On the eleventh floor of the Navy Building, a small conference room. After showing their identity and purpose, Resick and Da Jinya were brought here.

   "Boss, what do you mean by these navies?"

After waiting for a long time, no one showed up. The Big Golden Teeth looked a bit irritable, and slapped it heavily on the conference table, making a dull noise. Fortunately, the conference table was made of fine walnut, otherwise This is likely to fall apart.

   Hearing this, he glanced at the teacup that was no longer steaming. Liske remained silent and sat there quietly.

   Looking at Liske like this, Da Jinya's heart became more and more irritable, but he didn't know what to do, and at this moment, a strange wave of fluctuations quietly appeared in the room.

  咻, the golden spots of light gathered, Neo Rommel, wearing a yellow striped shirt and a white justice coat behind his back, appeared here.

Feeling the appearance of the unfamiliar breath, after reacting, Da Jinya's body instinctively burst out with a killing intent, but it quickly converged, because he recognized the identity of the visitor and felt the strength of the visitor. , Like some kind of ferocious sea monster, made him tremble with fear.

   "Good day, General Neo Rommel."

   got up, with a standard smile on his face, took off the hat on his head, placed it on his chest, and bowed to Neo Rommel, expressing his respect for him.

   Seeing Lisk like this, Neo Rommel's face also showed a gentle smile.

   "Excuse me, Mr. Riske, there are too many things to be busy before, and I have kept you waiting for a long time."

   Hearing the words, Resick shook his head.

   "No, General, the tea in the Navy Office is delicious. If it's not enough time, maybe I will have another drink."

   Facing Neo Rommel, Resick placed his position very low, even at this moment, his thoughts in his heart were very complicated, and no trace of it was revealed on the surface.

   Regarding Neo Rommel, Liske is actually no stranger to it. As early as when Monfitos was not under the rule of the Green Field, the two sides had dealt with each other. After all, the navy and the pirates inevitably met.

At that time, Neo Rommel was an experienced and excellent admiral in Liske’s eyes. His own strength was good, but it was just that. He didn’t think he would be inferior to the opponent, and he was even sure of himself in the future. He will definitely be better than the other party, but when I meet again this time, he finds that this is not the case.

   Catching the breath that Neo Rommel had just leaked, Lisk’s keen perception told him that he was not Neo Rommel’s opponent, and he would die if both sides shot with all their strength.

   "Is this the benefit of being with others?"

   concealed the complexity of his heart, and the smile on Lisk's face remained unchanged.

   "Since Mr. Liske likes the tea here, I will have someone prepare some tea for you later."

   Looking at the humble Lisk, the smile on Neo Rommel’s face was even greater.

   Hearing this, Li Si Ke did not decline.

   "So, thank you for your generosity."

   agreed in one gulp, and Resick seemed to really like the tea in the navy office.

   "Mr. Lisk, inviting you this time is actually because there is something to discuss with you."

   Preliminarily clarified Resko's attitude. Neo Rommel took out a folder. As a high-level navy, he naturally possessed such spatial wonders as Na Jie.

   took the folder that Neo Rommel had handed over, opened the contents, and Lisk's eyes suddenly narrowed, and a pair of green seal-like eyes showed a hint of sharpness that could not be concealed.

   On the other side, feeling the change of Resko's breath, Neo Rommel smiled slightly, and for a while, the strange silence in the small meeting room was restored again.

   "Your Excellency General, with all due respect, your plan is too bold."

   After reading the folder carefully, he couldn't help adjusting his two moustaches, and Li Sike barely recovered the surface calm.

   In fact, he really wanted to say that the plan proposed by the Green Field Navy was simply whimsical, but when the words came about, they changed to bold.

"Mr. Reske, our navy intends to reopen the routes between the old and the new continents and build a solid bridge between the old and the new continents. This is to promote the prosperity of trade between the old and the new continents. Although the plan is a bit ambitious, it is It has been carefully considered, and it is completely possible to realize it. It is absolutely impossible to describe it with boldness."

   I could see the shock of Lisik and understand his thoughts, Neo Rommel still maintained his calmness.

Seeing this appearance of Neo Rommel, the soul shaken by the naval plan of Resko slowly recovered. He understood that since this plan appeared in front of him, even if the possibility of success is not great. , But it must not be purely arrogant, the green field leader navy dare to propose such a plan, it must have its own confidence.

   Thinking of this, Liske's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help thinking about what he would need to pay and what he could gain if he participated in this plan.

   Seeing Liske who was in silence, Neo Rommel watched quietly, without saying anything to interrupt him.

The senior leaders of the Green Field Leaders have reached an agreement on opening up the routes between the new and old continents, introducing resources from the old continent, and dumping their own products. Under such circumstances, the Navy has received a large amount of resource tilt, but it also bears the burden. After all, although the strength of the navy has improved a lot, there are still obvious shortcomings in opening up the route between the old and new continents and maintaining the stability of this route. The most intuitive point is that there are not enough people. For this reason, after careful consideration, Neo Rommel submitted a strategic plan to the Greenfield City Hall. After careful discussion, this plan was approved by Sean and named the Seven Wuhai Plan.

The core of the Qiwuhai plan is to use forces to maintain the stability of the established routes when the navy is insufficient. These forces can be pirates or aliens. Their addition can greatly reduce the pressure of the navy to open up and stabilize the routes. Of course Correspondingly, the green field leader will also share some of the benefits of the route to the so-called Qiwu Sea.

   "General Neo Rommel, I want to confirm that you are really sure to clear a safe route in such chaotic conditions?"

   raised his head and looked directly at Neo Rommel. At this moment, Liske's expression became more solemn, and his sharpness was not concealed in a pair of tourmaline-like eyes.

   Seeing Lisk like this, Neo Rommel showed a gentle smile on his face.

  "Of course ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Neo Rommel's words are very light, but there is unquestionable self-confidence in the words.

   "Then I am willing to join the great plan of Lvyeling, and become a member of Qiwuhai."

After receiving the affirmative answer from Neo Rommel, without hesitation, Liske also gave his own answer. Although this plan has a lot of risks, the benefits are enough to make him move. As a successful pirate, he never Lack of adventurous spirit.

   "Is an ambitious and current affairs pirate, as the first Qiwuhai is barely qualified."

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at Liske and Da Jinya who were on the tram going away, Neo Rommel whispered in a low voice. At this moment, his face was full of coldness. The gentleness.

Although he proposed the Qiwuhai plan, it does not mean that he has a good impression of pirates and foreign races. In fact, as an old navy, he dislikes both of these existences, but he is rational enough to be able to Make the most advantageous choice at the corresponding time.

In fact, the reason why he met with Liske at the Naval Office this time instead of at the Naval Headquarters Malin Fodor is not far away because of his dislike of pirates. He believes that the Naval Headquarters is the sacred place of the Navy. Pirates are not worthy to set foot on the land there.



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