"Are you sure you want to take the test?"

   smoothed the momentary waves in his heart, staring at Xiao En, Shu Lao asked routinely, his words were faint, without any ups and downs.

   Hearing this, Sean nodded.

   "Then the test has begun."

   The old tree's voice gradually drifted away, and gradually returned to silence, Xiao En suddenly found that his consciousness had come to a completely strange place.

   The void is silent, the stars are floating, and there is no light. This is a shattered starry sky, where time seems to stagnate and flow.

   "Is this the Tower of Aion?"

   When Sean's gaze was far away, a tall tower running through the starry sky naturally appeared in his field of vision.

   Although it was the first time I saw him, the inexplicable Sean knew that this tower was the Eternal Tower he was looking for.

   The tall tower stands in the void, as if he is the only one between heaven and earth, and the most special thing is that there is a giant snake surrounded by the tower of the tall tower.

   is not a statue, but a real existence. Sean can't see exactly how big this snake is. It is surrounded by layers, and only the head of this snake can be seen hanging from the sea of ​​stars, holding his tail in his mouth.

   Seeing this scene, Sean squinted his eyes. In the occult, ouroboros actually has many meanings, but the most famous one is immortality and eternity.

   At this moment, the Ouroboros, which had been sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes.

  Buzz, the pure white light burst out, like the rising sun, the moment the Ouroboros opened its eyes, the starry sky was lit up.

   A glance at ten thousand years, at the moment when the ouroboros eyes cast, Sean's consciousness seemed to be submerged by the sea. Although struggling hard, he was helpless, and could only follow the tide and completely lost himself.

   "May I die?"

Before the self-consciousness is completely dissipated, this is the last thought in Sean’s heart. If he knew this so-called test, he would cast his eyes on a seventh-order existence. If he knew the so-called test, he would die with a high probability. Sean would never participate in this so-called test. There was a door of infinitesimal existence. Even without the help of the Eternal Tower, Sean would have certain certainty to cross the threshold of the seventh step, at most it would be slower and more bumpy.

   Within the golden oak fandom, under the sacred oak, Sean's figure is still standing there, as if nothing had happened.

   "The test has begun."

   Looking at the gray scales that constantly drilled out of Sean’s flesh and blood, the old tree knew that the test of the Aion had begun again.

   "Will you perform miracles this time? Or will you be the same as your ancestors?"

The sacred breath converged and the illusion dissipated. Although the old tree’s body was still tall, but I don’t know when his body was entwined with one after another gray giant snakes. These giant snakes were constantly squirming on the old tree’s torso. Obviously they were all It is a living individual.

   The appearance of these giant snakes is very similar to that of the ouroboros outside the Eternal Tower, but their auras are very different. There is no eternal immortality, only chaos and madness.

They are immortal, but they are irrational. They are powerful, but they are firmly bound to the sacred oak body. They will never leave. This is the gift and curse of ouroboros to them, and they all have a common surname. That is Montell.

In the past years, many wizards of the Montell family have participated in the test of the Eternal Tower, and their result is only one, and that is to turn into an irrational basilisk, but even so, every once in a while There will still be wizards from the Montell family to take part in the test, because this is the price they should pay.

The truth of the test has actually been circulated in the Montell family, but it does not fall into the words, and the severance of the magic wave has caused some problems in the inheritance of the Montell family, so that nowadays, in addition to the sacred oak in the Montell family No one knows the truth of this test anymore.

   Of course, since it is a test, it is naturally possible to pass, and once it passes, there are bound to be many things, but this possibility is very small.

   And just as Sean was put to the test, there was another storm in the New World.


   Greenfield Town, City Hall, Iluka stood quietly in front of the French windows, with a solemn expression.

            la la, heavy rain, the sky seems to be torn open a hole, the rain is falling down, and this day has been going on for ten days.

   "Clerk Iruka, the rain is really too big. If it goes down like this, the entire Greenfield Town will be flooded with terror."

   With a wet suit of water vapor, the police chief Claudius, who had just returned from an inspection on the flood-fighting front, walked in from outside.

   Hearing this, Iluka turned around.

"How is it going?"

   "It's terrible. The entire wharf area has been flooded. The temporary dams may not last long."

Picking up the towel on the table and wiping his hair on his own, Claudius told Iruka about the flood-fighting frontline situation. The rainstorm came very suddenly. This season of the New World should be the rainy season. Face this. When the sudden torrential rain just started, Luye Town did not take it to heart, because in their opinion, the rain would only be two or three days at most, and it would not have much impact on normal life, but they did not expect it. Not only did this torrential rain get bigger and bigger, but it also seemed to show no signs of stopping.

   Heavy rain poured down, and the water of the Tamu River was rising day by day, and there were already signs of flooding. Under such circumstances, the officials of Luye Town immediately began flood relief.

   With the army as the main force, the construction department as the backbone, and a large number of civilians, Luye Town built a flood control dam on the side of Luye Town near the Tamu River at an incredible speed.

Of course, the biggest contributors to this step in Greenfield Town in just a few days are Lidi and Norman in the construction department. The two of them are the superhuman stone fruit and the superman wood fruit. By.

But even so, it can only be a temporary solution. Lidi and Norman are limited in their abilities. In order to build a dam~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the two of them are now completely exhausted, and with the mother of the tower. The river's water keeps rising, and no one knows how long this temporary dam can last. It's just that the final answer may not be too good.

   In order to solve the rain disaster as soon as possible and avoid unnecessary losses, Iluka personally found the Viper Snow and asked him to take action to interfere with the celestial phenomenon with human power.

Faced with Iluka’s request, Snow agreed after considering it for a while. Although he was more willing to do experiments and was not willing to waste time on disaster relief, he knew that if he really left it alone, then Sean would I'm afraid it will be unsatisfactory.

  The reason why the fifth-order transcendents are called legends is because they have broken the limit and can do things that are impossible in the eyes of many people, artificially creating miracles.

   Snow shot himself, and the wings of the fallen angel separated the sky in two, easily dispelling the rain clouds, but the weird thing was that he dispelled the rain clouds just a moment before and the rain clouds gathered again, as if they had life.

   "Clerk Iruka, according to the estimation of the construction department, if the rain does not decrease, at most three days the water of the Tamu River will collapse the dam."

   The whole person collapsed on the sofa, and Claudius made the final conclusion.

   Hearing this, Iruka was silent.



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