Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 709: 12 natural disasters (wrong

   There was no sound, and a dignified atmosphere quietly filled the temples.

  The light of the gods is clear, the eyes of the gods have fallen on the body of the war master, waiting for him to speak.

   His gaze swept over, and he was wearing a long beard, with a strong academic atmosphere, and staying on the lord of the sky like an old man with a white beard for a moment, and the war lord Ares spoke.

"Although the king of natural disasters has not revealed a trace, they began to recover very early. Not long ago, I killed the king of drought among the kings of natural disasters in the spirit world, and when I first discovered his traces, 14 years ago, when I was smelting the theocracy of war, I also killed him that time."

Hearing this, except for a few, the expressions of the other gods all have subtle changes. As seventh-order beings, they naturally have an understanding of the immortality of life. After all, they also have this ability, but The warlord Ares actually uses "kill" to define it, which means naturally not simple.

   "After my actual verification, the Lord of Natural Disasters is indeed unkillable, just like the King of Drought I killed this time. Before long, he will be born again in a certain corner."

Hearing this, the brows of the gods frowned. Before, they knew more or less about the existence of the king of natural disasters, but judging from the few words that Ares revealed, this kind of existence is better than theirs. It is expected to be troublesome. According to Ares's statement, the king of natural disasters has the ability to be immortal.

   "According to the situation of my fight with the Drought King, in addition to his ability to control the flames, he also possesses an extremely powerful body, even surpassing the Knight King on the path of the knight."

Continuing to tell, there was a bit of exclamation in Ares’ words. Although he killed the drought king twice, it was not because the drought king was too weak, but because he was too strong, even the first time. The Lord of Drought almost escaped from his hands before he actually reached the eighth level.

"The existence of the King of Drought is very special. In addition to his powerful body, he also holds the power of fire. The power of this fire comes from the world just like us, but the difference is that we hold the divine power to mobilize the power of the world. It is part of the origin of the world, which is also the real reason for his immortality."

   There was a loud voice, when he said this, Ares's eyes swept across the faces of the gods.

   Hearing this, the gods were moved, and finally some gods no longer remained silent.

   "The King of Drought has integrated part of the origin of the world, how is this possible? If he did this, his self-consciousness would have been assimilated by the world consciousness?"

   "If the Lord of Drought really fits into the origin of the world, doesn't it mean that the world will not die if he is not destroyed?"

   "If the Lord of Drought really fits into the origin of the world, then compared to ours, his form of existence will be closer to those demon gods in hell."

   Voices sounded one after another. Faced with the impact of the news that the King of Drought has united part of the world's origin, even the true God can no longer remain calm.

As gods, they are familiar with the origin of the world and everyone in the temples, because they have the power of the gods and actually invoke the power of the origin of the world, but they only have the right to use and limited ownership, and they do not have permanent ownership. , And the Lord of Drought has combined part of the world origin, which means that he and this part of the world origin are one and both sides, and directly occupy this part of the world origin. Although the difference between these two ways of invoking the power of the world is small, the essence is Quite different.

The Hell Demon God is different. The power certificate of the Hell Demon God is the Demon Pillar, which is the manifestation of the origin of the **** world. If arranged according to the law of progression, then from shallow to deep, they should be Boya. The gods of the world, the demon gods of hell, and the last king of natural disasters.

Of course, closer to the origin does not mean better. The pros and cons of this relationship need to be weighed according to your own situation, because the closer you are to the origin, while gaining more authority and power, you also need to take more risks, such as the world. The erosion of consciousness, the king of natural disasters can succeed because of their own special, normal seven-order beings can’t do this at all. From this perspective, the existence of divine power itself is a kind of protection for the gods, and he is restricting The gods also kept the gods away from the erosion of world consciousness to a certain extent.

   "Although I don't want to admit it, this is indeed a fact."

   A slightly hoarse voice sounded, and the Lord of the Sky spoke. His tone was very slow, sluggish, and full of convincing magic.

Hearing this, all the gods who had been irritated and arguing were silent before hearing this. Compared with the newly promoted war lord, they are more convinced of the lord of the sky who has survived from the golden age to the present. This is not only Because of the strength of the Lord of the Sky, but also because of the temperament of the Lord of the Sky. He is a veritable wise man and an elder. Many of the gods have been blessed by him, and even the establishment of the temples is also a large part of the reason. Because of him, he is the oldest existence in the temples of the present.

   "A long time ago, I found traces of the existence of the Lord of Natural Disasters. They are the products of the fusion of the remnant power of the dark world and the great world of Liberal Arts."

"Although the power that was silent in the dark world at the beginning has been decayed after so many years of consumption after confronting those wizards, the last thing left is also the most stubborn, and the king of natural disasters is the power of this power. Manifest, we need to keep paying attention to them."

   The gray eyes reflect the time, the mist shrouded in history is dispelled, the scene changes, and the gods are unknowingly drawn into the past of the liberal arts world.

Here they saw the bleak and dying dark world, that is, the fascinating world returned to nirvana. They also saw the wizarding civilization merge this world with the great world of liberal arts, and they were eventually backlashed and suffered heavy casualties. Had to lay down the giant ritual witch formation of the world's breath to kill the backlash, abandon the foundation of the liberal arts world, and go to the stars.

Although they only witnessed the tip of the iceberg, the gods also felt the power of the hidden power in the dark world. You must know that the wizarding civilization at that time was in its heyday, and there were five highest wizard towers, and none of them. Including the Eternal Nightmare Tower that has not yet achieved the highest name.

In such a situation, facing the backlash of the power in the dark world, the wizarding civilization still suffered heavy losses. Only three of the five highest towers remained. It was not until the eternal nightmare tower was promoted that the wizarding civilization slowed down slightly. He took a sigh of relief, but even so, facing the changing environment and pressure from all parties including the gods, the wizarding civilization had to choose to abandon its original foundation and go to the stars.

  The fog of history gathers again The stars in the temples are still there, and the looks are different. For a while, the gods fell into silence again.

   "Under the crown of Uranus, how many kings of natural disasters are there?"

Influenced by a neutral body, a **** sitting on the dark throne of God spoke up. His male and female figure, with smooth black long hair and dark eyes like black pearls, shadows flowing under his feet like a river. He is the darling of darkness, the incarnation of shadow, and he is Erebus, the son of shadow.


   His eyes stayed on Erebos, his words were as gentle as ever, and Uranus, the lord of the sky, gave the answer.

"Through the tracing together with Ares and I, it has been confirmed that there are a total of twelve kings of natural disasters. All of them have integrated part of the origins of the Liberal World. Each of them is an incarnation of a disaster. They were born. Unknown."

   I understand that Erebos is not the only person concerned with this question, and Uranus directly gave an accurate answer.

   Hearing this, the invisible eyes met in the void, and the expressions of many gods were a little ugly.

   The number of twelve is not much compared to the gods in the temples, but if there are twelve seven or more existences with the ability to be immortal, then the concept is completely different.



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