Chunya blessed land, the property left to Sean after Mu Haruko died.

Standing in the blessed land of Chunya, looking at the dilapidated surroundings, Xiao En's expression was silent. The land of Chunya just experienced a disaster not long ago. He suffered extremely badly. Various resources were almost destroyed and he wanted to recover. The most troublesome thing is that even if Mu Chunzi, Rank 6 Gu Immortal, has died, the blessed land he left will still suffer disasters until the blessed land is completely destroyed.

   "Earth Spirit, take out what the teacher left for me."

   The soul trembles, and Sean speaks as he looks at the Aoki Earth Spirit that appears.

After Gu Immortal's death, if he persists in obsession, he will form earth spirits in his own blessed land. They are equivalent to the landlords in the blessed land. They have extremely high authority and a certain amount of wisdom. They can even use the immortal essence left by the blessed land. And the means continue to help Blessed Land escape the calamity. Of course, they also have restrictions, that is, all their codes of conduct are affected by Gu Immortal's legacy will.

   "Okay, little master."

  Looking at Xiao En, the Green Wood Land Spirit, who looked like a tree man, bowed and bowed. According to Mu Chunzi's last wish, Xiao En was the only heir to this blessed land, and he needed to unconditionally cooperate with Xiao En's actions.

   hum, the space moves, a dark green tree with the size of a fist and the appearance of a walnut appeared in the hands of Earth Spirit.

   took the tree seed, and looked carefully, there was a hint of brilliance in Xiao En's eyes.

The qualifications of Gu Masters in Gu World are divided into Class A, Class B, Class C, and third class. Of course, there are so-called Ten Abnormalities above this, but this is not a common practice. As a Gu Immortal, Mu Chunzi's talent is actually not Well, he is only Grade C qualification. The reason why he can stand out and become Gu Immortal surpassing his peers who are better than him is mainly because he was inherited from a Rank 8 Gu Immortal when he was young.

However, it is a pity that the inheritance he received is not complete, but even so, with the resources obtained from this adventure, Mu Chunzi has succeeded in ascending to the immortal, and this seed is the treasure left in the original inheritance. The seed of the Taikoo Wild Planting Tsubaki Tree.

Tsubaki tree is a legendary plant. The grown-up Tsubaki tree is equivalent to the treasure of Rank Eight. According to the ancestral records, the ancestor was lost in the wilderness. He walked through the night, through the day, through the mountains, and through After arriving in Dachuan, I finally came to the seaside and saw a big tree with a canopy. At that time, Renzu was too tired, so he fell asleep under the big tree. When he woke up again, he found out Eight hundred years have passed, and the most important thing is that his appearance has remained the same as before, without any change.

   "Because there is a saying that 800 years is a tsubaki, the tsubaki is also called the wood of years. It is rumored that the Gu Immortal who owns the tsubaki not only has a long life, but also has a long blessing to avoid disasters."

There was no vitality in playing with his hands, like a dead tree seed. The thoughts in Sean's heart kept turning. For such a legendary tree, Sean was still very interested in this tree. Rooting and sprouting of seeds is also Mu Chunzi's long-held obsession.

The reason why Mu Chunzi stopped at Rank 6 Gu Immortal, and could not be promoted to Rank 7 until he died, apart from his own qualification restrictions, a large part of the reason was that he invested too much time and resources on the seeds of the tree tree. From the time he got this seed, he has always wanted to plant the Tsubaki tree. From his name, it can be seen that Mu Chunzi is combined with Tsubaki.

   "The seed of this tsubaki tree is hidden inside, and it has fallen into a dormant period, and there is a seal on the outside. It may not be possible to wake up again in a short time."

   There was cyan brilliance in his eyes. Although they were both Rank 6 Gu Immortals, Sean's eyesight was much stronger than Mu Chunzi's, and he could see the true condition of this tree seed at a glance.

   The thought in his heart turned, not in a hurry, Xiao En turned his hand to collect the seeds of the tsubaki tree.

   "Spring Bud Blessed Land has been damaged too badly, repairing is meaningless, let it dissipate like this."

   Looking at the devastated Spring Bud Land, a light blue light appeared in Xiao En's hands.

   The light blue light fell, and a vine phantom resembling a grape vine quietly appeared in the void, and was good at facing the wind.

   Roots spread, penetrating the earth, branches and leaves stretched, verdant green, branches intertwined, unknowingly covering the sky of the spring bud blessed land, this is the ultimate move of the Sixth Turn Immortal Dao Qingyuan Yuti.

   Yuan Lian Sect is inherited from Yuan Lian Immortal Venerable. There is a very important kind of Gu worm inheritance in the Sect, that is, Tian Yuan Bao Imperial Lotus, which progresses from three to eight levels.

   Those from rank three to rank five are called Tianyuan Baolian, and rank six and above are called Tianyuan Baohuanglian. Tianyuan Baohuanglian ranks sixth among the top ten immortal Gus in the Gu world and is a rare wonder in the world.

Tianyuan Baohuanglian is neither good at killing, nor good at defense, but its function has made countless Gu masters coveted it, because it can automatically absorb the vitality between heaven and earth and produce the immortal yuan needed by Gu masters, below Rank 6 The one is true yuan, and the one with six ranks and above is immortal yuan.

For Gu immortals, immortal yuan is never enough, because both cultivation and fighting skills need to consume immortal yuan, especially during the battle, the consumption of immortal yuan is like running water. Without immortal yuan, Gu immortals want it. It is very difficult to activate the ultimate move, and Gu Immortal's method of obtaining the immortal yuan is really too single, usually only painstakingly managing the blessed land, and slowly accumulating through his own, which shows the preciousness of the Tianyuan Baohuanglian.

As the most outstanding disciple of this generation of Yuan Lian Sect, Xiao En naturally obtained the true inheritance of Yuan Lian Sect. Among them, there is the inheritance of Tian Yuan Baohuanglian. It is a pity that it is the only Immortal Gu in the Gu World, and the worms above Rank 6 are the same. There can only be one in the period. As one of the iconic gu worms of the Yuan Lian Sect, the Tian Yuan Bao Emperor Lotus Immortal Gu naturally already existed. Under such circumstances, even if Xiao En had the Tian Yuan Bao Emperor Lotus Immortal Gu's formula, he still had the same formula. It is impossible to refine Tianyuan Baohuanglian Immortal Gu.

However, on the basis of Tianyuan Baohuanglian Immortal Gu's inheritance combined with his experience in cultivating the magic cloud vine in the main world, Sean uses Wisdom Gu to promote a brand new Sixth Rank Immortal Gu prescription. Xiao En named it Qingti, because the immortal Yuan of Rank Six Gu Immortal is also called Qingti Immortal Yuan.

Qingti Immortal Gu, like Tianyuan Baohuanglian Immortal Gu, is a supplementary Gu, and can give birth to immortal origins, but there is a difference in essence. Tianyuan Baohuanglian generates immortal origins by itself, while Qingti is plundering. Plunder Gu Immortal's cave heaven and blessed land, and then give birth to immortal yuan.

Generally speaking, Gu Immortal has great limitations when using different kinds of immortal essences, and it is also very troublesome to transform, but the immortal Yuan plundered by Qingti Immortal Gu is just like the immortal Yuan produced by Tianyuan Baohuanglian. Imprinted, from this perspective, the preciousness of Qingti Immortal Gu is actually not lower than Tianyuan Baohuanglian.

   The card rubbed, the earth withered, and the sky cracked. As Sean’s ultimate move, Qing Yuan Yuti, continued to take effect, Chun Ya Fu Di died at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The emerald green brilliance bloomed, and thirty-six Qingti immortals quietly condensed on the Qingti vine, and at the same time, Chunya Fudi finally came to the end of life.

  Huh, the branches and leaves were adjusted to zero, the vines withered, and the Qingyuan Yuti that covered the sky disappeared, leaving only thirty-six immortal yuan rippling with water waves falling into Xiao En's hands.



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