Time passed. After Longdidong, the two psychic holy places of Wet Bone Forest and Miaomu Mountain were shattered one after another. For a time, the Shinobi world shook, especially Konoha who reacted the most. Now that the situation is getting more and more tense, an investigation team has been specially deployed. To investigate the truth of this matter, but think about it carefully, this is also normal. After all, these two psychic holy sites have always maintained a good relationship with Konoha, and Tsunade and Jilai are also the contract between these two psychic holy sites. Even Longdidong may not have nothing to do with them, after all, Dashemaru became the contractor of Longdidong when Konoha.

   Shinobi Shock has nothing to do with Sean, now he has more important things to do.

   "The world of flowers and trees has come."

   Spirituality surges, extreme power blooms, and a forest quickly rises from the ground.

   "It failed again. It seems that further improvement is needed."

   Looking at the withered flowers among the branches and leaves, Sean thoughtfully.

Since collecting a large number of ninjutsu, Sean has never stopped the pace of ninjutsu magic transformation witchcraft, but because of objective conditions before, most of this magic transformation only stayed in deduction, and has not been actually tested. And now with the support of the three dragon veins, Sean can finally let go of his hands and feet to experiment.

For Sean, pure ninjutsu has little effect on him, because the power of ninjutsu at the same level is far lower than that of witchcraft. This is determined by the transcendent system. Witchcraft is comparable, but the flaws of Xianshu Chakra are too great. Not only is the stability extremely poor, it is easy to lose control, but also can cause harm to the human body. It is far inferior to the spiritual superiority. Under the conditions, Sean naturally wants to complete forbearance as soon as possible. The magical change of the technique.

   Boom boom boom, smoke and dust filled, as Sean continues to experiment with witchcraft, a huge canyon is constantly being opened up.


  The country of rain, a country shrouded in rain all year round, people who live here rarely see the sun in the sky all year round.

   Hu, breeze blowing, two silhouettes of people wearing black robes and hats came to the border of the country of rain.

"My lord, according to my investigation, other members of the Akatsuki organization are collecting tail beasts all over the Ninja World. Only the Xiaonan who is good at paper escape, code-named Bai, and the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Payne, stayed behind, but I don’t know the specifics. The investigation made it clear that it was difficult for our people to get close here, which disappointed the adults."

   There was a hoarse voice in the deep voice, and the breeze was blowing, pulling up the veil, revealing the face hidden under the hat.

Half of his face was covered by a bandage, his face was thin, his skin was sallow, and he had a cold breath. At this moment, if anyone who is familiar with Konoha here would recognize this person as the master of Konoha's roots, with a Ninja world. Shimura Danzo with the titles of Dark Side, King of Pot, etc.

   "Enough is enough."

   Looking at the country swaying in the drizzle, Sean looked calm, not angry because of Shimura Danzo’s imperfect information.

The country of rain is shrouded by Payne’s rain tiger free technique, and with rainwater covering every corner of the country of rain, as long as there are outsiders stepping into the country of rain, it is difficult for anyone to hide the perception of Payne and others, Zhicun Tuan Although Zang holds the roots of Ninja's top intelligence department, it is not easy to find out the specific situation in Yuzhi's country without disturbing Akatsuki's organization.

When the capture of the inter-pillar cells collided with Shimura Danzo, Sean left behind Shimura Danzo. After a period of resistance, Shimura Danzo was hypnotized by Sean and changed his consciousness. Became Sean's men.

This time, it was precisely because of Shimura Danzo’s news that Sean temporarily ended his experiment and walked out of the canyon, because he wanted to reap the final fruit. One of the key problems to be solved was that Naruto and Sasuke could not be in the middle of the process. Die.

In the original development trajectory, the two people who were the sons of destiny did not die, but in order to ensure that in case, Sean still appeared here. Of course, the main reason was that some of Sean’s thoughts occurred with the change of strength. Change.

   "Let's go, let's take a look at the leader of Akatsuki's organization."

   With a change of figure, Sean walked into the country of rain to separate from the rain. Seeing this scene, Shimura Danzo immediately followed.

Nagato, the true leader of the Akatsuki organization, a living tragedy, the orphan of Uyin Village in the Second Ninja World War, with the blood of the Uzumaki clan, was selected by Madara Uchiha when he was young and transplanted Madara Uchiha’s reincarnation eyes After meeting Xiaonan and Yahiko, the three followed Jiraiya to learn ninjutsu together, and later came and left. The three founded Akatsuki, hoping to become the dawn of dawn and bring light to the dark world.

Later, Yahiko was killed, and the grieving Nagato went to the other extreme under Zue’s deliberate guidance. He decided to nurture peace in the painful reincarnation and became the biggest villain in the Ninja world. It was at this time that Akatsuki The program of this organization has undergone a fundamental change.

   But the most ridiculous thing is that in the Konoha destruction incident, Nagato was influenced by Uzumaki Naruto, and he used the art of Outer Dao and Reincarnation to resurrect all the people who died in Penn’s attack on Konoha, and died at the end.

   It can be said that Nagato’s life is sad, because he has never lived his true self. Every step he takes is planned for him by others. He is just a poor creature chosen by bad luck.


   The space was distorted, and when he sensed something was wrong, Nagato immediately launched an attack. At the same time, Xiao Nan, who was not far away, was also alarmed.

   stepped out of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With a surge of pupils, Nagato’s Shinra Tianzheng and Xiaonan’s paper disappeared, Xiao En and Shimura Danzo appeared in Nagato’s hiding place.

   "A person who brings you relief."

   Looking at Nagato, Sean spoke.

Unlike Sean, Nagato’s reincarnation eye belongs to Uchiha Madara. He is only a tool for carrying. While reincarnation eye brings him great power, it is also squeezing his life. Now the body of Nagato is already When the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, even free walking has become a problem, and I can only sit in a wheelchair.

"who are you?"

   A momentary, he moved to the front of Nagato, blocking Nagato behind him, and looking at Sean's reincarnation eyes that are exactly the same as Nagato, Xiao Nan's heart was not calm.

   "You are too sad in your life, let me get rid of you sooner."

   The words were steady, there was no half-waves, he ignored Xiao Nan, looked at Nagato, Xiao En said his purpose again.

   "It seems that you should be that Sean. Although I don't know why you appeared here and said such things, you are really too arrogant."

   pushed Xiao Nan away in front of him, and stared at Xiao En, Nagato's pale paper face revealed a touch of coldness.



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