The golden sun fell down, and it was another beautiful morning. Sean, who had disappeared for a month on that day, reappeared in Konoha Village.

   "Although the time has been used a little longer, it's all worth it."

   looked up at the golden sun, Xiao En narrowed his eyes slightly. At this moment, his azure blue pupils revealed a strange look, and he was no longer as dead and silent as before.

   "I should go for a walk next."

   The eyes have recovered, the initial goal has been completed, and Sean plans to do something he wants to do.

Seeing that the domineering color was released, and the whole Konoha was enveloped in it, Sean quickly found his goal. At this moment, some powerful perception ninjas vaguely realized that something was wrong, but when they wanted to track down, they had already lost everything. trace.

To the west, here is where the poorer village names of Konoha Village live. Dilapidated streets and dilapidated pavilions. Everything here reveals coldness. It is hard to imagine that Naruto Uzumaki, the only son of the four generations of Naruto, lives alone. Here, you must know that the fourth generation of Hokage was sacrificed for Konoha.

   "Look, it's that monster."

   "Ah, he has appeared again, why not die."

   When a child of about six or seven years old walked out of a dilapidated house, the street suddenly became lively.

Everyone looked at this child with deep disgust and unconcealed fear in their eyes, and uttering bad words was a way for them to vent their emotions, and even some children even picked up stones and threw them over. , Clamoring to kill this monster, and the dark ninjas who secretly protected or monitored Naruto also watched this scene silently, without any action.

Naruto was hit by a stone in his head with blood flowing from his forehead. Naruto ate pain and covered the wound with his hand. But at this moment, looking at the child who hurt him, there was not only the slightest hatred in Naruto’s eyes, but also on his face. Instead, he showed a heartless smile.

   At the corner of the street, Xiao En watched this scene quietly. At this moment, he was even more convinced of his opinion that everything in this world is distorted, including human nature.

  As the only child of the fourth generation, even if the fourth generation has fallen, Naruto Uzumaki’s life should not be so miserable. After all, his parents have made great contributions to the village.

  As the power of the nine tails, Naruto Uzumaki should be well taken care of while being guarded by the village, because only with the correct guidance, the Naruto can better control the power of the nine tails.

To be honest, Sean couldn’t understand Sarutobi's practice. In his opinion, he should not make such a choice whether he is public or private. Yugong is the shadow of the village and he has the responsibility and responsibility. Obligation to take care of the only son of the four generations, express the attitude of the village, not to chill other ninjas, and to do so is also conducive to the control of Kyuubi. Yusi four generations is Jilaiya’s apprentice and his grandson, and he is also He also has the responsibility to give Naruto a certain amount of care, but in the end he chose to let it go.

That is to say, Naruto has a special personality. Normally, a child has been living in such an environment. After he grows up, he will basically have psychological problems. It is not impossible to become a dark psychology. Don’t say jokes about working for the village. After mastering the power, the first thought is probably to defect. If there is a chance of strength, destroying the village may also be a good choice.

   "Sure enough, everyone still doesn't like me, maybe this situation will change after I become Hokage."

   "Well, I definitely will."

   went all the way and came to the bottom of the Hokage Rock. Naruto stopped and looked up at the majestic Hokage Rock Carving. There was a different light in his blue eyes.

   "But I'm so hungry."

   gurgling screams sounded, he retracted his gaze and touched his stomach, Naruto's immature face was full of bitterness.

It stands to reason that both Naminoue Gate and Uzumaki Kushina are not weak ninjas. They should have a lot of assets, but after their deaths, their assets disappeared. Naruto did not inherit any points. He In the end, there was only one small broken house and a little relief provided by the village every month.

   "Little guy, it looks like you are hungry, do you want to eat an apple?"

   A gentle voice sounded, and Sean's figure walked out of the woods, and at this moment all the dark ninjas who were in charge of monitoring Naruto lost consciousness.

   Grumbling, it was the sound of saliva swallowing. Looking at the red, big and bright apple in Sean's hand, Naruto swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

   "Uncle, would you give me this apple?"


  Getting the affirmative answer from Sean, Naruto immediately reached out his hands and took the big apple in Sean's hand. His blue eyes were full of joyful light, but in the next moment, his face changed.

   "Uncle, the taste of your apple is so weird."

   did not spit it out, and swallowed the flesh with difficulty, Naruto's face was covered with blue.

   "I hope it can bring you a different life."

   The voice is still echoing, but Sean's figure has disappeared at this moment.

   "Uncle, where did you go?"

   Sean suddenly naturally couldn't help looking around, but he couldn't find it.

   "Is this the power of ninjutsu? When I grow up, I will also become a powerful ninja."

   The thought in his heart flipped, with a sunny smile on his face, he picked up the apple, and Naruto gulped. Although the taste of this apple is indescribable, it can at least fill up his stomach.

When his body shape is gone, Sean no longer pays attention to Naruto. He neither hates nor likes Naruto. Naruto is sunny, passionate, affectionate, and has a sense of justice, but he is too ego and self-righteous, many times I can't recognize myself, and I always cause trouble for others without knowing it.

The reason why Sean set his sights on him this time is mainly because of his identity, the reincarnation of Ashura Chakra, the Nine-Tailed Renzhuli, he is the son of the destiny of this world in this era, just like the original thousand. Between the handposts, Xiao En believed that the sixth-order natural storm fruit from the Mad Emperor, one of the four emperors of the One Piece world, after the transformation, should be able to complete the awakening on his body, and he might be able to harvest a seventh-order mythical demon by then. fruit.

   "Maybe it is the right way to open the devil fruit to those destined sons?"

   The thought in his heart turned, and Xiao En's figure disappeared instantly. He was going to find another Son of Destiny.



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