Rumble, one star after another was destroyed, and the aura of destruction flowed freely in the endless void. Every demon prince is comparable to a close to god, and it is not an ordinary close to god, plus Kronos, a plane traveler, the damage caused by the five people after letting go of their hands and feet is terrifying.

   "Lava baptism."

   The power of the devil was flowing, and a long river of lava exuding terrifying heat was pulled out of the void by Hellfire Agri.

The lava river washed down, and the dwarf stars were directly melted and became part of the lava river, and Cronus was also enveloped in it, but in the face of such an attack, Cronus did not panic at all and let the lava The river washed by.

  The power of space moves, dividing space, constructing a space barrier after another, and walking calmly through the long river of lava, Kronos is unscathed.

   "The power of space is indeed powerful, but you are not the only one who is good at it."

   The void squirmed, and the dark brilliance bloomed, and the space barrier around Cronus suddenly cracked. This is the Void Demon's expert method to break the void.

   "Cronus, you can't be as ruthless as before this time."

The scarlet whip with a sharp hook slashed across the void, exuding a sweet breath. The succubus Iris seized the opportunity to make a shot, but she still failed to injure Cronus. The space flickered. Lonos's figure disappeared in place.

   Like a shadow, or premeditated, at the moment when the space flickering ended and the figure of Cronus reappeared, Casa's figure appeared behind Cronus.

Chi, the figure stiffened for a moment. A purple, crystal-like spike pierced Cronus's body. The spike squirmed like a living thing. The moment it pierced Cronus's body, purple The crystal spikes immediately separated into dense and dense thorns, which burst into Cronus’s body. In an instant, Cronus became a hedgehog. This amethyst substance was not only eroding his flesh and blood. It is also eroding his soul.

Void demons do not have a fixed form, essentially just a mass of void energy, and after reaching the sixth order, their form changes again and can transform between the tangible and the intangible. The purple crystal is actually Kasa’s body. The void amethyst in its form naturally restrains the power of space, so it can easily break the protective means of Cronus and directly pierce Cronus's body.

Of course, Buckmore, the devil who disappeared in the process, also played a vital role. It was precisely when he launched an attack on the soul of Cronus at a critical time that allowed Casa of the Void to seize this opportunity in time. .

   "Let’s turn into a part of the void, eh? That’s not right."

   hum, the void disappeared, and the black hole that swallowed everything evolved, and Kasa, who was in the center of the explosion, was immediately dragged in.

   At the same time, on the other side, Cronus' body quietly emerged.

   "I finally found you, Buckmore."

   Dark eyes burst out with gloomy light, looking at the devil Buckmore, who was in the gap in the space, covering his whole body, Cronus showed a brutal killing intent.

Among the four demon princes, Kronos is not the strongest Voidwalker Kasa, but the devil known as the black-hearted businessman. He was calculated before but did not have the slightest sense of it, because of him. Blinded by the devil Buckmore.

  Although Buckmore ranks only 11 among the Demon Lords, no one dares to underestimate him even the top ten demons. As a devil, frontal combat has never been his best.

   "From the beginning, you were fake. You already knew that we were going to count you."

The lilac eyes bloomed with faint light. The moment Cronus appeared, Buckmore noticed something wrong. If Cronus was a temporary fake, no matter what means, in this way Under the circumstances, it is difficult to hide the perception of their four demon lords. The only possibility is that the Cronus they saw from the beginning was a fake. Only in this way can the current situation be explained.

   "Do you still want to use this little trick to delay time? It's useless."

Feeling the subtle fascination in Buckmore’s words, Cronus did not hesitate to mobilize the power of space. Of course, he didn’t know that four demon princes worked **** him this time, he was just used to it. .

   "Damn it."

The shadow of death was cast in his heart, the spiritual power burst out, and reality was distorted. Buckmore wanted to escape the gap of space, but at this moment, under the control of Cronus, the space here has become a copper wall and iron wall. It is not him at all. Can be shaken.

   The devil is indeed a powerful creature. When you can't find him, he may kill you at any time, but when you find him, he is no longer invincible.

Frontal combat is never the devil’s means. It is their yearning to secretly manipulate a person’s life and death, so every qualified devil has a powerful means of hiding, but it is a pity that Cronus used his substitute's death to lure Booker. Moore made a move, letting him expose his flaws.

   "Soul Sacrifice·Spirit Bulwark."

  The color of flesh pain flashed in his eyes, and the crisis was approaching. Without daring to hesitate, Buckmore immediately burned the soul food he had finally earned.

Ah, the screams of screams are endless, and many ghosts appear in Buckmore's body, which outlines a solid barrier and protects Buckmore in it. At this time, Buckmore has already gone from being shy. The rich businessman became a thin and poor boy.

The space is annihilated, the soul is wailing, two different forces collide fiercely, but although the barrier of the soul is strong, the power of space annihilation is still stronger after all, just a few breaths, a trace of cracks appeared on the barrier of the soul , As if it would be completely destroyed in the next moment, and now in the gap of space, the lava demon Agri and the succubus Iris from outside could not rescue Buckmore in time.

   "Damn it, this business has lost a lot of money."

Perceiving the breakage of the spiritual barrier, even a cunning devil, Buckmore couldn't help but a trace of despair in his heart. He didn't think that his small body could withstand the ravages of Cronus head-on, but it was here. At that time, the copper wall and iron wall-like void cracked, and his body was pulled out from the gap in the space.

   "Did you come out so soon? It's a pity that my Faceless Doll has been with me for so many years."

   Perceiving the change in space, Kronos sighed in his heart.

Previously, his fake body was transformed from a special sixth-order strange thing Faceless Doll. It possesses 80% of his body's power and helped him through a lot of crisis. Unexpectedly, it was completely destroyed here today. , The most important thing is that the time for him is still too little, otherwise he can completely kill the cunning devil Buckmore.

Stepping out and leaving the gap in space, Cronus saw the four demon princes who had come together again. At this moment, the situation seemed to have returned to its original appearance. The difference was that the aura and mentality of the two sides had undergone a fundamental change. Change. At the beginning, the four demon lords looked at Cronus with the hunter's look at their prey, and they were sure of winning, but now they looked at Cronus with the look of the enemy of life and death, full of dread.

   "Be careful next, don't die easily."

   Looking at Casa and Buckmore, whose aura was obviously sluggish a lot, the corners of Cronus's mouth outlined a beautiful arc. At the same time, the sky full of stars revolved, bursting out terrifying power.

   "Impossible, we have already sealed this place with the help of the power of the space cage, how can you summon your own wizard tower?"

Perceiving something wrong, Elise couldn’t help exclaiming. This carefully arranged hunting accident happened frequently from the beginning, and now it has completely lost control. Among the four demon princes present, her The lowest strength, once Kronos gets the blessing of the Wizard Tower, then she really might die here.

   "Nothing is impossible, it's always here, but you haven't found it."

  The starry sky is flowing, the lonely starry sky turns into a bright galaxy at this moment, and the power of horror begins to bloom. This is the scroll of the wizarding tower starry sky that belongs to Kronos.

The Star Scroll is the top wizarding tower. Cronus cuts a whole piece of the void, and then spends a long time traveling in the void, collecting one after another powerful stars and finally woven into the scroll, each star They all correspond to a void node, and together they form a space that is constantly changing.

"You have completely blocked this starry sky with the power of the seventh-order strange object space let me lose the opportunity to ask for help and escape, but while trapping me, it is not trapped. You guys."

  The power of space rushes like a vast ocean. After successfully weakening the voidwalker Casa and the black-hearted merchant Bukmer, Cronus no longer hides his power.

Hearing this and seeing such a scene, the faces of the four demon princes were all gloomy as water. They paid a huge price to borrow a part of the power of the space cage to completely block the starry sky in order to catch turtles in the urn, but now It seems that they are trapped by themselves. Although they have a way to disperse the power of the space cage, it will take a long time, and Cronus will obviously not give them this opportunity.


   "Just kill him, all problems will be solved."

The power displayed by Cronus was indeed beyond their expectations, but the four demon princes were all killed from the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain. This alone would not scare them, and they believed that the four of them were Together, even if you can't kill Cronus, you won't be killed by Cronus easily.

  The brilliance of power blooms, and the aura of destruction flows in this starry sky again, this time more tyrannical than before.



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