
Outside Otonin Village, looking at the village not far away, Xiao En let out a sigh. At this time, he had already got the psychic contract scroll he wanted, and Otoshimaru had left here. After the transaction was completed, Otowa Maru abandoned this place for the first time. At least he will not come back in a short period of time. The reason why Sean sighs is because it is a pity for a person like Oshemaru. If someone like him was born in the Boya World , Then he may become an excellent wizard, and even have the opportunity to touch the threshold of immortality.

It's a pity that Naruto World is a deformed world. Here, the most important thing for a person to get ahead is blood. In the long time in the Ninja world, there are indeed some strong people from ordinary people, but these strong people are basically short-lived. , And it's not the top one. The only exception is probably the Kai who has practiced the Eight Door Dunjia Forbidden Art, but his brilliance is ignited with his life, just like sparkling fireworks, only for a moment.

   In such a world, no matter how hard you struggle with the background of Oshemaru, the result is like that. It is not comparable to the reincarnated Sasuke and Naruto of Indra and Asura Chakra. It is impossible to achieve true immortality.

   "It's still a bit worse after all."

   retracted his gaze and smoothed the inner waves, Xiao En's figure disappeared, and he didn't know if he was talking about Oshemaru or himself.


  Dongdidong, an ancient unknown place, where the big snakes live.

The most powerful person in Longdi Cave is naturally the Snake Fairy. According to rumors, this Snake Fairy has lived for thousands of years. Under the Snake Fairy, the most important thing in the Longdi Cave is the Three Gods. They are the power of the Snake Fairy. Assistants, they are responsible for taking care of Longdi Cave, and besides them, the most powerful in Longdi Cave are the two giant snakes, Xinya and Wanshe, both of which can be regarded as shadow-level combat power.

   But at this moment these two overlord-level big snakes have turned into two dead snakes, lying motionless on the ground.

   "Damn, who is this monster?"

Controlling the group of snakes to continue to attack, carefully concealing their figure, at this moment, the expression of the three gods is very ugly. Although their status in the dragon ground cave is higher than that of Wanshe and Xinya, their strength is not the same. Not much better than Ten Thousand Snakes, but these two guys just met each other and died in each other's hands unclearly. This is really weird.

Samsara’s eyes were apparent, floating in the air, looking at the sea of ​​snakes under his feet, Sean’s expression was indifferent, behind him the ghost of death appeared, two ghost hands opened and clenched constantly, and with the movements of death, every Once a group of snake souls are easily hooked out and become a snack in the mouth of the **** of death, just like pulling weeds. Even the previous ten thousand snakes and Xinya died in this way. They are too fragile in the face of the sixth-order **** of death. Some.

   "Can't you come out yet?"

As his gaze turned, Sean’s gaze was cast somewhere, and on his shoulders was a little green snake sleeping. This was the psychic beast he obtained after signing the contract, and it was with the help of this little green snake. By reversing the psychic, Sean can lock the position of Longdidong.

Vaguely aware of the traces of the White Snake Immortal, Xiao En did not rush to pursue it. This place is the opponent’s home court. It would be more troublesome for him to find the opponent. It would be better to force the opponent out directly. As for whether the White Snake Immortal would just run away from Sean. Don't worry, because the other party can't do without this place at all.

The moment he walked into Longdi Cave, Xiao En had an insight into the reality of this place. Longdi Cave is indeed a mystery, and it is not an ordinary one. This mystery is full of natural energy, far from the nature of the outside world. The energy desert can be compared, and the reason for this situation is mainly because there is a large magic node in the Longdi Cave, or it is the dragon vein.

The dragon veins swallows massive amounts of natural energy, and continuously absorbs the inherently thin natural energy of the material world to make up for the consumption, forming a fragile energy cycle in the Longdi Cave, maintaining the balance of the Longdi Cave. You must know that although the current Longdi Cave looks natural There are plenty of energy, but there are only four people who are truly qualified to absorb natural energy to practice immortality, or four snakes, that is, the snake immortal and the three gods. The other snakes are not qualified, even the ten thousand snakes and the Xinya are like this. Of course, there are reasons for qualifications, but more of it is the planned throttling of Longdi Cave to reduce the consumption of natural energy.

   "Your Excellency, please also help me."

   The gentle voice sounded like a kind old man, that is, at this moment, the sea of ​​snakes retreated, leaving only one corpse. At the same time, the shadow of death behind Xiao En disappeared.

Orange hair and yellow eyes, with a green opal on the chest, with purple silk as a forehead guard, on the front of the forehead is inlaid with military green horn-shaped ornaments, on the top of the head is inlaid with a red night pearl, and a piece on the mouth. The pipe is ten meters long and has two golden rings on the tail. At this time, a large white phosphorus snake appeared in front of Xiao En. It was obviously a snake, but the posture of the white snake was not very similar to that of humans. The difference.

   Seeing this big white snake, the corner of Sean's mouth outlines a slight arc, because this big white snake is the so-called snake fairy.

   "It really is like this."

   There was a mysterious purple light in his eyes, and he looked at the snake fairy carefully, and Xiao En let out a sigh in his heart.

The Snake Immortal is the same as he had previously sensed through his breath. It did not reach the level of Tier 6 itself, but only Tier 5, which is the so-called shadow. The reason why it can live for a long time is apart from its racial characteristics. , More because of its special state at this moment.

Earthbound Spirit, this is Sean's judgment on the White Snake after seeing the White Snake. I don’t know what method or means was used. This greatly extended her lifespan. To a certain extent, as long as the Longdi Cave is not destroyed, the White Snake Immortal can live forever. Of course, this is just an ideal state. It is impossible to truly achieve this. And the world will die, not to mention the utter confusion.

Seen by Xiao En’s indifferent gaze, Snake Immortal felt a little bit cold in her heart, as if everything she had had been seen through. She didn’t want to come out originally, but Sean’s behavior made her understand that she had to come out. The most important thing is that she recognized these eyes of Sean.

   "This is just your body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that your body should have been integrated with the dragon veins."

   looked at it for a while, and when the White Snake fairy couldn't bear it, Sean spoke.

Being an Earthbound Spirit gave the snake immortal a long life, but it also made her lose her freedom. Her body has been integrated with Longdi Cave, and it is impossible to leave here in her life. Even if she borrows her body and wants to go out, she will suffer Great restrictions.

   Hearing this, although the expression of the White Snake Immortal did not change, his eyes remained stagnant for a while, but he quickly returned to normal.

   "I don't know what you want to do here?"

   The words were as gentle as ever, and the White Snake fairy did not entangle on Shaun's previous issue, and directly changed the topic.

   After hearing this, Sean did not hesitate, and directly stated his purpose.

   "I want dragon veins."

As soon as the words came out, the expression of Snake Immortal immediately turned cold. Sean was indeed very strong, too strong that she was unwilling to be an enemy. She had already made plans to meet Sean’s requirements as much as possible no matter what, just be it. She lost her wealth and avoided disasters, but she didn't expect that Xiao En would even ask for Dragon Veins. If you know that Dragon Veins is the core of Longdidong, if you want Dragon Veins, you will kill her.



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