Alluvial plain, belonging to Yihe County, the land is fertile, it is the granary of the Kingdom of Sutilt, and after passing through here is Yorkshire where the Montell family is located.

Sitting by the window, looking at the green wheat field, Sean was in a good mood. Although the steam train was a bit bumpy, the speed was not slow, reaching 100 kilometers per hour, although this speed was not as good as his memory. China's high-speed train, but it is also much faster than the original green train. Obviously, the steam engine power of the K35 train is still very good.

   But at this moment, Sean's brows suddenly frowned.

   "Are all the cultists in the Old World so rampant?"

   Looking at the fading sunlight outside the window, a sharp light flashed through Sean's blue eyes.

After naturally boarding the Old World, Sean found a lot of existence in the dark, among which Polya’s situation was the most serious. So when Monnes mentioned it before, Sean didn’t pay much attention to it, but he didn’t expect the other party to be. I really dared to directly deal with the kingdom's train, and once he took it, he would drag the entire train into the unknown.

   In the feeling of Sean, an oil painting depicting a strange forest suddenly appeared in front of the train, and now the train is immersed in the oil painting section by section.

  At the same time, Monnes, who was standing at the door of the car in charge of the security work, frowned suddenly, because the black teeth suddenly jumped off his shoulders.

   has grown in size, two meters long, like a leopard, staring at the car not far away, his black teeth are upside down, his teeth grinning, and a threatening growl.

   In the car control room, hot blood was flowing on the ground, and five corpses fell on the ground. Looking at their clothes, you can know that they are all the managers of the K35 train, including the conductor Fell.

   Da, da, the crisp sound of high-heeled shoes sounded in the silent room, and stepped on the sticky blood, the fake flight attendant, the bishop of the Black Fire Church, Uhill, walked out of the car control room.

   "Bishop, I found the thing, but I haven't got it yet. The guy with the thing is a bit tricky."

   Shadows emerged, and a monster two meters tall, resembling a werewolf, with scales and a pair of bat wings on its back appeared in front of Uhill.

   Hearing this, a coldness appeared on Uhill's coquettish face.


  The black flame spread, intertwined into a long whip, facing the monster, Uhill did not hesitate, and directly swung the whip down.

     , the skin opened and fleshy, accompanied by a sizzle, and the smell of burning flesh, but even so, the black monster just bowed his head and knelt on the ground on one knee, not even daring to say a word.

   "Take me over. Although there is a Silent Hill barrier, we have to get things as soon as possible. This time I want the Storm Church to have a hard time and let them know that fishing is not that good."

   Thinking of the painstakingly laid out plan of the Church of the Storm, not only would the bait be lost but also the fish would run away, and a sardonic smile appeared on Uhill's coquettish face.

   At the same time, a fierce battle is going on in the compartment adjacent to Sean's box. The two sides are a man with golden curly hair and a few monsters that look like werewolves with wings on their backs.

   "Master Monnes, shall we help?"

Watching the battle in the field, CP0 reserve member Wacker Morris was a little eager to try. Although he is now a second-order white knight, he has the bonus of the animal type, legendary species, and the devil fruit in the form of the ghost dragon. He consciously can fight The monsters in the field competed, and although the cold fruit ability Welch standing next to him did not speak, his eyes flashed eagerly.

   Hearing this, he glanced at the four reserve members of CP0. After seeing that Jack and Ram were still calm, Monnes spoke:

   "Remember our duty. Since the Baron has not given an order, we can just keep it here."

   "Yes, Lord Monnes."

   Hearing this, even though they were a little unwilling to hear this, Wacker and the others immediately agreed. In the past, they have been taught by Monnes, and they are still unforgettable.

   Watching the four little guys settle down, Monnes retracted his gaze and continued to pay attention to the battle not far away.

  Although he has just been promoted to the fourth-order knight, as a member of Greenfield Town, he has more knowledgeable experts, and his vision is still very good.

   The blond man should be a veteran Tier 4 transcendent, but he is not an orthodox knight, but a certain potion system of melee combat. It is likely to be a swordsman approach, and his swordsmanship is very old.

The other four monsters are more powerful. The weakest one is comparable to the third-order transcendent. The strongest one is even the fourth-order. Not only is it powerful, it moves very fast, and it also holds a kind of transcendence that resembles a black flame. strength.

Judging by the strength of these monsters, even if it is the weakest Tier 3, among the four little guys in CP0, only the fatty fruit ability Jack and the animal type, god-like species, and Ram in the form of Beamon There is a possibility of victory, the other two people, whether it is WACKER or Welch, are still a bit short, after all, they have just been promoted to the second rank.

   "Damn it."

   Extraordinary power surged, he swung his sword, and kept himself tightly guarded. As time went by, Cassio's face became more and more ugly. By this time he didn't know he had been pitted? It's just that when things have reached this point, he has no other choice but to persevere. He doesn't think that these Hyenas of the Black Fire Church will let him go by handing over things.

   The outer space is blocked, except for the train, he can't go there. He can only persist as much as possible now, and pray that the guys who use him as bait can come as soon as possible. Only in this way can he really save his life.

   A flash of gaze, Casio floated his gaze to the carriage where Sean was.

Although he doesn't know who exactly is there, but looking at Monnes and others, he knows that the power there is not weak. If he can unite with those people, it is unlikely to get rid of the people from the Black Fire ~ But it can make him hold on for longer.

   With an idea in his heart, Casio didn't hesitate. With extraordinary power surged in his body, he immediately exploded his own unique trick, the Hundred Shadow Sword, and the overlapping sword shadows temporarily forced the Hyena of the Black Fire Church back.

   was given a chance to breathe, didn't dare to hesitate, and when his figure moved, Casio immediately rushed towards the carriage where Sean was.

   "Friends, these monsters are hyenas of the Black Fire cult. They want to sacrifice everyone on the train. Please join me together."

  The body shape keeps on, and Casio casually weaves a half-truth and half-false excuse. He believes that under such circumstances, the opponent will have a great probability of choosing to join him. After all, his lips are dead and his teeth are cold.

   "Looking for death."

Seeing Casio approaching quickly and the Hyena of the Black Fire Church chasing after him, Monens’s pupils have flames leaping. No matter what the truth of the matter is, it seems to Monens. Theo's move was a disaster, uneasy and kind, and wanted to pull them into the water.


The right arm was elementalized and turned into hot lava. Aimed at the front, Monnes launched a ranged attack, treating him equally. In his opinion, whether it was the catastrophe of Casio or the hyena of the Black Fire Church, it was a threat. Shaun's safe existence is all damned.



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