At the beginning of December 1524, a grand banquet was held in Oak City. All the powerful figures in Yorkshire gathered together, because the prince of Sutilt, Rostand Bansane, and the first of the family of the Duke of Westin The heir Aval Westin finally arrived in Oak City.

With the participation of these two, the welcome banquet was naturally very lively, but Sean was not interested in it. After a simple appearance, he handed over the matter of entertaining the guests to the second child, Hart Munt. you.

   "Katie, are you feeling better?"

   Back at the earl's house, Sean went to visit Katie.

In fact, after the pastor’s treatment, Katie’s body is now completely free of problems, but after the previous events, her mind has been irreparably damaged. Although she now knows that there is no existence between herself and Sulik She was in love, but she did not lose her memory. What happened before still left indelible marks in her mind.

"elder brother."

   Hearing Sean's voice, Katie, who was in a daze, quickly stood up.

   Katie used to like to live the most, but now she has become a lot more silent. If it were before, she would definitely be the protagonist of today's dance party.

   Sean didn't know what to say about Katie's change. Even from a certain point of view, this change might not be a good thing. After all, the world is likely to become more chaotic in the days to come.

   "Katie, all the power of Joyful Church in Yorkshire has been uprooted. The family who hurt you have already cost them."

   walked to Katie's side, at this moment Sean's tone was very gentle.

   "Brother, don't worry, I'm fine, I just think I'm too useless."

   Seeing Sean's worry, Katie showed a distressed smile on her slightly pale face.

   "Brother, I want to be stronger."

"I see."

   Looking at the firmness in Katie's purple pupils, Sean let out a silent sigh and nodded.

Although Katie's aptitude is a little worse, it is still possible to advance to Tier 5 Legend with some means. If Katie can maintain this kind of determination, then this experience may really be a piece of hers. Good thing.

  Golden oak castle, banquet hall, Rostand Banceern and Evar Westin, two people of the same noble background, I don’t know when they came together.

   Rostand is about 1.8 meters tall, with Bansain's iconic broken gold pupils, with golden curly hair, earrings inlaid with red gems, and wearing a suit that has just begun to be popular. Simple and decent, outstanding.

Evar is about 1.7 meters tall, has double pupils like amethyst, and short and short hair of algae green is tied behind his head by a purple headband. Compared to Rostand’s simplicity, he wears formal aristocratic clothes. Every movement is full of noble elegance.

   "It's been a long time since I saw Evar, you are still so staid, like an old man."

   Raising the red wine glass and leaning in to touch it, Rostand looked very familiar.

   "I am different from you."

He raised his head and glanced at the bohemian Rostand, Evar said, his expression has not changed at all. He and Rostand have known each other a long time ago, and they also have a better understanding of Rostand’s behavior. Stadt doesn't mind the directness.

   Hearing this, Rostand didn't say anything, and changed the topic directly. Although the two people are similar in status and status, they are in very different situations.

   "What do you think of Yorkshire?"

"very good."

   Hearing Rostand’s question, Evar's answer was as short as ever.

   "I heard that the Beard family, which had been passed down for hundreds of years, was wiped out by the Montell family overnight, and the eldest son of the Montell family was Sean Montell."

   Rostand didn't care about Evar's indifference, and still said to himself.

   Hearing this, Evar didn't speak, and took a sip of the red wine. His purple eyes were rippled. Of course he had heard of this, and he might even know it better than Rostand.

   "It seems that Xiao En has indeed been promoted to Tier 5, but the two of us are still spinning at Tier 4, which is really a shame."

   drank a sip of red wine, and said this, there was a trace of sarcasm in Rostand’s words, but it was not aimed at others, but at himself.

In terms of age, the two of them are a little older than Sean. In terms of status, although Sean is the first heir to the Montell family, he is still a bit worse than the two of them. Obviously, they are better in every aspect. A little better than Sean, but now Sean is a big step ahead of them, which really makes Rostand a little unacceptable.

   Hearing this, he glanced at Rostand, Evar knew it in his heart.

He knows that although Rostand is bold and unrestrained on the outside, like a noble and unrestrained man, he is actually very arrogant in his heart, but Rostand does have arrogant capital because he has awakened the knight king. Blood.

   To be honest, the sudden emergence of Sean really surprised Evar. He originally thought that their generation should be the first threshold for Rostand to enter the fifth rank.

   "You should be fast too."

   Capturing the faintly revealed breath of Rostand, Evar spoke.

   Hearing this, Rostand looked at Evar in surprise.

   "It's really fast, but you also know that this step is a I only hope that this time the confusion of the Montell family can make me gain something."

   Now that Evar has seen it, Rostand naturally has nothing to hide.

   "By the way, that guy is your genius brother, right."

   Standing upstairs, looking at the man downstairs who shuttles between the nobles, with the same hair color and the same pupils as Evar, Rostand showed a smile on his face.


   Facing Rostand's jokes, Evar's expression remained calm, without any change, just like a wooden person.

Casper Westin, the third son of the Westin family, a true genius, is already a fourth-order knight at a young age, and is considered to be the most likely to surpass the first Violet Grand Duke. And having such a genius brother is not a very comfortable thing for Evar.

   "Evar, your brother seems to be much more interesting than you."

He continued to joke with Evar, and Caspe’s figure was reflected in his eyes, but Rostand thought of his little sister in his heart. She was a genius like Caspe, except that she was more than Caspe. Knowing how to restrain her edge, speaking of him, this little girl still has a marriage contract with Sean.



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