The emptiness is broken, and the aura of destruction flows freely.

   "That guy is getting scarier."

   his face was pale, the corners of his mouth were stained with blood, and Gu Chen looked complicated when he looked at the cracks in the dark space ahead.

   "Yes, I didn't expect the four of us to work together to barely suppress him."

   Space fluctuations, beside Gu Chen, the figure of the ancient tribe's three immortals also condensed, but compared with Gu Chen, their state is worse, not only the aura is sluggish, but the physical injuries are also very serious.

   "After I go back this time, I will close up, and things in the clan will trouble the three elders."

   Looking at the place where White Beard disappeared, Gu Chen finally made up his mind. He originally wanted to wait a little longer according to the plan, but the breakthrough of White Beard did stimulate him.

   Hearing these words, the ancient tribe Sanxian thought of something in his heart, and he was suddenly surprised, but then there was a lot of joy.

   "Master Patriarch, have you gotten to that point?"

   Although there was speculation in his heart, the ancient tribe Sanxian couldn't help but asked.

   Hearing this, Gu Chen didn't speak, but just nodded casually.

  Getting such an answer, the joy in the heart of the ancient tribe's three immortals can no longer be suppressed, and the bad mood caused by being injured by the white beard is instantly wiped out.

   "Please rest assured that the three of us and the others will swear to the death to defend the safety of the ancients."

   Facing the ancient dust, the three immortals of the ancient tribe gave the most solemn guarantee.

   "Let's go."

   With all kinds of thoughts in his heart, looking at the chaotic void, Gu Chen opened the space channel and left here with the ancient tribe Sanxian.

   "White Beard, next time I will personally suppress you."

Although the road of fighting the emperor in this world has been almost cut off, and the nine-star fighting sage has become the true pinnacle, it is not completely impossible to go further. This is not a secret among the ancients, but there are few that can be done. Not much.

   Northwest Territory, Tagor Desert, here is a barren land, with scarce water sources, very few life can survive here, the most powerful force here is the snake-human race.

   Deep in the Tagore Desert, beneath the ground, a crimson lava river flows quietly.

   In this gloomy environment, a pair of golden eyes quietly opened.

   hum, the temperature suddenly rises, and the surrounding space is distorted.

   Hu, exhaling, and looking at the surrounding environment, Smaug moved his body.

   "Finally absorbed, I don't know how long it took."

Feeling the power in his body, Smaug’s hideous face showed a satisfied smile. At the same time, besides a cyan lotus platform, there were three small flames, one blue, one green, and one white, beside him, the fire was low. It is like a candle in the wind, but although these three small flames look inconspicuous, they are extraordinary in nature. They are all rare fires. They are Haixinyan ranked 15th, and Qinglian Geocentric Fire ranked 19th. , Falling Heart Flame, ranked fourteenth, of course, at this moment, they also have only extraordinary essence left, their power has been absorbed by Smaug, and they are used to cultivate their own Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan.

   "I'm a little hungry."

   Bathed in magma, Smaug cast his gaze on the blue lotus platform.

   opened his mouth, clicked, and Smaug swallowed the cyan lotus platform in one bite.

   "Well, the taste is a bit bitter, but it's crisp enough, and overall it's not bad."

   After chewing a few times, Smaug gave his own evaluation.

The green lotus platform is a treasure born with the fire of the different fire and the heart of the green lotus. It is a treasured spiritual thing whether it is used for alchemy or refining when it falls outside, and such a thing is only a good appetizer for Smaug. That's it.

   "It's time to leave here. I don't know if I missed the time."

   The thoughts arose in his mind, the golden tongue of flame formed, three different fire flames were rolled up and swallowed into his belly, his wings opened, and Smaug left the underground magma river.

   Snake Man King City, here is the center of power of the Snake Man tribe.

In the Tagor Desert, the Snake People are well-deserved overlords, and even in the entire Northwest Territory, the Snake People are the top power, because the Queen of the Snake People, Medusa, has already broken through the Emperor of Fighting five years ago and has become a Dou Zong level. exist.

   "Your Majesty, the harvest this year is good, and the strength of each tribe has grown..."

   In the majestic hall, sitting on the arrogant throne, listening to the report below, Medusa's expression became condensed.

Five years ago, she had the opportunity to break the shackles of her bloodline and became a rare fighting sect. The power of the snake-human race has grown stronger. Even if it is an alien race, no one from the surrounding forces dared to provoke them, even the strongest. Yunlanzong has become a tortoise with a shrunken head, but that's it. Although she has become a fighting sect, the overall power of the snake people is really limited. Under her, there is a fault in the strength, even if she has carefully cultivated it for five years. Time has passed and there is still no Douwang appearing, and the strongest is only the Nine Star Douwang. Under such circumstances, the real power of the Snake Race in the past five years is actually quite limited, because they are alien races and are naturally resisted and discriminated by the Human Race. It is difficult to absorb fresh blood to expand the power.

   And just when Medusa was lost in thought, a sudden breath suddenly disturbed her mind.

   "That's it for today's discussion."

   There was a touch of consternation that could not be concealed on the charming face. Medusa's exit interrupted the serpent-man elder's tirade, and when the serpent-man elder looked up, Medusa's figure had disappeared.

   Walking into the palace and seeing the familiar figure, Medusa's emotions are very complicated.

   "Medusa, the deacon of the outer door, has met the master of the door."

   suppressing all the thoughts in her heart, Medusa respectfully saluted.

   "Well, it seems that you haven't slackened in these years. It won't be long before you can try to attack Dou Zun."

   There was a golden flame burning in his eyes, and when he glanced at Medusa, Smaug said lightly, following Sean's posture.

Hearing this, Medusa's heart was instinctively tight. Since activating the bloodline five years ago, her strength has been increasing every day. Now she is a seven-star high-level fighting sect, and she has also practiced deliberately. The secret method of converging breath, I didn't expect that even so, the "dragon" in front of me would see through it at a glance.

In the past, Medusa guessed that this mysterious sect master should be a high-ranking Douzong or a low-ranking Douzong, but now it seems that she still underestimated it a little, at least because of her current strength of the Seven Star Douzong, she still can’t see through it. The true details of this sect master, facing him is like facing an unfathomable sea, there is no difference between the perspective of the Emperor Dou and the perspective of the Seven Star Douzong.

   "The achievements of the subordinates today depend on the cultivation of the master."

   "I said I'm just a deputy sect master, don't call it wrong again."

   "It's the master of the door."

   In the face of Smaug's seriousness, Medusa seemed very submissive. Although the time spent with him was not long, Medusa still understood the character of the "dragon" in front of him.

   "Well, how many years have passed since I left last time?"

  Smaug did not emphasize the so-called title anymore, and changed the topic instead.

   "Five years have passed since I told the master."

   "Five years? It seems that I slept for a long time."

   Hearing Medusa's answer, Smaug whispered in his heart.

Ten years ago, he came to this world with White Beard. In the first three years because he did not know the real situation of the world, he walked with White Beard in order to avoid danger. A dragon wandered in this world alone, collecting the world while fighting. Of the extraordinary secrets.

Three years later, he had a clear understanding of the world. One person and one dragon acted separately. Whitebeard stayed in the world's most extraordinary power Central Continent to continue his training, and he based on the information given by Sean. When he arrived in the northwest, because there was the strange fire he needed most, of course, he would also try to complete the task that Sean gave him in the process, after all, he didn't want to disappoint Sean.



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