"How can it be?"

   The black light curtain was pierced, and Vegapunk was knocked into the air again.

   Looking at Sean's obviously abnormal posture, Begapunk has always maintained a calm face with a trace of madness that can't be concealed.

   Even though Sean was very strong before, he couldn't help him, but now Sean is like a different person. Both his power and speed have doubled, and he is not an opponent at all.

  Buzz, Yata's mirror condensed, and Sean's figure disappeared again. Seeing this scene, his pupils suddenly tightened, and Begapunk's heart became ruthless, and he opened his palms.

   "Black hole·cavity."

   At a certain moment, when Sean was captured, Begapunk decisively activated his abilities.

   The terrifying suction exploded, and the air current surged, and Sean's figure suddenly condensed in the air, restrained by the huge suction.

   "I caught you."

Seeing Shaun’s figure, Begapunk’s mouth curled up with a smile. Shaun’s most terrifying thing is speed. In addition to his terrifying suction, his trick also interferes with the ability of the demon fruit ability. , As long as you find the right direction, it is entirely possible to catch Sean. Unfortunately, this kind of move is only the most useful for people like Sean for the first time. That’s why he endures it until now. Fortunately, everything is worth it.

   Boom, at the same time, a purple light fell, and the terrifying gravity enveloped Xiao En's body. This is exactly the **** of Fujitora's moves.

   Then, the black beard who had been entangled by Youd and Monka suddenly linked with Dorag, seized the opportunity, and after killing Youd with one move, he instantly got out of the predicament and rushed towards Sean.

Seeing this scene, Mengka’s eyes are splitting, and Youde have been with him the longest. The two are not brothers but are better than brothers. How can he accept this fact, but the battlefield is changing rapidly. Although Youde has awakened his fruit ability, His power is concentrated on the pets, in the same level of fighting, once caught the flaw, it is very likely to lose his life.

   At the same time, Kuroba also noticed this scene. Although his expression remained unchanged, his power to resonate with the fruit was further strengthened at this moment, and he began to squeeze the power of the crows.

  The flames of the dead plague burned, and Black Feather's attack became more fierce, and his opposite Dorag, who had maintained a balance of power, seemed a little precarious at this time, and the wounds on his body were constantly pusting and spreading.

   "Go to death for me, **** guy."

   roared, his power exploded, and Monka concentrated all his power and slammed his punch to Blackbeard.

   Feeling the threat coming from behind, Blackbeard's expression remained unchanged, and he still attacked Sean.

   Boom, boom, two huge roars sounded almost at the same time, and the silhouettes of Sean and Blackbeard were thrown away at the same time.

   "Boss, are you all right."

   His figure flashed, and Mengka immediately appeared next to Xiao En, ignoring the black beard that was knocked into the air.

   Steady his figure, looking at his sunken chest, Sean frowned.

   "Is it good? Blackbeard."

   Jinhong's eyes were swept, and he glanced at the black beard who had risen again on the island, Sean spoke.

   At the same time, the sun in the sky suddenly shone, and a ray of light fell on Xiao En's body.

   The light dissipated, and Xiao En's body returned to normal, as if he had never been injured. At the same time, the light of the sun in the sky dimmed a lot.

   Seeing this scene, Begapunk’s pupils suddenly shrank. A Sean was already troublesome, and a Sean who can continue to recover is even more troublesome.

   "It seems we still have to solve this thing first."

   looked up at the sky, Begapunk's expression gradually became colder, and at the same time, Sean disappeared in place.


   The color of seeing and hearing diverges, and the power of the dark fruit envelops the surrounding area. Vegapunk captured Sean's figure, but his expression suddenly changed in the next moment, because this time Sean did not choose to attack him.

   "You are far from using the fruit of shaking."

   murmured softly, and Sean appeared in front of Blackbeard.

   Chi, with golden lava flowing in his right hand, Sean easily pierced Blackbeard's chest. At this moment, Sean's strength surpassed Blackbeard by a bit. In addition, Blackbeard was injured and could not stop him.

   "Huh? Not dead?"

   At this time, Xiao En suddenly noticed that something was wrong, and at this time, the fruit-shaking power quietly condensed in the hands of Blackbeard.

   "Is it far? Then you try it."

   With a smirk, Blackbeard's fists were thrown out at the same time.

   clicked, the atmosphere cracked, and the light dissipated. At the moment of his death, Sean elementalized and avoided the attack of Blackbeard.

   "Is it because of the power of the yellow spring fruit?"

   Feeling the breath of life that Blackbeard didn't sag after being pierced through his heart, Sean's figure condensed again behind Blackbeard.

   "So the head?"

   Strength gathered, Sean blasted Blackbeard's head with a punch.

   嘭, the flesh and blood are mixed, the red and white are intertwined into one piece. At this moment, the black beard instantly loses all the breath of life.

   "So this is the so-called resurrection?"

The psychic power was activated and captured the fleeting soul of Blackbeard. Sean frowned. Blackbeard looked like he was truly resurrected, whether it was power or habit, but his soul was still essentially Pure as white paper, just like a newborn baby.

   There are two places where memories are stored in the human body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One is the soul and the other is the brain. After the soul is dissipated, there are actually still memories in the brain, just above the cerebral cortex.

And Begapunk’s so-called resurrection actually uses the power of the yellow spring fruit to condense a new soul in Blackbeard’s body, but this soul absorbs the memory stored in Blackbeard’s brain when it is born, so the external performance is It seems that the real Blackbeard is resurrected.

   "I really underestimated you, Sean."

   Perceiving something wrong, Begapunk rushed over immediately, but unfortunately he was still a step slower, or that Sean’s movements were too fast.

   "I wanted to prepare more, why are you forcing me?"

   Lowered his head and whispered softly, a black whirlpool emerged, and a demon fruit appeared in the hands of Begapunk, at that time the superman soul fruit.

   Noting this scene, Sean narrowed his eyes, but didn't immediately make a move.

   One bite, the power of the fruit surged, and the new soul soul fruit immediately resonated with the original dark fruit, yellow spring fruit, and silent fruit.

  The black brilliance derives, and the sun in the sky dims, and the cold atmosphere envelopes this space at this moment. At this moment, this place seems to be dragged into the dark side of the world.



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