Boom, the roar of heaven and earth disturbed the silent ancient battlefield. All the ghosts cried together for a while, and it became more and more weird.

   "Are you going to cross the catastrophe at this time?"

Looking at the phantom of the blessed land being pulled out by Xiao En from the void, Yiyanxian's face was a bit ugly, and the figure flashed, and he quickly moved away from Xiao En. The disaster does not recognize anyone, as long as it is within the scope of the disaster. , Will be affected, and the more people who cross the Tribulation, the stronger the strength, and the power of the Tribulation will also increase.

Although Yiyanxian knew that once he was involved in this calamity, Sean would basically have no chance of going through the calamity, but he knew better that even if he was involved in such a calamity, he would not feel well. The most important thing is that what he wants is Wisdom Gu. Once Sean really fails to overcome the Tribulation, then the Wisdom Gu he wants will be destroyed in all likelihood. This is not the result he wants.

   "Procrastinate for time, it's just a dying struggle."

   Pulled a distance far enough, looking at the jade forest blessed land where the roaring qi, a sneer appeared on the face of a word of immortality.

   Eight turns of Baili Xianyuan burned, Yiyan Xian began to further blockade this ancient battlefield, so that Xiao En had no possibility of passing news to the outside.

   "After the disaster, it is the time when you go to die."

Perfect the layout. Although I can’t figure out what Sean did this for, I can guess that it is nothing more than to buy time and hope to get rescue. Knowing that this is impossible, because at this time Langya Blessed Land has been completely hidden, isolated from the inside and outside, and there is still his handwriting in this.

Gu Immortal's Tribulation is actually a very private matter, because no matter what the final result of the Guxian's Tribulation, Gu Immortal will suffer certain damages, because disasters are not static, and the deeper the background, the more profound the disasters encountered by the blessed land. The more powerful, the time after crossing the Tribulation is often the weakest time for a Gu Master.

   Although Sean has temporarily held him back with the help of the catastrophe, his strength is likely to decline further after he has passed the catastrophe, and by that time he really has no resistance at all.

   "To be clever is to be mistaken by cleverness."

   calculated it again, and found no problems. Yiyanxian's expression returned to indifferent again. The only thing he had to guard against was that Xiao En Dog jumped over the wall and destroyed Wisdom Gu.


After waiting for a while, I noticed that the calamity enveloping the jade forest blessed land began to dissipate, Yiyanxian had prepared the ultimate move ready to go, but at this moment a new calamity aura rose again in the jade forest blessed land. Rise.

   "Success twice in a row?"

   There was a hint of astonishment on his face. Looking at the jade forest blessed land that was once again shrouded in robbery, a feeling of anxiety rose in his heart. Although he did not want to believe it, this feeling was so real.

   Inside the Jade Forest, looking at the cracked sky and the light black water column that fell along with it, Xiao En's expression was silent.

Corrosion is a rare earth disaster. The water comes from the sky and is extremely corrosive. It is a natural enemy to plants. The general seventh rank wood path Gu Immortal faces such disasters. They couldn't get through it safely, but Sean was different. Compared with his own strength, the foundation of Fudi was actually more than a bit worse.

   "Changchun Gu·Life is endless."

   The Seventh Rank Jujube Red Celestial Yuan burned, and the Seventh Rank Changchun Gu shook, and Xiao En urged the ultimate move.

The breath of    Immortal Gu was pervasive, and deep blue water plants spread out from the lake, growing and reproducing rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, a huge blue viper was outlined.

   Snake grass, a relatively rare wild plant, is best at swallowing water and making a living from various watercourse resources.

   hissing, the giant snake opened its mouth and directly began to swallow the rotten water falling from the sky.

Phew, the blue disappears, the black spreads, and the corrosiveness of the rotting water is extremely severe, even if it is a water snake grass, it can't bear it. Under the erosion of the rotting water, the body of the blue giant snake withers quickly, and in a flash, it is half of its body. It was gone, but at this moment a hidden vitality exploded, causing the blue giant snake to restore its original appearance again.

   Pulled back and forth more than ten times, the cracks in the sky finally disappeared, no more rot dripping, and it was at this moment that a new tragedy rose again in the Jade Forest.

Outside of the blessed land, looking at the jade forest blessed land that was once again shrouded in robbery, Yiyanxian's face became more and more ugly. At this moment, he really felt that things had lost his control.

   "How about a few tribulations in a row? It's just the seventh turn, it's just an ant after all."

A cold light radiated from the pure white eyes, and the immortal murmured softly. Although the Gu world, because of the peculiarities of the road, relying on the powerful immortal gu and killer moves, there are often scenes of the following gram above, but most of them are concentrated. In the mortal Gu Master stage, once you have ascended to the immortal, it will be difficult to think about it. If you are well prepared, you will still be able to defeat the sixth rank. However, it is not realistic at all to defeat the eighth rank. At least there hasn't been anything like this in the Gu world so far.

   "Does he want to directly achieve Rank 8 but can't it?"

Waiting patiently, looking at the jade forest blessed land, which was once again shrouded by a stronger robbery after six consecutive earth disasters, his heart twitched. He clearly knew that this time was not an earth disaster, and It's a catastrophe.

   And when Yiyanxian's expression was gloomy, Xiao En in the blessed land also frowned.

   "It turned out to be the catastrophe of the ants, this time it was aimed at Tsubaki wood?"

Seeing the innumerable white ants that were born from the void, the size of the thumbs, the thoughts in Sean's heart kept turning. The white ants are a peculiar beast, born with esophagus marks, and are best at devouring plants. Even if a Tsubaki tree of up to eight ranks is entangled by them, the final result can be swallowed by them. Moreover, their defensive power is extremely strong. Not only is it hard to damage the swordsman, but it is also very resistant to other genres. High, the idle means can't help them at all. The most important thing is that Sean also found four rank six wild beasts and two rank seven ancient wild beasts in the group of white ants.

   Although compared to human Gu Masters, the ancient desolate beasts are basically at a disadvantage, but they should not be underestimated, especially the desolate beasts of some special races.

   "Changchun Gu·Life is endless."

When the fairy yuan burned, Xiao En urged the ultimate move. At this time, countless rattans grew and weaved into an airtight wall of rattans, which firmly protected the wood. At the same time, Bai Bai The ants gather into a tide, surging toward the stinkwood like a tide, and no grass grows wherever they pass.

Facing the impact of the wave of white ants, the vine wall urged by the longevity gu suddenly tottered. Although the vines that make up the vine wall are still, their regeneration speed is not as fast as that of white ants. The speed of eating.

   "The ultimate move, the wheel of the four seasons."

One after another red jujube celestial element burned, and the ultimate move constructed with the core of Chun Wood, Rank Seven Withered Wood Gu, and Rank Seven Changchun Gu was immediately urged by Sean. The initial prototype of this ultimate move actually came from Based on the sixth-order witchcraft of the world of truth, and later combined with the characteristics of Tsubaki wood on this basis, Sean made improvements, and finally formed the current ultimate move, which can not only target plants, but also target animals.

Green, red, gold, and white, the four-color rays of light are intertwined, sweeping the surroundings with Sean as the center. Although there is no change for the time being, as the four-color rays of light continue to interweave, more and more white ants are silently thrown away. Killed.

From the beginning, Sean did not expect the vine wall to block the white ants. All he wanted was to use the vine wall to delay him for some time. The white ants are indeed powerful, but they have a shortcoming that is not a shortcoming. That is, their lifespan is generally relatively short, even the rank 6 desolate beast and the seventh rank of the ancient desolate beast are the same, far inferior to other alien beast races, this may be the balance made by heaven.

   Generally speaking, the most suitable for dealing with white ants is the Zhou Dao Gu Master who has mastered the power of time. However, although Sean is not a Zhou Dao Gu Master, he can also touch the power of time with the help of the power of Tsubaki Wood.



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