"Hey, you heard that the town of Kushui was wiped out, and even Baron Mies didn't run away."

   On the empty ground, merchants exchanged goods and some real or false information. Of course, there were more interesting anecdotes.

   "Old Jack, your news is false. It was not a man who destroyed Kushui Town, but a demon."

   Another thick voice sounded, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

   "You mean those monsters with small tails, wings, flying, and sharp horns?"

   "Ah, are you talking about the kind of demon who likes to eat people and can breathe fire?"

   Speaking of the word demon, everyone suddenly became excited. For ordinary people like them, these demons, who have obviously mastered extraordinary power, are just like creatures in myths and legends, making them instinctively curious.

As traders, they are far more sensitive to news than ordinary people. Many of them have heard some rumors about demons, but they used to treat them as rumors. But at this moment, after they got together and talked together, they suddenly discovered that they were originally only a rumored demon. The frequency that appeared during this period of time seemed to be too dense, not only the frequency but also the region, which was obviously a little bit unusual.

   "You said that demons don't really exist, right?"

   "You said the devil is going to fight us, right?"

   At a certain moment, someone proposed such a conjecture.

   Hearing these words, the many businessmen who were talking suddenly became quiet.

   "The Black Sand Chamber of Commerce is hoarding food on a large scale during this time."

   "The Camel Bell Chamber of Commerce is also hoarding food."

   When thinking of a certain possibility, the usual signs that are not very special suddenly become particularly dazzling, and after these news are put together, a heavy shadow has enveloped everyone's hearts.

   "How do I sell this thing?"

   Just when many merchants were thinking about what to do next, after a simple and simple meal, Sean walked over after hearing a lot of interesting news.

   Hearing this, seeing Sean standing in front of his booth, old Jack, who was a little upset in his heart, looked a little impatient.

   "50 green scallops."

  Clean and neat, there is no room for bargaining. In fact, at this moment, the old Jack has no business intentions. When he said this, he had actually given up the small deal that he sent to the door.

   "Okay, I want it."

   Hearing what old Jack said, he played with a rock the size of a baby's fist in his hand, and Sean nodded and agreed, just like the old Jack's offer, equally neat.

   took a purse from his entourage, Sean paid the money neatly, and then turned and left this temporary trading place.

   Feeling the heavy money bag in his hand, and seeing the back of Sean leaving, Old Jack was stunned. He suddenly felt something wrong in his heart and wanted to stop Sean, but he didn't know what to say.

   Ignoring the complicated mood of old Jack, Sean returned to his caravan's camp with the stone ball. By this time, the sky was already dark and the tent had been set up.

   Walked into the biggest tent, ordered not to be disturbed, and turned on the dim oil lamp, and Sean carefully looked at the stone ball in his hand.

The stone ball is heavy, the size of a baby's fist, it is round and off-white, with some strange patterns engraved on it. It is obviously different from the current popular style, and this is its value. Whether it is true or not, it can be used externally. Said it is a rare antique from the abandoned era.

   Of course, Sean knows very well that this stone ball is indeed a real antique, and it is also a rare and extraordinary item.

The current pattern of the world of Yellow Sands is that the seven nations stand side by side, and the nobles rule the world, but before that, the world of Yellow Sands was ruled by two churches. They were the Flame Church who believed in the God of Flame, Griffindor, and the God of Purified Water. The Purification Church of West Heral, and the reason why they can control the world, in addition to the power of faith, is also because they master the "artifacts" bestowed by the gods.

   "The artifact of the past, the blood treasure of the present."

Scratching his fingertips, Sean smeared his own blood on the stone ball. Nourished by Sean’s blood, the original stone ball immediately burst into a hazy red light. At the same time, the tent was nourished. The temperature inside began to rise rapidly, sweeping away the cold.

   Boom, thoughts turned, and a group of red flames appeared in Sean's hands.

   The shape changes, sometimes turning into a poisonous snake, sometimes turning into a bird, and the red flame constantly changes shape with Sean's mind. It is not that Sean has performed witchcraft, but the stone ball has given Sean the ability.

   "A very interesting little thing, a treasure made from extraordinary blood sacrifices, is probably equivalent to a third-order strange thing, and ordinary people can also use it, but the price is not small."

   After playing for a while, Sean had already figured out the true principle of the blood treasure in his hand. Not only could he manipulate it freely, but he could even create a new blood treasure with confidence.

   The so-called blood treasure is actually the use of extraordinary blood to soak other artifacts, allowing these artifacts to inherit the extraordinary essence of extraordinary blood, and produce all kinds of peculiar powers.

Theoretically speaking, it is not difficult to make blood treasures. The only trouble is how to incorporate extraordinary blood into the utensils. Sean doesn’t know what the past churches and the current nobles are using, but in his opinion, they use life design. The principle of the graph is completely possible to achieve this goal, just like letting the dead eat the devil fruit.

   "No wonder the aristocracy will kill the two churches after the rise."

  Understanding the nature of the blood treasure, Sean also knew why the nobles in this world would completely kill the church forces.

   The blockade of knowledge in this world is far more terrifying than the Great World of Liberal Arts, whether it is history or extraordinary knowledge, Sean also sneaked into the mansion of a viscount and learned something that ordinary people didn't know.

And through those clues and the nature of the blood treasure now, Sean can roughly infer that part of the missing history~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the history of the yellow sand world, this world is composed of the **** of flames Griffindor and Jing The **** of water, Xiheral, jointly developed it. Later, the two gods clashed and started a life-and-death battle. The ocean dried up, the mountain peaks collapsed, and the entire land became a desert. After the war ended. The nobles were born on the basis of the blood of the gods, and shepherded sentient beings for the two gods. They have continued to this day, and the churches in this intermediate process have been completely erased.

Judging from the method of making blood treasures or artifacts, it is not difficult for Sean to speculate that in the era when the church ruled the world, the nobles nowadays are probably everyone shouting and beating, because they themselves are the church making blood. Bao's material.

  The church has mastered the method of making blood treasures, and then they use the blood treasures to continuously hunt and kill the awakened nobles, tie them to the gallows, and become sinners who should not survive in the world.

Of course, the reason for this situation is probably because there was no strong presence among the nobles at the time, and in addition, it may also be because the church has mastered some extraordinarily powerful power, such as blood treasure, so The nobles at that time were unable to resist.

   "With this thing, it will be a lot easier to do things afterwards, just call you the Eye of Fire."

   Playing with the warm stone ball in his hand, Sean named it.



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