Ten days passed in a flash, the void network, the eternal nightmare regional network, the arena.

As the void network spreads out in the world of truth, its related modules have become more and more complete, involving all aspects. Some wizards even put forward a view that the void network is the second world of truth, and the void competition is one of them. An important building block.

A wizard cannot grow up smoothly by burying one's head and studying hard. To become a qualified wizard, combat experience is essential, but fighting has always been a dangerous thing. In the past, in order to cultivate wizard's combat experience, every year, A large number of wizards died in the trial, and this situation was greatly changed after the launch of Void Athletics.

The so-called Void Tournament is actually Void Battle. Void Network can completely copy participants, allowing participants to play in the Void Tournament with exactly the same strength as in reality, and even the indicators are in line with reality, and the degree of simulation is acceptable. Achieve one hundred percent.

Of course, no matter how realistic the Void Sports is, it is still just a virtual competition. Because you know that you are injured at most and you will not really die, the mentality of the participants is fundamentally different, so there is still a huge difference between Void Sports and actual combat. , But it is undeniable that the emergence of this kind of Void Athletics is of great help to enriching wizards’ combat experience. It is precisely because of the existence of Void Athletics that the loss rate of little wizards has dropped a lot in recent years, at least not. Will die in trials again because of some mistakes that shouldn't have occurred.

   hum, the void fluctuates, and Sean's consciousness enters the arena.

   Different from other modules, the wizard must put all his consciousness into it when entering the arena, because only in this way can he truly reproduce all the strength of the wizard and play a role in training.

Of course, another purpose of this is to let the wizards remember the pain. After all the consciousness is invested, the wizard's soul will inevitably be damaged once they die. In the past years, wizards have proposed to reduce this feedback mechanism to avoid wizards. The soul was wounded, but then this proposal was rejected, because a great wizard believed that pain was the resource for the growth of the wizard, and this time the pain would make the wizard more mature next time.

   "Sean Montell."

In the empty arena, as soon as Sean appeared, Claremont Boyks locked him with his eyes. It was the first time he had met Sean, but at this moment, Sean was Ignoring him, I turned my gaze to the other side. There were two figures condensed there, a man and a woman. They were Leroy and Janesa, the two vice-presidents of the School of Nature. The chief vie was within the school. It can be regarded as a major event, and at least one deputy dean must be a witness.

   "Good day, Deputy Dean Leroy, Deputy Dean Janicea."

   walked over, and Xiao En greeted the two deputy deans.

The two deputy deans also responded at the same time, placing Sean and them in the same class. At the same time, there was a lot of discussion on the viewing platform. They are all students of the natural school, and this is their first time. Once I saw Sean, the legendary chief.

   "Evelyn, Claremont will be our new chief after this battle. Sizal and I have prepared a small celebration for him? Are you coming?"

   In the front row of the viewing platform, the three second-place seats of the natural school sat together, watching the scene on the field, Latifah spoke.

   Evelyn did not speak when she heard this.

Before, she also believed that Claremont, who has the Boyx family as a support, has a great chance of winning. After all, the challenge of this competitive method is different from the challenge of the theoretical method. It tests the comprehensive combat power of a wizard, not just an individual. The ability to determine the ability, and the influence of foreign objects is also great, such as powerful strange objects. In this respect, Claremont, who has the Boyx family as a support, undoubtedly occupies an advantage, but now she has some disagreements. confirmed.

Because of her teacher, Evelyn has dealt with the two deputy deans Leroy and Janicea. Although the two deputy deans have always been more amiable and approachable, they are the superiors. The kindness to the subordinates, Evelyn, who has the blood of the elf king, is very clear about this, but now they have a subtle difference in their attitude towards the chief of Sean. They are also kind, but they are less alienated. , Just like treating her dead teacher.

   "How is it possible, the teacher is a titled wizard of Tier 6, how can the lion block the mouse from the same kind? Unless..."

   As soon as this thought emerged in her heart, Evelyn immediately denied herself.

   On the other side, looking at Evelyn who ignored her, a dim light flashed in Latifah's purple eyes.

"Sean, Claremont, this time the battle terrain will be randomly selected, and according to the chief challenge rule, if Claremont succeeds in this battle, then Sean, you will lose the chief qualification. If Claremont fails the challenge, then as a victor, Sean you can get all the foreign objects that Claremont showed in this battle as his trophy."

   After the greeting, Deputy Dean Leroy read out the challenge rules to Sean and Claremont. Naturally, Sean and Claremont had no objection.

In fact, the reason why such a rule appears in the chief challenge is mainly because after the virtual competition is adopted, neither of the challengers will really die, and even the injuries are still under control. In order to prevent some people from not being able to see themselves, it is adopted This way to increase the challenge cost.

   Of course, anyway, using virtual competition to compete for the chief has more advantages than disadvantages. After all, a student who can become the second and chief student of a school is a veritable genius, and every loss of one is not a good thing for the school.

   Seeing that Sean and Claremont had no objections, Leroy and Janicea looked at each other and left the arena together. At the same time, the scene on the arena began to change rapidly.

   "It turned out to be a scorched earth world. It is full of scorching heat, and it is not very friendly to the wizards of the nature department. However, compared to me, that Sean may have more headaches, right? It is really an arrangement of fate."

   Looking around, seeing the surrounding scene clearly, Claremont's handsome face was sketched with a sneer.

   Feeling Sean's breath, Claremont rushed over as soon as he moved. He couldn't wait to get rid of Sean.

   "This ability is really beyond imagination."

   squatted down, put his hand into the hot lava, felt the heat that kept burning his palm, and Xiao En let out a sigh.

   "This near-real simulation ability is somewhat similar to the power of the spirit world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it seems to be somewhat different."

   Straighten up, shake off the magma, watching the flesh and blood melt, revealing the bones of his hand, Xiao En carefully looked at it.

The outside world, on the viewing platform, saw such a scene, and countless students of the natural school looked at each other. At this moment, they had to admit that their chief student was a ruthless person. You must know that in this kind of void competition, although it will not be true. Death, but the pain is 100% restored after the injury, that is to say, from the perception point of view, Sean's palm has really been melted by the magma.

   "Although it is simulated, everything here fits the reality. Even the magma carries a strong searing power. Perhaps this world really exists, but it was recreated by the Void Network at this moment."

   looked around and whispered in a low voice, at this moment Sean was not suppressing his own regeneration ability.

The flesh and blood grew, and in a short time, Sean only had the bones of his right hand and recovered his original appearance. For the current Sean, let alone his right hand, even if the entire body is torn apart, he can quickly recover. , This is the ability to rebirth from a drop of blood.

   "It's coming pretty fast."

   Feeling Claremont's unconcealed breath, Sean cast his gaze into the distance.



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