Whirlpool family residence, Sean temporarily stopped here.

One month later, the hexagonal reincarnation plate reappeared, and Sean released the suppressed death again, but it was different from a month ago. Although the shape of the death did not change at this time, his eyes have become the same as that of Sean. Similar reincarnation eyes, exuding a strange purple light.

   "I have seen the Taoist master."

Deep words sounded, looking at Sean, the **** of death bowed and bowed. As part of the six reincarnations, **** of death still has a clear understanding and the power to act alone, but his true consciousness was completely suppressed at the moment He has been completely obliterated by the hexagonal reincarnation disc. His current consciousness and personality are actually derived from his previous memories. They are attached to Sean’s subsidiary consciousness. Strictly speaking, the current **** of death can no longer be regarded as a real life. NS.

   "Take things out."

   At the moment when the **** of death was completely suppressed, Sean got the memory of the **** of death, and it was only at this time that he remembered that there was an interesting thing in the **** of death.

   Hearing this, the **** of death nodded and put the ghost claws into his stomach.

When Kyuubi was manipulated by Uchiha with soil to make trouble in the village of Konoha, the fourth generation of Naruto’s father, Naruto’s father, in order to protect the village and put an end to the turmoil, used his own life as a cost. The ghoul banned, sealing Yin Jiuwei and his soul in the belly of the **** of death.

   Grumbling, a ball of light glowing with crimson light was pulled out of his belly by the **** of death, and in this ball of light there was a nine-tailed fox screaming and sleeping.

   "Is this Yin Jiuwei? The amount of chakra is really scary."

After taking the Nine Tails and perceiving it carefully, Sean nodded. The Tail Beast is a collection of a large number of Chakras. As the most powerful existence among the Tail Beasts, even if it is only half of the complete body, Yin Nine Tails still have it. The amount of chakra that is confusing.

   "This kind of power is somewhat helpful to me now."

After observing for a while, stretched out his hand and patted, Xiao En sealed Yin Jiuwei in his body. Three years later, he also gained a lot of knowledge in the sealing technique, and with his strength, half of the Jiuwei roots This can't make any waves.

   "Next, I should go to Underworld to take a look."

   The heart and mind are connected, and as Sean's thoughts turn, the **** of death tears his hands, and a road to the underworld emerges from the void.

  The **** of death is the first ghost born after the opening of the Naruto of the Naruto World. It not only has a sixth-order personality, but also has special permissions. He can easily tear the road to the land of the material world.

   stepped forward, the space changed, and Xiao En's figure disappeared into the material world.

  Desolate and desolate, this is Sean’s first impression of Mingtu. Mingtu is the home of the dead. There is no living life here, except for the desolate land, there are only whistling ghosts.

   The dark red moon shines in the void and does not fall throughout the year. This is the only light in the earth, but this scarlet moonlight brings light to the earth and also covers it with an unknown color.

   "There really is something wrong with the land here."

   went all the way, not discerning the direction, and after a careful observation, Xiao En knew that there was nothing wrong with the things in Death's memory.

   The complete underworld should be the home of the dead, a place of eternal silence, but the underworld here is different, with evil spirits in all directions, full of evil spirits, and a misty appearance.

According to the memory of the **** of death, Sean knew that the development momentum was good when Hades was just opened. At that time, although evil spirits existed, but the number was limited, even he was just a pure consciousness, but later the Great Tongmu Huiye Seed Going down the sacred tree plundered the natural energy of the entire world and caused a fundamental impact on the world of Naruto. Although the Hades was separated from the material world, it also relied on the material world. Faced with this kind of fundamental change, Hades was inevitably affected. Influence, and the final result is that the momentum of Mingtu's upward development is interrupted.

   "Next, let's clean up this piece of underworld."

   Looking into the distance, the reincarnation eye became apparent, reflecting the phantom of the hexagonal reincarnation disc, and Sean made a decision in his heart.

As the first ghost bred in the world of Underworld, the **** of death was born with a sixth-order personality, but unfortunately, the upward momentum of the underworld was interrupted, which made him a premature baby with congenital deficiency, and this is also his empty sixth-order. Essentially, the fundamental reason why the power is not up to Tier VI, now that Death has become a part of Sean, Sean naturally has to find a way to make up for this deficiency, and these evil spirits are good resources.

   The pupil power was boiling, reflecting the void, and six huge pitch-black holes formed in the sky. At this moment, Sean fully urged the reincarnation eye.

   The suction exploded, covering the vast area. Countless ghosts were adsorbed at this moment, and they were thrown into the dark hole without any resistance.

  The power of life and death is like a great mill, crushed by reincarnation. All the evil spirits absorbed by the hexagonal reincarnation disc have only one end, that is, after being crushed, it becomes the purest power and is absorbed by the **** of death.

   complement each other, the hexagonal reincarnation disc helps the **** of death absorb power, and death in turn helps the hexagonal reincarnation disc expand its influence. With the passage of time, the six dark holes reflected in the void become larger and larger.

   I don’t know the years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the power of the hexagonal reincarnation disk enveloped the entire rudiment of the underworld, the **** of death, who had absorbed the power of countless evil spirits, finally took the most critical step and possessed the power that matched his personality.

   At the same time, Sean also found what he had been looking for during this time.

Spiritualism is a C-level ninjutsu. The power displayed by different ninjas after cultivation is often different from the world. This mainly depends on the object of the psychic. In Konoha's book of seals, a taboo psychic is recorded. Skill, that is the psychic Rashomon.

Normal psychic objects are generally psychic beasts, while psychic Rashomon has a rare psychic artifact. The developer of this technique is Senshou Zhuma, and now, except for Sean, he can perform this technique. There should be only one big snake pill.

According to the memory of the **** of death, Sean knew that Rashomon existed in the underworld. According to the estimation of the **** of death, Rashomon had the same personality as him, which means Rashomon was a sixth-order strange thing, but Rashomon The position of the door is not fixed, and even Death cannot determine the position of Rashomon.

After knowing this news, Xiao En began to look for the whereabouts of Rashomon. After all, this is a rare Tier 6 wonder, but the psychic psychic is actually only the projection of Rashomon, and he wants to lock it in. Rashomon's ontology is impossible. If you want to find Rashomon Sean, you can only use stupid methods. Fortunately, there are results now.


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