and turned into a cold blue color. ice.

   "It seems that the whole body is really elementalized."

   After cutting open several flesh and blood, Xiao En found that apart from a layer of flesh and blood on the surface of the green pheasant's body, the inside had already been elementalized.

   "Is this an elemental creature in a layer of human skin?"

After watching the life form of the green pheasant at this moment for a while, Xiao En found that he resembled the elemental creatures that existed in the great world of Boya. You must know that although the natural devil fruit ability can make his body elemental, it is a devil fruit. The power of is at work, more like a skill. The capable person is actually a flesh and blood body, but the situation of the blue pheasant is completely different now. His life form has fundamentally changed, strictly speaking of the current one. The green pheasant is no longer a human being, but an elemental creature, but perhaps because of the world's restrictions, perhaps because of some other reasons, so far the transformation of the green pheasant is not perfect, and there are still some flesh and blood.

   "Is it because he transformed into an elemental creature and the frozen fruit did not disappear, or is it because the frozen fruit exists that the green pheasant can be transformed into an elemental creature?"

   With doubts, Sean plunged into a new round of research.

   For half a month, in the early morning, a golden light broke through the dome and came into the air. Then the ice thorns protruded, and half of the king's high ground was frozen.

   "My lord, what happened? Is there an invasion by foreign enemies?"

  The air flow scrolled, and Youde drove the golden-winged Garuda whizzing to him.

   "It's nothing, it's just a small change in the experiment."

   waved his hand, and Sean signaled Youde to feel relieved.

   Hearing these words, watching the ice thorns that were hundreds of meters high and easily penetrated the castle, under the rising sun, Youde didn't speak any more.

   "You take care of the follow-up matters."

   With words, his body moved, breaking through the layers of ice, and Sean returned to the laboratory again.

   After half a month of research, Sean has some guesses about the current situation of the green pheasant.

   First of all, the blue pheasant is dead, at least his soul is broken, but his body still maintains a little most fundamental vitality, so he is a living corpse.

200 years ago, due to a coincidence, the moment when the green pheasant died, it happened to catch up with the celestial change. Under the influence of the celestial change, shortly after the green pheasant’s consciousness dissipated, the frozen fruit began to live on the green pheasant again before disappearing. The body rotates spontaneously, and then the power of the frozen fruit in turn induces changes in the astronomical phenomenon, turning the former naval headquarters into the present perpetually frozen place, with snow all year round.

   After 200 years of time, under the dual effects of frozen fruits and the external environment, the corpse of the green pheasant not only did not completely die, but began to change its life form, transforming from a flesh and blood body to an elemental creature.

   But according to Sean's estimation, this step is impossible to complete without special circumstances, because this is the limit of the world.

   Of course, in addition to physical changes, after 200 years have passed, the frozen fruit in the green pheasant has come to the brink of metamorphosis after accumulating a huge amount of power.

The horrible ice thorn just now was caused by the instinctive venting of the frozen fruit after Sean used the power of the devil to stimulate the frozen fruit. Although the scope is not too wide, the horrible chill contained in it makes Sean feel uncomfortable either. If you don't avoid it, its power has obviously surpassed the same-person Devil Fruit.

   "If there is no limit of the devil fruit tree, perhaps you will be the first devil fruit that self-transforms."

   Walking into the laboratory, looking at the corpse of the green pheasant, or the frozen fruit in his body, there was an undisguised exclamation on Sean's face.

   stepping forward, melting the ice, Sean continued the previous research.

Under normal circumstances, the relationship between the devil fruit and the capable person is like the host and the house. Although they seem to be one, they are actually quite distinct, but the frozen fruit and the green pheasant are different. From the perspective of the bloodline factor, the two have already begun to each other. Blending, although not complete, does have such signs, and this is where Sean is most interested.

   And when Sean was addicted to the experiment, a new storm on the sea began to brew, and the center of the storm was Monkey D. Ronan.

   The White Spotted Deer, the pirate ship of the Straw Hat Pirates.

   "Ronan, those guys are catching up again? What should we do?"

   Hearing the roar of the crew, looking at the ship shadow quickly approaching behind, Monkey D. Ronan began to agitate the power in his body.

   "Ronan, hand me the red road sign obediently."

   The steam engine roared, and the three pirate ships flying the skull flag caught up with the Straw Hat Pirates' Shiraito Deer from the rear, and the battle was about to start.


   "My lord, there is news from the intelligence department, saying that the head of the Straw Hat Pirate Group, Monch D. Ronan, has obtained a red road sign on the fisherman island. Now the news is leaking and he is being hunted down by many parties."

   Walked into the laboratory and whispered, Catwoman quickly formed a layer of hoarfrost on her body. This place was too cold for her.

   Hearing this, the movement in Sean's hand stopped for an instant.

   "Monkey D. Ronan, is that the kid? You ask Youde to take the gold-winged Garuda to bring the red road sign back."

   Suddenly hearing the name, Xiao En's heart was filled with waves~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but he soon regained his peace.

   "Yes, my lord."

Upon hearing Sean’s order, although Catwoman felt that making Youde a little fuss, after all, the strength of Monkey D. Ronan was also hovering between the major general and the lieutenant general, but she did not have the idea to refute, she just needed Just execute the command.

   One month later, the new world, the unknown island, after a lot of chances escaped from chasing and killing, the Straw Hat Pirates came here.

   "Monkey D. Ronan, hand over the red road sign."

   Looking at Ronan, who was struggling to support under the silverback gorilla, standing on the back of the gold-winged Garuda, Youde spoke again.

   In fact, if it hadn’t been for the traces of the red road signs on the ships of the Straw Hat Pirates, Youde would have already started killing people, and would not waste time with the Straw Hat Pirates until now.

And when he heard Youde’s words, Ronan had never heard of him, still absorbing the power of the forest, and attacking time and time again. He was not a fool. He knew that even if he handed over the red road sign, the opponent would have a great chance of meeting him. Kill him.

   Seeing this scene, an extremely cold killing intent flashed across Yod's dark eyes. Monkey D. Ronan really couldn't kill until he found the red road sign, but his crew might not necessarily be the case.



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