Time passed quietly, and five years passed in a flash. Five years ago, Xiao Yan represented the Gate of Eternal Life and gambling with Danta. Danta was defeated. Since then, the name Danta has completely disappeared in history, and only remains The Dan Pavilion at the Gate of Eternal Life, taking this as an opportunity, the Gate of Eternal Life began to invade all forces in Central Continent, and there was a tendency to dominate Central Continent.

   In the same year, the Yan Clan was annihilated by the Gate of Eternal Life. This news shocked the entire Douqi Continent. From this time on, the contradictions between the Gate of Eternal Life and the ancient tribes were completely intensified, escalating from a secret fight to an open fight.

Faced with the strength of the gate of immortality, the ancient race and the soul race are led by the thunder race, the medicine race, the stone race, and the spirit race. The six ancient races together form a rejection alliance, put aside their suspicions, and face immortality together. The enemy of the gate.

The flames of war are permeating, and the entire vindictive continent is in a precarious state. Although the gate of immortality has a little advantage in high-end combat power, this advantage is not large, and in the low-end combat power, the gate of eternal life is even afraid of integration. Many forces are not as good as the six ancient clans, not to mention that the six ancient clans also have their own subsidiary forces.

   Under such circumstances, the war between the Gate of Eternal Life and the six ancient tribes has fallen into a stalemate from the very beginning, and both sides continue to lose blood, and the fight lasted for five years.


  Tian Wai Tian, ​​the resident of the Gate of Eternal Life, due to the tension of the war, Tian Wai Tian, ​​which should have been prosperous and prosperous, looked a little cold at this time.

   Chaotic void, a space tunnel was quietly opened, and one after another silhouettes came out of it.

   "This is the place."

   spread out her palms and looked at the shining mutton jade pendant on the palms of her palms. Xiao Xun'er's cold face had an extremely complicated look. After all, things went in the direction she least wanted to see.

   "Miss, you don't have to worry, as long as Xiao Yan is not confused, we will not embarrass him."

   Perceiving the change in Xiao Xun'er's mood, the ancient road, one of the three immortals of the ancient clan, spoke up. For this plan, the ancient clan and the soul clan have planned for a long time, and there is no room for loss.

   "Sure enough, it is the Doudi Space of the Gate of Eternal Life. I have to say that your ancients still have some means."

   Yin and squat voice sounded, and four figures shrouded in black mist walked out of the space tunnel. They are the elders of the soul race, each of them has the strength of the eight-star fighting saint, and is also the main force of this action.

   Hearing these words, Xiao Xun'er squeezed the jade pendant in his palm and restrained her emotions.

   "I have done what the ancients promised, and it's up to yours next."

   There was a dead silence in her eyes, and Xiao Xun'er returned to her cold appearance.

   Hearing the words and looking at each other, the four soul clan elders headed by Soul Shengtian nodded.

This operation is a joint cooperation between the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan. In order to keep it confidential, even the other four ancient Clan members of the alliance do not know about it. Yuan, Yan Jin’s four nine-star fighting sages and nearly ten seven-star fighting sages jointly launched a terrorist attack on the front line of the gate of eternal life, forcing the four nine-star fighting sages of the gate of eternal life to leave. Tian Waitian went to the front line to sit in town to avoid the collapse of the front line.

   Under such circumstances, compared with the past, Tianwaitian has been in an extremely empty period, and the Soul Race and the Ancient Race are such an opportunity.

   "Then let's start."

   Fighting energy boiled, and the cold aura permeated, locked in the outer sky, and the four eight-star fighting saints of the soul race broke the space barrier at the same time.

   "The soul race, and the ancient race, you are so bold."

   The space fluctuated violently, and the traces of the soul race and the ancient race were quickly discovered. In this way, a sudden war came, and the peace in the sky was broken for the first time.

The gate of death and silence hangs high, arranged in the southeast and northwest, covering the entire outer sky. This is the ultimate move prepared by the soul clan for this operation. The door, the four people cooperated with each other to form a mysterious and dead soul formation, even if the Jiuxing Dousheng was trapped in it, it was possible to be killed.

   "Xiao Xun'er, it turned out to be you, really **** it."

   Void waves, with three small green flowers in his eyes, and green scales with waist-length green hair came out from it.

   I swept his gaze and found Xiao Xun'er's figure, vaguely understood the whole story, without hesitation, at Xiao Xun'er, Qing Lin pointed down fiercely, and Huang Quan pointed to Xiao Xun'er with low-level fighting skills.

   Xiao Xun'er used to be an inner disciple of the Gate of Eternal Life. Later, because of the more intense conflict between the Gate of Eternal Life and the ancient clan, she withdrew from the Gate of Eternal Life. The senior officials of the sect did not deliberately embarrass her.

Before that, because of Xiao Yan's relationship, although Xiao Xun'er was born in an ancient clan, her relationship with Qinglin, Xiaoyixian and others in the gate of eternal life was pretty good, and they also had some friendship with each other, but at this time At this moment they are standing on opposite sides of each other.

   "Be careful, miss."

   As soon as Huangquan came out, it was two points of life and death. Realizing that Xiao Xun'er was in danger, Gu Dao immediately blocked Qinglin's blow for her.

Although Xiao Xun'er has the blood of the ancient gods, she is still young. After these years, under the cultivation of the ancients, although she has become a fighting sage, she is only a two-star fighting sage. Compared with the true disciple Qinglin of the Gate of Eternal Life, she is indeed weaker, because Qinglin is a six-star fighting saint.

   "Did you block it for her? Then I will kill you first."

   With a cold face, Qinglin made no secret of his killing intentions as he looked straight at the ancient road.

  Bisnake's three-flower pupils bloomed, and a nine-headed sky snake appeared behind the green scales, and its aura reached the point of an eight-star fighting sage.

   Seeing this heavenly snake, the pupils in Gu Dao's eyes suddenly tightened.

   "The heavenly snake, or the nine-headed heavenly snake, this kind of beast should have been extinct long ago."

As one of the three immortals of the ancient tribe, his own knowledge is not low. As soon as the Hydra appeared, he immediately recognized the identity of the Hydra, but it was precisely because of this that the shock in his heart became more intense~www. wuxiaspot.com~Because once a beast such as the ancient Celestial Serpent grows to its peak, its strength is comparable to that of Doudi, and it is a true overlord of the beast.

   "Little wine, kill him."

   The killing intent was revealed in his eyes, and Qing Lin gave the order to the Nine-headed Heavenly Snake.

   Hiss, a cold hiss sounded through Gu Dao's ears, making Gu Dao's body slightly stiff, that is, at this moment, his body twisted, the void rippled, and the figure of Hydra appeared beside Gu Dao.

As a rare true disciple of the Gate of Eternal Life, Qinglin naturally got the resources of the Gate of Eternal Life. In order to maximize her talents of the Bi Snake and Three Flower Eyes, Subhuti personally slaughtered the entire Jiuyou Land for her. Underworld python, collected the essence and blood, and then took out the soul body of a Hydra from the sect secret storehouse for her.

  Using these two things as materials, and the former patriarch of the two-star sacred demon Ming of Jiu Nether Divine Python as the carrier, with the help of Smaug, Qinglin got an extinct Hydra.

Then the gate of eternal life smashed a large amount of resources to help Qinglin cultivate this ancient heavenly snake, making it reach the status of an eight-star fighting sage in a short period of time, and through this ancient heavenly snake, relying on itself Snake Sanhua pupil's talent, Qinglin's strength has also risen, reaching the stage of a six-star fighting sage. It can be said that few people of the same age can match her except Xiao Yan.


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