"Baron Sean, we will see you again, the glory of the mistress will eventually envelope the whole world."

   Looking at Sean standing still in place, as if being held by himself, Guzman's face was smugly smiling, and he disappeared after a graceful salute.

Since the plan has been discovered by Sean, Sulik and Katie naturally have no value. Guzman did not deliberately take these two men away from Sean's hands. He didn't want to force Sean to turn his face. Under such circumstances, it is not easy to retreat all by oneself.

   His face was calm, and Xiao En just watched Guzman leave calmly, without any intention of making a move.

   "If you don't let you go, how can I find Joyful Church's nest in Yorkshire?"

   There was a cold light from the azure blue pupils, and Sean returned his gaze to Katie and Sulik.

The invisible puppet silk thread is entwined. Under the action of the fifth-order wonder, neither Sulik nor Katie has actually lost the ability to move freely. From the very beginning, Guzman’s threat to Sean was a joke. .

   Waved, Sean released the puppet silk thread's control of Katie.

   "Brother, you can save Sulik, he became like this because of me."

   There were tears in the purple pupils. The first time he was free, Katie asked Sean for help, for Sulik.

   Seeing Katie like this, Sean frowned.

   "Is this the way to enjoy the church? It's really interesting."

   Katie's performance at this moment is obviously abnormal, and it is obviously affected by external forces. The most important thing is that Sean can't find any trace of external influence on her.

   "It seems that it can only be solved from the source."

The mutation in Katie's body was caused by Sulik's influence. At this moment, in Katie's heart, Sulik is the person she loves deeply. She is willing to do everything for Sulik. This is Huan. The cobweb that Joy Church uses the power of **** to weave for Katie makes her unable to get rid of it.

All love at first sight is an excitement. In fact, Katie’s affection for Sulik is far from love. She just has a little curiosity about Sulik, a rather special person, and enjoys the church. He used the seeds of **** to magnify and ripen her feeling, making Katie think that she has fallen in love with Surik deeply.

   "Don't worry, I will save him."

  The godless eyes met Katie, and Sean agreed to Katie's request.

   After hearing this, Katie finally showed a smile on her face, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

   "The blasphemer, die."

   The gods are psychic, exuding mighty coercion, and then terrifying power descends in the temple, destroying everything.

   "It's not good, hurry up."

   his expression changed drastically, he grabbed Katie, and Sean left the temple in an instant.

   Boom, the temple collapsed and sank in a cloud of smoke. Sulik, including those from the Joyful Church near the temple, lost their lives in an instant, and no one was spared.


   At the moment Sulik died, Katie seemed to have a feeling in her heart. After making a sad cry, she passed out.

   "After erasing the source, Katie's impact should be much smaller. With the guardian of the lotus and demon fire, I believe it will return to normal soon."

   Looking at the collapsed temple, Sean's face was calm.

   The ritual is not completed, and Ms. Joy is naturally impossible to come without the believer's reception. The so-called psychic is just a small trick by Sean using the power of the soul fruit, just in case.

   "The next thing seems to be hunting time. If I chose to take action against the Montell family, then naturally I have to pay a price."

   With a movement, and taking Katie, Sean stepped into the door of space.

   This temple located in the sewer of Xicheng District is just a small stronghold of the Joyful Church. This can be seen from the staffing. It is precisely because of this that Sean chose to let Guzman live a little longer.

   "I hope you don't let me down."

   After sending Katie back to the earl's house, using the power of the soul fruit to lock the soul aura that has not moved for a while, the corner of Sean's mouth outlines a beautiful arc.

Tracking·A Thousand Miles of Locking the Soul, the ability that Sean has developed using the Soul Soul Fruit, of course, is not so much development, as it is the ability that Soul Soul Fruit has transformed into the sixth rank. Before the transformation, all creatures’ In Sean’s eyes, the soul is actually not much different from the extraordinary powers of flame and nature. It is just a special one. After the transformation is completed, the soul becomes alive in Sean’s eyes. life.

In Sean’s perception, everyone’s soul aura is unique. As long as he captures the other’s soul aura, Sean has the ability to lock the other’s position, but this lock is affected by the distance, after a certain distance, Sean will lose his senses, and this is also known as the so-called Thousand Miles of Soul Locking.

   hum, the void vibrates, and Sean walks into the door of space with a white beard. Although I don't think the joyful church can have much combat power in Yorkshire, he still wears a white beard just in case.

Willow City, the third largest city in Yorkshire, Mangrove Fort, the Beard family’s castle, in Yorkshire, in addition to the earl family of Montre, there is also a viscount family and two baronial families. The Beard family is One of the family of barons.

   The lights were brightly lit, and there was a vaguely laughing voice. Seeing this scene from a distance, the residents of Willow City knew that their Lord Beard was having a banquet again.

  There is nothing they can say about this except for envy, jealousy and hatred. After all, this is a nobleman. At most, the Beard family holds banquets a little bit more frequently.

   "Although I have erased the traces, I still can't stay in this place just to be on the safe side."

Being surrounded all year round, although the priests of Huanyu Church are not capable of fighting, they still have good life-saving ability. Although they have enough confidence in their ability to sneak, Guzman decided to move as soon as possible just in case, and temporarily avoid the wind. Head, time is still long, momentary success or failure is not a big deal.

   Shadows emerged, and Guzman walked into the Mangrove Fort. Who would have thought that the stronghold of the Evil God Church, the Joyous Church, was in the castle of the nobles.

   pushed open the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A warm and lewd breath came, and Guzman frowned slightly.

Going all the way, I turned a blind eye to the naked ladies who kept coming up. Guzman didn't have this interest now, and he kept walking. Soon Guzman found the mangrove fort among a bunch of fleshy bugs. Master, Philip Beard.

   "My dear Baron Beard, you should wake up."

   Looking at Philip Beard who was indulged in desire, Guzman urged the extraordinary power in his hand to wake the other party to wake up.


Looking at Guzman as he woke up, Philip Beard's complexion immediately changed, showing a flattering smile, and bowing respectfully, but he seemed to have forgotten that he is wearing nothing now, all in white. Meat looks a bit dirty to the eyes, but Guzman can't care about it at this time.

   "Philip, the people of the Montell family have found my traces. Now I will take people to evacuate here, but in order for the glory of the mistress to envelop Yorkshire as soon as possible, you still need to stay."

Hearing this, Philip Beard was like falling into the ice cave. Although he joined the Joyful Church and enjoyed it, he didn’t want to confront the Montell family. He didn’t dare to imagine that the Montell family would track down his What will happen to the body.



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