On the viewing platform, the atmosphere was harmonious and the laughter continued. After the arrival of the queen Patra, the smile on the king’s face immediately increased, and other nobles also flattered, not only flattered. The king, Jordan, flattered the queen Patra.

   Watching this scene with cold eyes, Sean has a deeper understanding of the methods of this actress.

   The wine was half-hearted, and the gladiatorial meeting was nearing its end. At this time, Patra brought the topic to Sean again.

   "Mr. Sean, no, because it should be Earl Sean. I heard that you control a powerful blood treasure. I wonder if you can let me see its power?"

   smiled, and at this moment Patra’s enchanting eyes were flowing with pure light, as if she was really just out of curiosity.

   Hearing this, the eyes of the other nobles also fell on Sean, a few even showed playful smiles on their faces, and this time the king, Yordan, did not stop.

   "Since the queen wants to see it, there is no problem."

   put down the wine glass and met Patra's coquettish gaze, Sean agreed without refusing.

"So I would like to thank Earl Sean for satisfying my curiosity, but the simple presentation is too monotonous. Since this is a arena, it is better for Earl Sean to perform a battle for us. This is also our tower. The customs of the Kingdom of Leah, it can be regarded as the first step for Earl Sean to integrate into our Kingdom of Talia."

  'S tone was as gentle as ever, but in the words, Patra gave Sean no retreat.

   Hearing this, a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and Sean nodded and agreed.

   Seeing such Sean, Patra's smile is even better.

   "Your Majesty, didn't the Golden Blazers catch a messy demon? Why not let it be the target of Earl Sean."

   snuggling back into Yordan's arms, Patra made his own suggestions.

   Hearing this, Jordan's brows frowned, and the rare one did not directly agree.

"Your Majesty, this is the palace. Just sit here, even if the devil is strong, what can you do? Only in this way can you show the strength of Earl Sean. After all, he is Semiya's teacher. I always have to pay more attention. ?"

   Knowing what Jordan was hesitating, Patra spoke again.

   Hearing this, after thinking for a while, looking at the worship in Patra's eyes, Yordan finally nodded and agreed.

   Seeing such a scene, several nobles looked at Sean with a trace of pity.

   "Earl Sean, I am here waiting for you to return with victory."

   Picking up the wine glass, Yordan gestured.

   Hearing this, Sean also picked up his wine glass.

   After drinking, the dim golden light bloomed beside Xiao En, weaving a light path leading to the arena.

   In other eyes of curiosity, playfulness, or pity, Sean set foot on the path of light.

   Standing on the wide arena, looking at the figure on the viewing platform, a smile was drawn at the corner of Sean's mouth.

   hum, the blue light curtain rises up to completely cover the huge arena. This is a measure that only the five strongest players will take when they participate in the battle, in order to protect the audience.

   creaked, the closed door opened, and a scorching breath naturally radiated.

   Boom, the ground shook, and a huge black shadow emerged from behind the gate that was several hundred meters high.

When the sun fell, when the black shadow walked out of the gate, its true appearance made many nobles exclaimed. It was a hundred meters tall, dark red all over, and surrounded by dark chains, which were not only entangled on its body. , Even got into its flesh and blood, full of fangs, and a curved unicorn on his forehead.

   "Chain demon is still a fifth-order chain demon."

   His eyes narrowed slightly, and Sean recognized the identity of the Chain Demon the moment he appeared. After obtaining the information about the Great World of Truth, Sean no longer knew very little about the demons in hell.

Chain Demon is one of the **** demons. Among the many demons, it can be regarded as a kind of upper-middle-ranking demons. The ethnic group can be regarded as huge. After adulthood, they can basically reach third-order, some can reach fourth-order, and a few can. Reaching Tier 5, this is their racial limit, but the racial limit in **** is not impossible to break. In the record of the world of truth, there have been records of the sixth-order chain demon, and in the rumors, the twelve pillars of **** The fourth pillar of the Demon God, the Lord of Purgatory, his body seems to be the Chain Demon.

   roar, the sky roared, the evil aura radiated wantonly, the pitch-black eyes locked to Sean, and strands of black aura as the substance began to emerge on the chain demon's body.

   "Chiliquala." (Hell dialect·Give me to die)

   The black chain entwined around his arm continued to spread, growing like a living thing. Without any hesitation, the chain demon directly attacked Sean.

Rumble, the ground cracked, and the thick chains were flexibly pulled down at Sean like a whip under the manipulation of the chain demon. Simple and rough, the sky of the arena was shrouded in black chains for a while. , It was obviously just two chains, but at this moment, the chain demon showed thousands of chains lashing at the same time.

   Faced with such a violent attack, Xiao En's expression remained unmoved, his body was shrouded in golden light, and he kept evading the attack of the Chain Demon at a terrifying and flexible speed.

   "Has it been controlled by the Kingdom of Thalia? Is it a certain bloodline ability or a special blood treasure?"

   With ease, Xiao En did not choose to fight back at the first time, but carefully observed the state of the chain demon.

In these days, through Semiya, Sean has gained a general understanding of the overall situation of the Yellow Sand World. The demons have indeed revealed their traces in the Yellow Sand World, and the frequency of appearance has increased, but so far They all only appear scattered, not on a large scale, and the location of their appearance is uncertain, as if they were sent in randomly. The most important thing is that until now, no Tier 6 Demon King has entered the Yellow Sand World, and this is also This has led to the fact that although countries are now paying more attention to demons, they have not really put the demons in their eyes, and are still working on their own.

Faced with such a situation, Sean, who has conducted in-depth research on hell, knows that these demons are actually spies who fight in front of him, just like him, spies like him win by quality, and these demon spies win by quantity. , Which is completely consumable.

   is not surprised that the Thalia Kingdom can catch a Tier 5 demon Sean. After all, this world has extraordinary people comparable to Tier 6 but he is more curious about the means they can control the devil.

   The creatures like demons are chaotic by nature, and their souls are extremely resistant to all kinds of mind control. Even in the great world of truth, there are not many ways to control Tier 5 demons.

   "It seems to be a sin word, is this a trace of some kind of blood treasure?"

   Avoiding the attack of the Chain Demon once again, looking at the weird pattern on the back of the Chain Demon, Sean had an idea in his heart. This pattern is a text, which means sin in Thalia.

   "In that case, it should be over."

   got the answer he wanted, and Sean didn't want to delay any longer.

   hum, the sky turns from bright to dark, with five fingers spread out, countless rays of light converge in Sean's hands. Although the special terrain of the arena limits his speed, it also limits the chain demon's dodge range.

   "After being controlled, the reaction was much slower."

Suddenly, Sean turned his hand and pressed down the light in his hand. The ultimate move, star-removing, and the core of the sun, the secret technique that Sean developed a long time ago, this time with the help of the blood of the sun's eye. Bao reappeared.

  Buzz, the bright golden light gleamed on the arena, illuminating the entire city of Bué, and returning the city to light from the darkness again.

"How is this going?"

"my eyes········"

   The extreme changes in light and darkness, and the extremely bright golden light, made the nobles who were watching the battle around them couldn't even open their eyes. Only the people on the viewing platform were not affected.

Phew, the bright golden light dissipated, and everything returned to normal. At this time, the arena made of special materials has become a lava field, and the surrounding shields have become riddled with holes. As for the chain demon, it has disappeared. No, it became a part of magma.

   "This kind of power is really amazing."

   "What kind of blood treasure is this, have you heard of it?"

From the observation platform, watching Sean standing on the arena and the eyes of the sun floating beside him exuding light and heat, like a small sun, the great aristocrats of the kingdom all exclaimed in their words. Undisguised envy, but there is no greed, one is because Sean's strength can not be underestimated, and the other is because the blood treasure is very weird~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it recognizes people.

   If a person does not have a high affinity with a blood treasure, it will be difficult to use the blood treasure no matter how strong he is. If he is strong, the power that he can ultimately exert is also difficult to satisfy one's expectations.

   It is precisely for this reason that although the nobles also collect blood treasures, they never rely on them. For them, the power of blood is the real root, and blood treasures are just icing on the cake.

Holding the eye of the sun in the palm of his palm, and inadvertently glanced over the gate of the arena, Sean returned to the viewing platform. When he used the thunder method to kill the chain demon, there was a vague wave in that place. To stop his movements, it was a pity that the speed was a little slower, and it was too late, so I could only watch the chain demon melt under the power of the sun's eye.

   "Earl Sean, you gave me a big surprise."

Looking at the returning Sean, Jordan showed a heroic smile on his face, got up and gave Sean a hug. The power of the Sun Eye really exceeded his expectations, and the power displayed was close to five changes. At the pinnacle, under such circumstances, Sean's value in his heart naturally rose to a higher level.

   Faced with this situation, Xiao En's face also showed a smile.

   On the other side, looking at Sean, Patra's bright eyes narrowed slightly.



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