The place of origin, the source of the world of the sun god, where there used to be many ancient beings sleeping, among them there was more than one sun god, not to mention the ghosts and immortals of the Nine Tribulations, and now it has become a place of eternal silence, quiet Like a tomb.

   hum, the void fluctuated, and the figure of Sean appeared here.

Looking far away, looking at the collapsed buildings, cracked ground, collapsed mountains, and fallen islands, Xiao En was silent. This is not only the tragic traces of the original war, but also a sign that the world of Yangshen is coming to an end. It was at this time that space was frozen and everything was static. A long rainbow, like a bridge across space and time, appeared in front of Xiao En.

   "Is this the bridge of the other bank? The foundation was laid by the philosophers and hundreds of families, and the king of artifacts later perfected by Hong Yi."

   The stagnant thoughts turned again, looking at the bridge that appeared in front of him, Xiao En did not hesitate and stepped forward.

   Time and space are underfoot, and when he reaches the end of the other shore, Xiao En sees the person he wants to meet.

In the deepest darkness, an ancient Buddha sits in the void, his golden body is shining, reflecting the void, with his back to Sean, his body does not know how high, his body does not know how big, as if standing on top of the sky, but strangely in the endless void The dark chains spread out, piercing through his golden body, trapping him here.

"You finally came."

An invisible voice sounded, with a trace of imperceptible fatigue. I don’t know when the Buddha turned around. His right face is solemn, but his left face has undergone abnormal changes. The scarlet buds are constantly squirming, highlighting the most The deep evil is half a Buddha and half a demon.

Seeing Hong Yi in this way, although he had expected it, Xiao En's heart still had some uncontrollable fluctuations. In fact, it was not only him, but everyone in the world of Yangshen could not think of the savior in their eyes, the new leader of the human race. , Hong Yihui, the Yang God who is closest to the realm of the other side, looks like this.

   "You are going to die."

   Looking at Hong Yi, Sean spoke.

   Hearing this, Hong Yi's dark eyes were peaceful, without the slightest ripple.

   "Yeah, I'm going to die."

   Speaking of his own life and death, Hong Yi seemed very calm.

   "I thought you wouldn't come to see me, but I didn't expect you to come. Should I call you teacher?"

Lowering his gaze, staring at Sean, at this point, Hong Yi's words finally had a wave of waves and a human touch. At this time, the sound of clattering continued to sound, and those holes penetrated Hong Yi's Buddha gold. The body, the chains that were connected to the void began to tighten continuously, and the golden Buddha's blood flowing with the sacred breath kept dripping for a while.

"At the beginning I thought I would be the savior of this world, that would change the world and create a new human race with everyone like a dragon, but then I realized that I was just a poor creature from beginning to end, and now I am even more so. Being locked here by Him makes you laugh at the teacher."

   Allowing the golden Buddha's blood to flow, Hong Yi's half-buddha and half-devil's face showed an ugly smile, as if he hadn't felt the pain.

Hearing this, Xiao En did not speak. He knew that Hong Yi now needs a person to talk to, and he did not deliberately correct the name of Teacher Hong Yi, Xiao En, although it was originally for calculations, but in this life Hong Yi’s ability to reach this point is inseparable from the great jade disc, animal system, mythological species, and the current Buddha form and devil fruit world that Xiao En left behind. It is not impossible to say that it is his teacher. .

Looking at the silent Xiao En, Hong Yi spoke again. Just as Xiao En thought, he really needs a person to talk to, someone who can understand him, even though he is now a great life of the seventh order. , But his life is actually not long, only more than a hundred years, not as good as some ordinary transcendents, and he has not lost his humanity.

   As Hong Yi continued to tell, Xiao En had a deeper understanding of his experience over the years.

The way of observing the sky, the journey of holding the sky, with the help of the great jade disc, which is the combination of the wisdom of the Gu and the power of the door of the infinite, Hong Yi in this life has a deeper understanding of the world and the will of heaven than in the original trajectory. Knowing, but it is precisely because of this deeper and more thorough knowledge that he has fallen to where he is today, otherwise he may live a long time.

"All living beings are ants, and ascetics are bigger ants. At the very beginning, I thought ascetics were thieves. They used the power of the world to strengthen themselves, but then I realized that it was just the consciousness of the world grazing us. , He treats us as livestock in his captivity."

"The Nine Heavens is the food trough for his livestock. The most ridiculous thing is that every monk rushes forward. They will be complacent after every thunderstorm. They don’t know that their strength is just getting themselves closer and closer to becoming It's just a standard for qualified food."

   Speaking of this, Hong Yi's words brought a touch of ridicule, as if he was mocking those monks who didn't know the truth, and he seemed to be mocking himself.

"The so-called epoch catastrophe is actually just a slaughter after grazing, just like the people killing pigs during the New Year. Although ordinary livestock does not care, even the input and output are not directly proportional, but each Yang god, each A warrior who smashed the vacuum was a surprise to him, a great food."

   Rumble, Hong Yi's words fell, and rolling thunder sounded, as if the world was venting its own anger, but this is Hong Yi's world, and even the world consciousness cannot be manifested here.

   "Teacher, do you know? How angry I was when I saw the truth."

   Ignoring the sound of rolling thunder, Hong Yi continued to talk.

"I am not reconciled, I want to get rid of the end of being food, but then I realized that when I issued the great aspiration of everyone like a dragon, I lost the opportunity to get rid of him. It is really a great aspiration for success, and a great aspiration for failure~www The voice went low, and when he said this, Hong Yi's words brought a touch of sadness.

Hearing this, Xiao En's eyes flickered. Although Hong Yi said that he was talented, there were more mythological devil fruits, avenue jade discs, etc., but he was able to become a **** of Yang in just a few years. It is inseparable from the great aspiration that was issued at the beginning. After sending the great aspiration that everyone is like a dragon, Hong Yi has been favored by the world consciousness. The chain that penetrates Hong Yi’s golden body is actually a manifestation of the other side of the grand aspiration. It is the cause and effect of Hong Yi and the world. If everyone is like a dragon, the grand aspiration cannot be realized. Therefore, it is impossible for Hong Yi to break the shackles and get out of the predicament. Really climbed to the other side and achieved the eighth rank.

   "Teacher, I'm not reconciled after all. I don't want to live for thousands or tens of thousands of years, and then be put on the table by Him, so even if I know I can't, I still choose to go against the sky."

   At this point, Hong Yi's words returned to calm.

   Seeing this look of Hong Yi, Xiao En sighed.

If Hong Yi does not choose to go against the sky and wants to break free from the shackles forcibly, then with his strength he can live for thousands of years until the end of the epoch, and it is not impossible for even a part of the essence to live to the next epoch. He didn't want it.



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