hum, the vitality of the heaven and the earth is boiling, the moment the ancient emperor's cave mansion appeared, the vitality of the heaven and the earth was ignited, turning into a brilliant beam of light to rise into the sky, tearing the sky.

   Perceiving such a scene, Sean frowned, and did not stop it, because he had more important things to do.

   crunch, under Xiao En's gaze, the door of the ancient emperor cave house slowly opened.

   "Haha, I finally came out, I came out."

   Two scarlet lights lit up in the darkness, and a nearly crazy voice came from the ancient emperor cave mansion.

  Hu, a sharp wind whistle sounded, a one-hundred-meter-long Taixu ancient dragon, covered with purple and gold scales, and a pair of blood pupils sprang out from it. He was the last generation of the Taixu ancient dragon clan Dragon Emperor Zhukun.

   Leaving the ancient emperor's cave, fighting spirit boiled, stretched out his sharp claws, Zhu Kun was about to tear the void and leave here, but at this moment a powerful breath locked him.

   "Your Excellency Zhukun, I saved you, don't you even say thank you?"

   The cold voice sounded, which made Zhukun have to stop his actions, because he felt a breath of death. If he continued the previous actions, he was sure that he would be severely injured or even die.

   "Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan Zhukun, thank you for your help."

   stopped and turned into a brawny man with long purple and gold hair. Zhukun bowed his fists to Xiao En.

   Seeing Zhukun like this, Xiao En was quite surprised. He thought that Zhukun's arrogant temper would directly do it.

   In fact, if it hadn't been vaguely aware of Xiao En's horror in the ancient emperor's cave, coupled with the eagerness to leave this ghost place, and he was unwilling to sprawl, Zhukun's temper would really not be so easy to talk.

   "Never mind the verbal thanks, I still lack a law enforcement elder at the gate of eternal life, so let it be your Excellency."

   Two pairs of scarlet pupils looked at each other, one pair was rebellious, one pair was full of unknowns, and Sean directly stated his purpose.

   Hearing this, Zhu Kun's face sank.

   "I can't agree to this request of your Excellency. I am the patriarch of the Taixu Ancient Dragon clan, and it is impossible to join another sect."

A jealous aura was revealed, and the fighting spirit was boiling. At this moment, Zhukun let go of his aura and showed his strength. Xiao En is indeed strong, especially the phantom behind him like a demon **** gave him a kind of A sense of danger, but as the ancient dragon emperor, the nine-star fighting sage Zhukun has his own self-confidence. Below the fighting emperor, relying on the power of the tyrannical body and blood, he is not afraid of anyone, including those who have The quasi-emperor of the soul of the emperor realm, as long as Xiao En is not the emperor, he can surely fight a fight, at least it is not difficult to leave smoothly with his too old talent.

   "Hey, I still have to play one game after all."

Seeing Zhukun's appearance, Xiao En sighed. Zhukun is Zhukun after all. No matter how hard he hides his bones, he can't hide his bones. However, Xiao En is not disgusted with this. In fact, even at this time, Zhukun is empty. If the snake agreed, he would also find the opportunity to beat him up.

   "I will make one shot. If you block it, then even if I haven't said it before, if you can't block it, then just follow me back to the mountain."

   Looking directly at Zhukun, Xiao En said the most maddening words in the calmest tone.

Hearing this, the anger in Zhukun's heart was immediately ignited, and he was caught in the trap of the ancient Emperor Tuoshe. After being trapped for so many years, his heart was full of hostility. Because of fear, he was unwilling to talk to Xiao En. Do it, but at this moment he has decided that even if he pays some price, he must teach Sean a hard lesson.

   His eyes turned cold, revealing unabashed murderous intent, and Zhu Kun's aura became more and more terrifying.

   Xiao En didn't care about this. Although the bloodline of Taixu Ancient Dragon was extraordinary, Zhukun was only a nine-star fighting saint after all.

   "Although this trick is not perfect until now, it should be enough to deal with you, but don't die."

After   's words fell, Susao could almost collapse, like a wave of spiritual circulation, based on the devil fruit tree, a giant statue of Avalokitesvara with a thousand hands appeared behind Xiao En.

   Don't say it's Xiao En in front of this giant statue of Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands. Even the 100-meter-long Zhukun is just an inconspicuous little bug.

   Perceived the danger and looked at the upright Guanyin statue, Zhukun's expression changed drastically. Just when he wanted to say something, the Guanyin statue behind Xiao En moved.

   "Ten tails, really thousands of hands."

   Spirituality passed by at a terrifying speed, locked on Zhukun's figure, and his movements seemed to be slow and fast, bringing out many phantoms, with compassion on his face, thousands of giant hands of Guanyin statue shot out at the same time.

Boom boom boom boom boom, the void shattered. Although Zhu Kun released his monster body at the critical moment and evolved a Taixu ancient dragon thousands of meters long, he still did not resist the attack of thousands of hands. Power can only be ravaged unilaterally.

Phew, the magma is extinguished. Under the terrifying attack of thousands of hands, the magma fire that has not extinguished for thousands of years is destroyed. In addition, the surrounding space structure has also been devastated, making this place completely A place of spatial chaos.

   "Can you still hold on? The body is really strong."

   Observing Zhukun's state carefully, Xiao En looked for the shortcomings of his move.

Ten Tails·True Thousands of Hands is a witchcraft created by Shaun based on the magical modification of Mu Dunzhen’s Thousands of Hands. Both power and rank have reached the sixth rank, but this witchcraft is not mature enough so far. , There is a big flaw. If it is not for the two dragon veins sealed in the eyes and the support of the ten tails, it is equivalent to backing a tyrannical wizard tower. With this terrifying spiritual consumption speed, the current Shaun is basically There is no ability to initiate this witchcraft.

   Time passed. After a quarter of an hour, Xiao En stopped his movements, and at this time Zhu Kun was already paralyzed on the ground like a dead snake, motionless.

   "One more breath, enough."

   His gaze swept across Zhukun's body, and he noticed the hidden vitality, and Xiao En restrained his spirituality.

   "It's time to leave here."

   Feeling let go, through the chaos and void, and perceiving the breath that is approaching extremely fast, Xiao En left here with the half-dead Zhukun and the ancient emperor cave mansion that was disconnected from the anchor of the space. Void burns, and the dark flame spreads. Soon after Sean’s departure, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe with a strange face and a dark flame burning in his eyes walked out of it.

   "What happened here?"

   His eyes swept across, looking at the shattered void around him, feeling some of the aura remaining here, Void Tun Yan frowned.

   "Why do I feel an inexplicable familiarity with these breaths, can it be..."

  Thinking of a certain possibility, Void Tuyan's face went completely gloomy.

   Om, the void fluctuates, just when the void swallows the flames and fell into contemplation, the figure of the ancient tribe's three immortals also appeared here.

  The ancient emperor cave mansion was born with great momentum, thousands of miles of vitality boiled for it, and its tyrannical aura spread throughout most of the fighting spirit world. Under such circumstances, it naturally attracted the attention of countless people, even the high-ranking ancient tribes were no exception.

   "The Void Swallows Flame, what exactly did your Soul Race do?"

   After looking at the surrounding situation, the three immortals of the ancient tribe cast their eyes on Void Swallowing Yan at the same time. Who made him the first person to appear here?

   was interrupted by the ancient tribe's three immortals. Seeing the three people's unkind eyes, Void Tunyan frowned.



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