Time passed by inadvertently, and it was a year in a flash.

  In the middle of this year, the Five Nations Alliance headed by Konoha Village was finally established. At this time, Akatsuki's collection of tail beasts was nearing its end. All tail beasts had been captured by them except for the nine tails.

   "Finally succeeded."

   In the laboratory, looking at Nagato's strange blue and white eyes, Xiao En's face showed a smile.

In this year, he first used intercolumn cells to improve Nagato’s physique, and then used Nagato as a template to make numerous clones. Large-scale culturing of white-eyed bloodstains, selecting the best, and pursuing the purest culture under human interference. It’s a pity that this experiment failed. There is no problem with the cultivation of the white eyes, but the purity of the white eyes cannot be controlled artificially. At least so far, Sean has not found a way.

Although the experiment failed, Sean was fortunate enough to get two pairs of white eyes with very good purity. Using these two white eyes, combined with the Chakra of the Datongmu family, Sean successfully gave birth to a pair of reincarnation eyes, and then grow The physical body of the door is a hotbed. Through the microscopic and mysterious interference of the life clay witchcraft, Sean successfully merged the reincarnation eye with the reincarnation eye, creating a new pair of eyes.

   "These eyes are still dominated by the power of the reincarnation eye, and the power of the reincarnation eye is completely integrated into the reincarnation eye."

   I felt it carefully, and had a preliminary understanding of these newly born eyes Sean, but at this moment, a sense of crisis suddenly appeared in Sean's heart.

   "No way."

   His face changed, his spirituality surged, and a witchcraft was outlined by Sean.

  Shenwei·The Mouth of Nothingness, space-based witchcraft, after Shaun analyzed the earthy writing wheel eyes, he created witchcraft based on his kaleidoscope pupil magic power.

   hum, the space was distorted, and an invisible huge mouth was formed, swallowing Nagato in one mouth, that is, at this moment, a terrifying force exploded on Nagato.

   boom, blue and white light shines, the space collapses, and the pitch black color permeates Sean's laboratory. This is a devastating force.

   When everything subsided, he returned to the laboratory and watched the gradual shrinking black hole the size of a fist. Sean's expression was unexpectedly calm.

   "The experiment was indeed successful. The reincarnation eye has been integrated with the reincarnation eye, but this new force is too violent. Someone must control it in the first time."

   At this moment, although he has lost a pair of reincarnation eyes and a pair of rebirth eyes, Sean's mood is unexpectedly good. There are one or two. As long as he confirms that this path is feasible, he will be able to cultivate new eyes sooner or later.

   After tidying up the laboratory, Sean plunged into the experiment again.

At this time, in Konoha Village, a fierce battle was going on. The person who shot was Penn Liudao led by Xiao Nan. This time Akatsuki made a clear shot to take the nine tails, but the real purpose was The purpose is to stimulate Naruto and Sasuke through the battle of life and death to promote their fruit awakening.

   Yin Jiuwei has always been in Sean's hands. At this moment, Sean can actually try to resurrect the Tentails, but for his own reasons, Sean is not in a hurry to do so.

As a product of Yin-Yang escape, although the Six Ways of Payne are all puppets made from corpses, they all have their own virtual consciousness and can act independently. Compared with the Six Ways of Payne in Nagato in the past, the Six Ways of Payne are now The Liu Dao is stronger, because their body is Sean now, and they can borrow more power from Sean.

   "Damn it, what the **** is this."

   On the battlefield, the two colors of blue and blue are intertwined. Naruto and Sasuke shouted and thundered, showing the might of the world, but all their attacks were blocked by a portal with grimace inscribed.

  As the bearer of Sean's power, Hungry Ghost Dao Payne can also summon Rashomon. Although it can't exert all the power of Rashomon due to its own limitations, it has a defensive power that completely surpasses Tier 5.

Under such circumstances, Konoha's side fell completely below, and buildings continued to collapse, and people continued to die. If it weren't for the mobility of Naruto and Sasuke, both of them were quite mobile. At this point, Konoha's side might have been completely defeated. .

   "Is it still not enough? It seems that it needs to be tougher."

   In the sky, standing on the back of the paper crane, overlooking the entire battlefield, Xiao Nan had a decision in his heart. Before setting off, Xiao En gave her the right to make decisions on the fly. There was only one purpose, which was to continuously oppress and stimulate Sasuke and Naruto.

   "Human World, summon the **** of death."

   The thought in his heart turned, and Xiao Nan gave the order. The strongest of the Six Ways of Payne should be the Heavenly Dao that controls gravity and repulsion, but now the strongest is the Human Dao, because he can summon the **** of death.

   The cold atmosphere was permeated, and the hot sun became cold at this moment. Upon Xiao Nan's order, the human world immediately communicated with the **** of death.

  The ghost image is outlined, representing the quiet white appearance on the battlefield. As soon as the death figure appears, a large piece of soul is immediately harvested.


   The shrill laughter echoed wantonly on the battlefield. Facing the strange attack from the **** of death, Konoha was helpless, and could only let the other side harvest like the wheat in the field.

   "Uncle Yile, teacher, everyone..."

   Looking at the people who are constantly falling, the familiar and the unfamiliar, Naruto's heart is blank, and Uchiha Sasuke has the same reaction.

Although Uchiha Sasuke looks aloof and doesn't seem to put anyone in his eyes, but in his heart he is actually a person who values ​​feelings very much. It's just that he is not exuded like Naruto, and more restrained, because Without defecting, a deep bond has been built between him and Konoha over the years, which is the so-called Will of Fire.

   "You **** guys."

   The violent wind screamed, thunder blasted, and with the roar of Naruto and Sasuke, two huge vortexes appeared in the sky at the same time, one blue and one blue, sweeping the surrounding area. At a moment, the devil fruit in the two people awakened at the same time.

  The storm and thunder are intertwined, and the sky changes color~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wind Pole·Spiral Shuriken. "

   The storm compressed and gathered into a shuriken, and the terrifying cutting power shattered the surrounding space.

Hey, the space is distorted. The moment Naruto threw the shuriken, the shuriken crossed the space and appeared in front of the **** of death, but at this moment, the hungry ghost Dao Payne changed his body and blocked the human world. In front, and summoned Rashomon.

Boom, the sharp gust of wind dissipated, setting off a storm of blades. With just one blow, Rashomon was severely injured. The door was sunken and scarred. It could only dissipate helplessly. Fortunately, it finally reminded the gods of death and others to block Naruto. 'S attack, but at this moment a burst of blue and white light once again enveloped the figures of Death and the others.

   "Thunder·Kirin treads."

   Thunder and lightning roared, blue and white rays of light intertwined, a unicorn phantom formed by countless thunder and lightning formed in the sky, and saw its eyes pierced by cold light, locked in death, lifted its soles, and stepped heavily on it.

   Boom, the thunder burst, the mighty heavenly might unfolded, half of the sky was shrouded in blue and white light.

   The ice and snow melted, facing the thunder that was like a natural disaster, the **** of death could only let out an angry roar, which was helplessly dissipated in the blue and white electric light. As for the six ways of Payne, they were all shattered by this blow.



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