The chaotic sea area, where the water regime is complicated, and there are turbulences on the bottom of the sea from time to time. Once involved in it, even Gu Immortal will feel uncomfortable.

   Void fluctuations, Xiao En appeared here with Shi Zhongyu, and then flew directly to a small island shrouded in white mist.

   "A natural Gu formation was formed, with a cover-up and psychedelic effect. No wonder this place has not been discovered."

The halo of wisdom in his eyes flowed, and when he started to observe Qiuhao, Sean could see through the essence of the island at a glance. That is, at this moment, a fairy with blue-eyed fangs, pointed-mouthed monkey cheeks, thin body, and a blue-eyed fox squatting on his shoulders. Flew out of the island.

   "Hu Qing has met the pavilion owner."

   When he came to Xiao En, Hu Qing bowed and saluted, and there was a touch of excitement deep in his dim eyes.

   Seeing this immortal zombie and relevant information emerged, Xiao En nodded.

Having accepted all the inheritance of the East China Sea Zombie League, with the exception of a few immortal zombies who are unwilling to join the Star-Gazing Pavilion, the Star-Guanxing Pavilion now has 22 Gu Immortals, including three in the eighth rank, four in the seventh rank, and fifteenth in the six rank. Hu Qing is one of them.

As an immortal zombie, Hu Qing is not good. He is at the bottom of the immortal zombie, because he is a Rank 6 slave Dao Gu Immortal, and Slave Dao was started by the first Rank 9 Gu Immortal of the Human Race. The immortal Venerable has a very long history, and it is also a great road. It has all kinds of conveniences. There are many Gu Immortals in cultivation, which can be said to be enduring. However, this road also has a big disadvantage, that is, it consumes a lot of resources. .

Transformed into immortal rigor, immortal orifice is ossified, Hu Qing can't cultivate a group of alien animals at all. In this situation, many of his slavery methods cannot be displayed. It is precisely because of this that he will live more and more down, even if he joins. After viewing the Star Pavilion, he did not dare to transform himself from the immortal zombie to the Gu immortal again, because he did not have the means and resources to continue his life. Of course, Sean’s immortal zombie imprint could make them reincarnate from death, but they couldn’t continue. They are about to come to the end of their lives.

   "Is the secret found in this island?"

With words, a blue bird made of slender leaves flew out from Sean’s shoulder and landed on the island, bringing out a gu worm that looked like a silkworm pupa and was wrapped in white mist. This is a waterway. Rank Six Immortal Gu Misty Mist Gu, and as this Immortal Gu was taken out, although the white mist that enveloped the island has not yet dissipated, it has lost all the mysteries before it.

   Seeing such a scene, there were expressions of surprise, regret, and envy on his face. Hu Qing quickly lowered his gaze. He did not expect that there was a fairy gu right under his eyelids.

   "Return to the pavilion master, the secret realm I found is on this island, and after repeated investigations, it is confirmed that it is the secret realm of the esophagus."

   Suppressing all the bad emotions in his heart, Hu Qing respectfully answered Xiao En’s question. Immortal Gu would be lost if he lost it. It can only be said that he did not have this life, but in any case, Xiao En could not be dissatisfied.

   Hearing the words, his thoughts turned, and after the white mist dissipated slightly, Xiao En walked into the interior of the island.

   Under the leadership of Hu Qing, through a crack in the ground, turning around and turning around, Xiao En came to a strange cave underneath.

   The smell of meat is escaping, permeating every part of the space underneath, and weird big trees with all kinds of meat hanging quietly grow in the crypt, forming a small forest.

   "Gululu, pavilion master, can no longer move forward, the deeper this secret realm, the more hungry you will feel, and then eat these meats desperately, and eventually be swollen to death."

Swallowing frantically, looking at the big trees with meat hanging, there is a trace of panic in Hu Qing's eyes. If he is not immortal, he does not need to eat, and the appetite itself is very sluggish. If he was exploring before He didn't use the alien beasts to make a test, I am afraid he would also be recruited, and in the end, just like the alien beasts, he would become the fertilizer for the growth of these big trees.

   Hearing this, Sean stopped his footsteps. It was weird. He didn't notice any danger just now, or the section of these big trees didn't trigger his induction.

   eyes swept across, although Xiao En still remained calm on the face, but at this moment he could clearly feel the surge of his own appetite, constantly urging him to eat.

   "It turned out to be the meat forest of the esophagus secret realm."

Looking at the unspirited and even wilting woods, Sean confirmed the identity of this secret realm. At this time, the esophagus has just been established and the inheritance is scarce, but there are two secret realms that are more famous. They are the wine pool and the Meat forest.

   "Let’s get out of here first."

   The halo of wisdom in his eyes flowed, confirming Roulin's situation, watching Hu Qing and Shi Zhongyu who were swallowing frantically, Xiao En gave the order to leave.

   Hearing this, Hu Qing and Shi Zhongyu nodded hurriedly.

   At the edge of the island, feeling the smell of fleshy smell, Sean frowned.

The mystery of the meat forest is very peculiar. It can grow. The smell of meat that it emits will stimulate the appetite of humans and a variety of exotic animals, attracting them to eat, and then be swallowed by the meat forest and become the fertilizer for the growth of the meat forest. It is precisely because of this that this island is so quiet.

Originally, as the meat forest grows, its influence will continue to spread outwards, but the appearance of Misty Immortal Gu restricts the meat forest's ability, and eventually the food is exhausted, and the meat forest gradually wilts, but it is precisely because of this. , This esophageal secret realm has not been discovered until now.

"Shi Zhongyu, you notify the six-armed corpse king to come and guard this place, and you will also issue a mission to send members of the Star Watching Pavilion to hunt wild beasts here. One Rank Six Wild Beast contributes 100 points, and one Rank Seven Ancient Desolate Beast contributes 10,000 points. ."

   Thoughts turned, Sean temporarily gave up the idea of ​​taking this island away. It was easy to move an island with his strength, but he was afraid of destroying the stability of the meat forest.

Hearing this, Shi Zhongyu immediately agreed. In addition to the pavilion master Xiao En and the two supreme elders of Green Fire and Black Wind, the strongest of the four rank seven Gu Immortals, the six-armed corpse king Shi Gan One of them, its main strength, strength can not be underestimated.

   "Hu Qing, this time you can discover the Secret Realm of the Meat Forest. You have done a lot. What reward do you want?"

   Lowering his gaze, Xiao En looked at Hu Qing.

   Feeling Xiao En's gaze, Hu Qing bent down quickly.

   "Return to the pavilion master, my original lifespan is not much left, and I hope I can get something to extend my life."

   With his head down, Hu Qing's words are full of enthusiasm that cannot be concealed.

   Hearing this, there was something in Xiao En's hand that seemed to be intertwined with shadows, similar to the roots of ginseng. If you look closely, you will find that the roots are actually composed of small gu worms.

   "This is a 50-year-old birthday Gu, even your reward this time."

   "Thank you for the reward."

   After receiving the longevity Gu that Xiao En handed over, Hu Qing could no longer suppress his excitement. With these longevity Gu, he could extend his lifespan for another fifty years and completely get rid of the immortal stiff body.

In the world of Gu, there are many ways for Gu masters to prolong life, but the simplest and most effective is life Gu. Longevity Gu cannot be artificially refined. It is naturally generated by heaven and earth. It can be used by both Gu Master and Gu Immortal. This has also led to the high price of the life-shougu, and even no market, because the general gu masters will leave the life-shou-gu for their own use and rarely trade them out.

   "Since you have gotten a longevity, then I will help you again."

   spoke, urging Immortal Gu, and Sean activated Immortal Zombie.

  The gray brilliance falls Qing reincarnated from death.

   Feeling the change in himself, Hu Qing immediately refined the Longevity Gu in his hand, leaving nothing behind.

   Seeing such a scene, Sean's eyes narrowed.

   "Hu Qing thanks the pavilion master."

   suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, and ignoring his own changes, Hu Qing bowed again and saluted.

To be honest, he never thought that he would have such good fortune this time. Because of poverty, Hu Qing had to bring his only six-turned wild beast blue-eyed fox to hunt in the turbulent waters to feed the blue-eyed fish. Fox, but accidentally he was swept into the sea by a sudden turbulence, and fell on the now unknown island. Then, with the help of the blue-eyed fox's ability to break the illusion and a bit of luck, he finally discovered the existence of the meat forest.

"This is what you deserve."

   The words fell, and Xiao En's figure quietly disappeared. He needs to carefully survey the surrounding situation to prepare for the establishment of the Gu Formation.

Because of malnutrition, the secret realm of the meat forest on the island only has a rank of six, but Sean believes that after training, it should be able to rise to rank eight soon. At that time, its existence is difficult to hide. , Under such circumstances, a powerful Gu Array is still necessary to exist.



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