Time passed, and it was half a year in a flash.

   At the edge of the starry sky, the tide of time and space swirled here, a wave rolled up, and a slightly embarrassed figure jumped out from it.

The New World, the green field collar, followed the arrival of the Sutilt Kingdom mission, which was moving slowly and slowly along the golden channel. The news that the green field collar was about to leave the kingdom’s autonomy and the establishment of the duchy spread like wildfire. For this Some people are looking forward to something, and some are worried about something.

   Although the kingdom mission had encountered several accidents along the way, with the personal **** of the admiral Qing pheasant, he finally arrived in the New World without any danger.

And when the mission arrived in the New World and officially announced the news, the Green Field, the entire New World, and even the Golden Channel were all boiled. It was at this time that the Green Field began to adjust animal resources and even the army on a large scale. Everyone knew that. This is preparing for the upcoming nation-building.

Lord’s Mansion, Little Garden, picked up a piece of white bread like milk, Sean chewed carefully, a faint malt aroma and sweetness quietly melted between his lips and teeth, followed by a gentle faint The magic power was integrated into his body.

   Bronze No. 1 wheat, the raw material for this piece of bread that Sean eats, is an extraordinary plant belonging to the first order.

After half a year, under Subhuti’s meticulous cultivation, many useful seeds were born in the brood. Bronze No. 1 wheat is one of them. It is not the highest rank, nor is it the most effective. But it is the most suitable for large-scale planting. At present, the Greenfield official has begun to cultivate this kind of wheat on a large scale to serve as the basic ration for the army and the official transcendents. The transcendents want to grow quickly, and eating is also a very important aspect. .

   "Is this the familiar you caught in the spirit world for half a year?"

   put down the little bun, and looked at Ymir who was sitting across from him, Sean spoke.

At this moment, Ymir is playing with the little thing in his hand. This little thing has sixteen wings, its head is like a dark phoenix, and the feathers at the top open like a sword fan. It looks like a symbol of the majesty and authority of the king. The dark crown, its tail is like a butterfly, and the antennae are differentiated into black star spots. When it swings gently, you can see the traces of starlight across the sky, and its body is covered with dense purple-black feathers. Look The top is fluffy, very delicate, thin and translucent.

Although this little thing looks very gentle, Sean clearly knows that this is a genuine Tier 6 king-level monster. Its race name is Dead Dream, and its real body size is not small. It originally came from the charm world. Soul creatures, possessing the ability to transform butterflies, can differentiate into millions of elven butterflies, swallow souls for them, and are natural enemies of normal life.

The one in Ymir’s hand was reborn after the racial imprint of the dead dream fell into the Great World of Liberal Arts. After being discovered by Ymir, it was finally captured and became Ymir’s pet. To catch this little guy, Ymir also spent a lot of effort.

   "Yes, when I stumbled upon it, I thought it was predestined to me."

   The pale little face was cold, without any emotional ups and downs, Ymir spoke softly.

Hearing this, looking at Ymir’s face, a strange color flashed in Sean’s eyes. No matter how he heard this, he felt that it shouldn’t come from Ymir’s mouth. Perhaps Sieggal said it was more appropriate. After all, he was only It is the one who controls the cause and effect.

   "The characteristics of the dead dream fit me very well, and it also involves the soul and the realm of death. The most important thing is that it can swallow the radiation that I emit."

   With words, a faint blue mud-like energy emerged in Ymir's hands, drowning the dream of death.

   The energy disappeared, and the dead dream, which was confined in the palm of Ymir and reduced in size, danced lightly, leaving a dreamlike trail of stars in the air.

   Seeing such a scene, Xiao En squinted his eyes. He actually doesn't care much about a Tier 6 king-level monster, but this characteristic of devouring radiation is extraordinary.

   "Is this devouring feature only for you or for all magicians?"

   words, Xiao En’s hands also showed a chaotic energy, and this time, although Dead Dream did not evade, it did not swallow it, as if it was not to his appetite.

   "For now, Dead Dream will only swallow the radiant energy that I dissipated by myself, but it is undeniable that it is not afraid of radiation."

Unfolding his palms, let the dream of death be transformed into countless elven butterflies into his magic robe, Ymir spoke. At this moment, the magic robe on his body is more dreamy, like the surface of the water under a moonlit night, glowing with fragments of fluorescence, and this At the same time, his own breath became more restrained, and no trace of energy leaked.

   "This characteristic is very special, you can focus on it later, if you can find something, then the magician's path may be further improved."

   Taken back his gaze, Sean whispered.

   Upon hearing this, Ymir nodded.

   "Your death **** should have taken the sixth-order potion, right?"

   picked up the teacup, took a sip, and Sean changed the subject.

Upon hearing this, Ymir nodded again. The Death Sequence is the second magical potion sequence of the Green Field leader, from the corpse collector, the gravedigger, the necromancer, the undead, the ferryman, and the pale monarch. , And finally pointed at the death god.

And the death **** that represents the human world in his reincarnation eyes is special in nature, and it is highly compatible with this potion pathway. Even the main ingredients of the first sixth-order potion he took are extraordinary characteristics separated from him. In other words, the process of his digestion of potions is actually a process of re-adjusting his own extraordinary qualities. Under such circumstances, the speed of digestion is naturally far beyond normal.

Om, the scarlet brilliance revealed, the unknown aura permeated, the eyes of reincarnation manifested in Ymir’s eyes, and the figure of the **** of death appeared, but it was different from before. The previous **** of death was a spirit body that looked like a wandering ghost. It is a skeleton with a black crown on its head.

   The cold and gloomy aura permeated. At the moment when the **** of death appeared, a layer of illusory earth buried in countless dead bones took shape, as if he wanted to transform this place into his kingdom.

   da da da, the sound of fingertips tapping on the tabletop sounded, and the revealed earth shattered, and the cold aura swept away.

   "If you can't get rid of the influence of the potion on you as soon as possible, then next time I will let you really sleep in the underworld forever."

   Ymir's slightly immature words sounded, and what was mixed with them was a chilling killing intent.

   Hearing the words, getting rid of the influence of the potion, awakening from the illusory dream of the king, the death **** of the past, the pale monarch now quickly condensed all his power.

   "When will the seventh-order Death Potion be completed?"

   carefully looked at the stubborn pale monarch~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sean spoke.

   "At any time, but he needs the assistance of rituals to successfully digest the potion. Only by holding a death feast can he really digest the death potion."

   Without hesitation, Ymir gave the answer. He has been preparing for this matter and never neglected.

   Although the supernatural beings with potions can grow up quickly with the power of potions, it also increases their dependence on foreign objects. The more they want to take potions successfully, the more external help they need to digest the potions.

The reason why the death **** cultivated by Ymir can grow up so smoothly all the way to become a pale monarch of the sixth order is mainly because he himself is a sixth-order transcendent creature, and the potions of this sequence are highly compatible with him, but Even so, if he didn't use the power of the ritual death feast, he would digest the death potion on his own, and the possibility of ascending to the gods in one step would be infinitely close to zero.

   "Then be prepared, there should be a chance to hold a death feast soon."

   Dim light flashed through the blue pupils, and Sean whispered.

   Hearing this, Ymir's eyes narrowed slightly.



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