Apricot and the pure white pupils face each other, and the low air pressure fills up. As the negotiation broke down, the aura of Kenneth and the green pheasant who had just subsided once again slowly climbed.

   "You have mastered the rules of ice, I really can't help you, but you can't keep those fragile humans."

   The corners of his mouth split open, revealing his teeth. Looking at the green pheasant, Kenneth's face showed an undisguised grin.

   rumbling, muffled thunder-like voices sounded one after another, that was the sound from the source of the Tam River.

   The ground shook the mountains. At this moment, the Tam River seemed to be irritated. From the source, the mighty flood began to overflow and flow down the river, like a group of charged knights, wherever it passed, there was no grass growing.

   Looking into the distance, watching this scene, the pure white pupils of the green pheasant are even more cold.

   "Although it's a bit reluctant, it's not impossible to try."

   The ice phoenix rebirth, in a short moment, two ice phoenixes appeared behind the blue pheasant at the same time, and rushed towards Kenneth together.

   His expression changed slightly. After suffering a loss, Kenneth didn't want to let the Ice Phoenix get close to him this time.

   Boom, the Tam River roared, and with two punches, Kenneth directly smashed the two ice phoenixes made by the blue pheasant into pieces.

   The chill broke out, and Kenneth, who had been prepared for a long time, naturally easily escaped the explosion of the Ice Phoenix, but at this moment a strong sense of crisis filled Kenneth's heart.

   "This is ice, how is it possible, when."

   Stiff body, lowered his head, watching the faint blue spreading from the soles of his feet, there was a touch of disbelief in Kenneth's apricot eyes.

Behind   , an ancient and illusory throne emerged. Standing in front of the throne, at this moment, the body of the blue pheasant exudes an aura that makes people hard to look at, just like a real great life.

The Frozen Throne, the highest secret technique of the seventh-order secret "Frozen Throne", is a growth secret technique. The highest-level can reach the seventh-order. The place where it claims to be is full of ice and soil, but it is a pity that it is now green. The pheasant's strength is still weaker, it is impossible to condense the true Frozen Throne, it can only form a phantom, even the appearance is vague, but even so, the green pheasant uses the Frozen Throne as its support. The simplified version of Absolute Zero still temporarily restricted Kenneth's actions.

   "This sword, kill you."

   Indifferent eyes locked on Kenneth, and the green pheasant slowly stretched out his right hand.

   Void fluctuations, as the green pheasant's right hand slowly stretched out, a little truth condensed on the illusory backrest of the throne.

   stretched out his hand and held it cold. Although it was not the first time I felt it, the green pheasant was still a little surprised, because now he is a king of ice elements.

  吭, a crisp voice sounded, as the green pheasant made a sword-drawing action, a strangely shaped sword slowly condensed in the void.

   The sword is fierce, with shark-like sharp teeth on both sides, and the hilt is shaped like a goat's skull. Two curved horns extend to the sides. The dark and silvery gray are intertwined, revealing a deep despair.

   "Frostmourne·Everything is dead."

   The aura of death permeated his body, aiming at Kenneth, the green pheasant gently swung the sword.

  The gray aura condenses into a single line, that is the deepest despair. Facing this sword, Kenneth, who has just broken free, can't help but feel the color of despair in his eyes.

   "I'm dead, I can't hide it."

   The desperation in his heart throbbed, and Kenneth's resisting movement stagnated.

   "Damn it, what kind of secret technique is this, it shook my soul."

   Tam River roared, freed from despair, Kenneth's face changed drastically, but at this time, the sword light of the green pheasant had already hit him.

   is silent, at this moment time seems to have stopped flowing, and everything has turned gray.

   The phantom of the Tam River broke, and Kenneth, who was slashed by the sword light, did not have any wounds. This sword slashed his soul instead of his body.

  Hu, the breeze blew, layers of gray frost appeared on Kenneth's body, and the deepest despair condensed in it.

   Apricot eyes lost their brilliance, the power dissipated, and Kenneth's body fell freely into the Tam River.

   Seeing this scene, the forest in the eyes of the green pheasant disappeared a lot.

   "There is strength and despair."

   Looking at the ancient **** inscription on the sword, the silence aura on the green pheasant is getting stronger and stronger. When he uses this sword, despair is also eroding his mind and body.

"It is rumored that this witchcraft was created based on the sacred tool Frostmourne, which was mastered by the demon **** of the fifth pillar of hell, as a template. The witchcraft alone is already so evil. I don't know what the brilliance of that real artifact is. "

Frostmourne, one of the core witchcrafts that constitute the ultimate move of the Frozen Throne, is also the most lethal witchcraft currently mastered by the blue pheasant. It uses blood as a guide, starts from the rules of ice, touches death, and evolves despair. Drag the enemy's soul into the abyss of despair and perish forever.

   "Although I can't kill you, I still have to seal you for a while."

   Feeling the source of the continuous flow of the Tam River, the green pheasant threw the Frostmourne in his hand fiercely.

  咻, the blade pierced through the air, struck the sky with deep despair, sank into the river, broke Kenneth's flesh and blood, passed through his chest, and nailed him to the bottom of the river.

The pure white pupils reflected the appearance of Kenneth being nailed to the bottom of the river, and the green pheasant let out a sigh. This is the limit he can do now, with the spontaneous protection of the origin of the Tam River, with the green pheasant. The current strength can't kill Kenneth at all. Once a forceful act is made, the most likely possibility is to cause the original riot in the Tam River, prompting Kenneth to break away from despair earlier. From the current situation, it is best to seal for a period of time. the result of.

   "The next step is to deal with the flood."

   Perception diverged, and seeing the flood that swept down from the upper reaches, swallowing mountains and rivers, and was about to arrive, the green pheasant descended.

   The throne collapsed, standing on the surface of the Tam River, an extreme chill erupted from the body of the green pheasant.

"Ice Age."

   The faint blue brilliance is permeated, rippling like ripples in the Tam River, wherever it passes, everything is dyed into frosty white ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~, frozen. "

   On the river in the town of Luye, the river workers who were making their last efforts suddenly found that the roaring Tam River suddenly became quiet, and a thick layer of ice formed on the wide river in an instant.

   "It's really ice."

   Some bold people leaned over and checked, their tentacles were cold and bitter, and couldn't help exclaiming.

   "Flood, the flood is frozen."

   After a brief astonishment, great joy filled everyone's heart.

   On the hillside, the snake Snow and Noletis watched this scene quietly, and they knew that the green pheasant had really done it.

   "It's really a monster. It seems I'm going to cheer, or I can just figure out a way to capture the body of that demigod? It's a pity that it's a little unrealistic. The creatures like gods are really special."

   The thought in his heart turned, Snow disappeared, and he was going back to continue his experiment.

Noletis stayed here without moving. He was waiting for the return of the blue pheasant. Although he did not like it or was afraid of the blue pheasant because of his life instinct at the beginning, he now has the blue pheasant in his heart. Except for Sean, he is already the second person close to him. It is a deep friendship established in a novel.


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