"Is this the essence of chakras? No wonder I can't extract chakras now."

   Looking at the ninja entity on the dissection stage, Sean's face showed a thoughtful expression.

Sean is no stranger to the power of Chakra. After he merged the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, he naturally possessed the power of Chakra, but when his eyes were taken away by the unknown god, Chakra’s The power disappeared from him.

Similar to the spirituality of wizards, Chakra is also an extraordinary force of the trinity of spirit, body, and magic, but unlike spirituality, the composition of Chakra accounts for the largest proportion of spirit, followed by the flesh, and the magic is only the first point. It is precisely because of this that some very strange phenomena will appear in this world, such as the unfortunate writing round eyes, such as being created by the power of yin and yang, giving birth to the self-conscious chakra creature tail beast, for example, after some people die, chakra does not It will not dissipate, but will continue to pass on. Even the dead can use these chakras to revive their will again. Although the appearance of these weird phenomena is related to the world itself, the most important thing is because of the chakras. Particularity.

   "It seems that I am missing the initial introduction."

   The roots of the tree spread, swallowing the corpse on the dissecting table completely, and Xiao En thought of something.

   Hokage World, a deformed world. It has been three months since Sean came to this world. The place where he first descended was the capital of the country of fire.

When he first arrived, Sean didn’t make any big moves. While adapting to the environment, the only thing he did was to go through the collection of the Kingdom of Fire, although because of the environment, the power of witchcraft, Sean could not be casual. Cast, but this time he is coming in his true body, even if he does not rely on witchcraft, but the power of the soul and the body, Sean can display the strength of Tier 5, which is the so-called shadow in this world.

   At this time, the third Ninja War has already ended, and the fourth Ninja War has not erupted. The world is in a rare period of peace, and the shadow is already the strongest on the bright side.

Sean has gained a lot from the collection of the fire country. Long, long ago, there was no chakra in the world of Naruto. It was a foreign product brought by the Datongmu family, and it was Datongmu Huiye who ate the chakra fruit. The power that was born later was later dispersed by Datongmu Huiye's son Datongmu Yuyi, the so-called Six Dao Immortals.

   Sprinkle the seeds of chakras, so that ordinary people have the ability to extract chakras. After the six immortals founded Ninzong, the extraordinary power of chakras officially took root in the world of Naruto.

In other words, most people want to propose that chakras must have chakra seeds, and this is the so-called ninja qualification. The most critical point of special natural energy for ninjas to extract chakras is provided by chakra seeds, and they don’t. Have the ability to absorb natural energy.

Chakra seeds exist in nature. As long as they can resonate with it and integrate them, people have the possibility of becoming ninjas. In general, babies are the easiest to attract chakra seeds, and other than that, Chakra's seeds can also be passed down by blood, which means that the offspring of ninjas are theoretically more likely to become ninjas than the offspring of civilians, and this is actually the source of those powerful families in the ninja world.

With the existence of the door, Sean’s physique is very special. Under normal circumstances, he can try to accommodate almost all transcendental systems, but Chakra is different. He needs Chakra seeds as a primer, which needs to be absorbed by Sean himself, but Sean was not in a hurry about this. He studied Chakra more to see through the truth of the world through this power, and he was not optimistic about this power system.

  Similar to One Piece, the Chakra system of Naruto World is strictly a broken and extraordinary road, because it lacks the most important life transformation ability, can only enhance combat power, not extend life.

   Of course, although there are serious flaws, the Chakra system also has its own advantages, that is, it can be quick. If Sean can really master this method, it would be good at least to cultivate cannon fodder.

   "The Chakra thing is not in a hurry, as long as my eyes are restored, I will naturally grasp it. Instead, I should go to the deepest part of the Daming Mansion to take a look. The last time I was blocked, this time it should be able to break open."

   "Oh, this world seems more interesting than I thought."

   A smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and with an expression of interest, Xiao En's figure disappeared.

   The Naruto World is a deformed world. This is Sean’s point of view. It is not only an extraordinary system, but also the world pattern. The so-called Ninja Village system is simply incredible in Sean’s view.

Ninjas have powerful powers. Not to mention the existence of super-specs such as Senju Zhuma and Uchiha Madara. Even those shadow-level powerhouses also have the power to destroy the country. What is strange is that these ninjas have the power to control the power. Did not get the corresponding status.

The ninja system separates ninjas from ordinary people. Compared with ordinary ninjas, although they can get back a lot of rewards for each mission, this does not change their status as mercenaries, or even the shadow of a ninja. In the end, everyone needs to consider the opinions of the daimyo, because the daimyo holds the financial power and the lifeblood of Shinobu, but why? Why should the strong want to tolerate the weak, even if they do not use force to directly control the country, can they use mental illusions to control the daimyo? This is something that Sean can't understand, but as he continues to explore the Daming Mansion, Sean has some discoveries.

  Night ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The moon is bright and the stars are scarce, and the Daming Mansion is still brightly lit.

The Fire Country is currently the most powerful country in the Naruto World. The Daming Mansion is naturally built to be very gorgeous. Walking forward slowly, as if taking a walk, Xiao En walked into this heavily guarded Daming Mansion deep. There, neither the samurai with swords nor the hidden ninjas found him.

   Deep in the ground, an underground palace that was built at an unknown time stands here, exuding an ancient and vicissitudes of life, as if to witness the vicissitudes of life.

   "This is it."

   Looking at the quaint stone gate in front of him, Xiao En's expression changed slightly.

The stone gate has been ruined, the two bronze door knockers have been decayed, and there is no lock, and there is this obvious gap, which looks like a push to open, but it is such a seemingly inconspicuous door that just blocked the last time. Shaun’s pace.

   "Natural energy, or magic, is not used in the same way as ninjas nowadays. There are some shadows of the ceremonial witch formation of the Liberal Arts World, but there are also obvious differences between the two."

   The shadow of the door reflected in his eyes. Looking at the stone door, Xiao En stretched out his right hand. After a period of research, he has seen through the weakness of this method.



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