Wow, the vitality is like a tide, and the chaotic and empty vitality is drawn. If the tide rushes toward the new small world, there is a big tree covering the sky and stretching its body, and this scene also affects the fighting spirit continent. The minds of countless people.

  The vitality riots, converging into a tide, this kind of bizarre change can be noticed by strong people above the Dou Zong, but none of them can really find the root cause.

Chaos Void is inherently dangerous, and only Fighting Saints can get involved. Coupled with the vastness of the area, it is difficult to discern the direction. Without accurate guidance, even many Fighting Saints are chasing the traces of vitality riots and enter the Chaos Void. Still no one can find the real root cause.

   I am afraid they would never think that this is just a breath of a tree, after all, such a thing has never happened in the vindictive world in the past years.

  The vitality converges, transforming from an invisible gaseous state into a misty state visible to the naked eye, covering the entire small world, rendering the desolate small world like a fairyland.

  In the process, the vegetation sprouted, and traces of plants appeared in this desolate little world, becoming the first life in this world.

   "Master, these are some treasures I have collected over the years. Although the quality is average, they can just help you decorate the world."

   With a flattering smile, Smaug handed a ring to Sean.

   The mental power was swept away, and it was found that there were mostly some medicinal seeds inside, and Xiao En nodded, with a smile on his face.

   Although the grades of these medicinal seeds are not very good, the highest can only be regarded as fourth-order extraordinary plants, but there are many kinds and a lot of them, and they are enough to decorate this new little world.

   "You have a heart."

   Looking at Smaug's eagerness, Sean exclaimed.

   Hearing this, golden sparks appeared in his mouth and nose, and Smaug was overjoyed. At this moment, White Beard reached out and took out an ancient tree from the void.

   "Baron, this old tree is something I got by accident. It just happened to be given to you to decorate this world."

   Looking at Sean, White Beard said softly.

   Seeing this old tree taken out by the white beard, Xiao En's eyes brightened.

   The tree is a hundred meters high, with leaves and no fruit. The leaves are wide and shaped like palms, exuding a clear spirit. The branches are vigorously curved, and the black ground is covered with wrinkles of the years, revealing the endless vicissitudes of life.

   Touched the trunk of the tree with his hand, his mind was unseen, and his eyes narrowed. Xiao En guessed the origin of this ancient tree.

   "This is the ancient Bodhi tree, right?"

   There are many strange plants in the world of Doupo, but only the legendary ancient Bodhi tree can have this kind of performance.

   Baibeard nodded when he heard what Shaun said.

   "How did you catch this thing? This thing is born with spirit, can sense danger, and is deep in the earth. It is good at getting out of the earth, and it is not easy to catch it."

   Observing the state of the ancient bodhi tree, Xiao En asked, the ancient bodhi tree can nurture the bodhicitta, help the human body to understand the truth, and help the nine-star Dou Zun step into the fighting sage. It is a rare treasure in the fighting spirit world.

   "I tore the space into the wild ancient realm, locked its approximate position through the Bodhi, and then instantly destroyed that area, forcing it to show its shape."

Hearing Sean’s question, White Beard talked about his own experience. It sounds simple, but the real experience of the matter is very troublesome. After all, the effect of the ancient Bodhi tree is extraordinary, even the ancients must be tempted, and it can be free and easy. For so many years, in addition to the peculiar space of the reckless ancient realm, his own methods are also extraordinary.

   Hearing this, Sean nodded, and didn't ask too much, as long as he got the things.

   Seeing Shaun like this, Smaug glanced at the white beard with a bit of resentment. He didn't expect this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes to be such a beard and horseman. It's a shame to be with him.

   "Sure enough, it is a fifth-order magic plant, and there are even signs of breaking through the sixth-order, but the damage is too heavy."

   Withdrawing his perception, Sean confirmed his guess.

   "Forget it, it's my family after all, I still have to help you."

   Seeing the silence on the surface, like a pool of ancient bodhi trees in stagnant water, Xiao En's eyes showed the appearance of the resurrecting eyes of a jade wheel with nine hooks.

   hum, a bright beam of light burst out and broke through the clouds. Under the traction of Shaun's reincarnation eye, a layer of illusory realm centered on the ancient Bodhi tree was displayed. This is the spiritual world of the ancient Bodhi tree.

   "What is going on? My power?"

Perceiving the power he was losing, Smaug's face changed drastically, while the white beard on the side remained unchanged. A white halo appeared on his body. After a slight shock, the lost power returned to him again. It has long been expected.

   "Don't be surprised, it's just illusion."

   Glancing at Smaug, Sean spoke.

   Rumbled, the six reincarnations manifested, covering the sky, a force fell, and Smaug's lost power immediately returned to his body.

   "The negative emotions of Emperor Dou, or the remnant soul of a Emperor Dou?"

   With nine gouyu jade in his eyes spinning, Xiao En saw the deepest part of the spiritual world of the ancient bodhi tree. There was a palm-sized small tree carved from jade and a cloud of pitch black ink. The two were entangled.

   The small emerald tree is the soul of the ancient Bodhi tree, while the pitch black cloud is the remnant soul of a dead fighting emperor. Relying on his unforgettable hatred for the ancient Bodhi tree, he still maintains the instinct to erode the ancient Bodhi tree.

   "Come over to me."

   The pupil power burned, the six reincarnations revolved, the ghost of death appeared in the sky, locked the remnant soul of Emperor Dou, and opened his ghost hand.

   hum, the black mist is boiling, and perceiving the danger, he instinctively burst out his strength, trying to break free from the ghost hand of the death god, but unfortunately he is just a remnant soul after all, facing the death **** with the blessing of six reincarnations, there is no resistance at all.

The silky black mist was drawn from the body of the ancient Bodhi tree by the **** of death. He retracted his palm and looked at the remnant soul in his hand. The **** of death swallowed it in one bite. He wanted to taste the difference between the taste of Doudi and the sixth-order of Hokage World. .

Kazed, the void cracked. After the remnant soul of the Emperor Dou was extracted by the **** of death, the spiritual world of the ancient Bodhi tree was shattered. After all, to the point where it is today, this spiritual world is no longer owned by the ancient Bodhi tree~www.wuxiaspot .com~Outside, the light of the ancient Bodhi tree is dim, exuding a sense of twilight, but this is only the appearance, and Sean can clearly feel that there is an abundance of vitality in the ancient Bodhi tree.

Wow, the branches and leaves are trembling. Like the beasts of this world, the ancient Bodhi tree with extraordinary essence also has the ability to transform. As the branches and leaves continue to shake, one wears a seven-star robe, white hair and white beard, an old face, and a rickety figure. , The old man with deep eyes appeared in front of Xiao En's trio.

   "Subhuti, I have seen your Excellency, thank you for your life-saving grace."

   Looking at Sean, his eyes stopped for a moment on Sean's peculiar eyes, and Subhuti bowed and saluted.

   For this ceremony, Sean accepted it calmly.

   "I save you because you have this value. I want you to join our gate of eternal life. I don't know if you want to."

   With his eyes locked on Subhuti, without covering up, Sean said his purpose.

   Perceiving Sean's plain gaze, Subhuti did not hesitate, and bowed again to salute.

   "Subhuti visits the lord."

   The voice was low and natural, and in the face of Sean's invitation, Subhuti did not show any unwillingness.



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