Emerald Principality, Heavenly Palace, Zhenyun Hall, Xiao En sits alone on the Black Iron Throne, playing with a devil fruit in his hand.

This devil fruit is shaped like a fragrant pear, with a pale yellow body and a circle of nicks on it. It resembles the dial of a clock. You can even hear the ticking and ticking pointers. This is the seventh order. Superman is the fruit of time.

   After the Devil Fruit Tree was promoted to Tier 7, the time for Tier 6 Devil Fruit to transform into Tier 7 was greatly shortened. After the Devil Fruit returned, it was directly reborn in Ukral.

   Although the name of the time fruit in the original One Piece world is not small, its essence is actually a very tasteless fruit. This is mainly because the nature of the power of time is too high, and the devil fruit can only involve the fur.

   Although it was said that the Devil Fruit of Time at that time did possess the power to move time, and could even send people from the present to the future, it was very restrictive.

The charm of a fruit in One Piece actually lies in its developability. The same fruit may show two different results in the hands of different people. The reason why the true top devil fruit is so famous, In addition to their own abilities, it is also because they have met the right person, the fruit and the capable person have always achieved each other.

   Of course, it is undeniable that there is indeed a distinction between fruits. The so-called saying that there are no useless fruits and only useless people is only a relative point of view.

However, in Pirate World, there are always some special fruits that do not have the ability to develop and expand, or the boundaries that can be developed are very narrow, such as time fruits, such as retrogressive fruits, such as childlike fruits. The characteristics of these fruits are special and powerful. It can even be called unsolvable, but the application is extremely monotonous, and there is no possibility of outward expansion, as if it is a kind of restraint on their own ability.

The general weakness of the fruit is probably the problem of the eater. He may not have the talent or the compatibility with the fruit is too low. However, no matter who the eater is, the limit for free expansion of this kind of fruit is very narrow. It is the limit of the fruit and the limit of the world.

   However, this time fruit in Sean's hands is different now. After constant transformation, it has truly possessed the power to move time.

"The magic pattern combination I need has been completed, the tree of life representing the rules of life, the dragon of the universe representing the rules of space, the snake of the ring of time representing the rules of life, I have understood the rules of life, and the corresponding magic patterns have been outlined. , The fruit of time has arrived, and now there is only one fruit of space devil."

Thinking of the space devil fruit still circulating in the Gu world, Xiao En squinted his eyes. The fruit was transformed from the original fruit of the door. Now it is a sixth-order fruit, and it is only one step away from becoming a real one. Space fruit.

   "But with fateful guidance, this day will not be too long."

Looking far away, at this moment, Sean’s gaze crossed the limits of the world and saw the origin sea of ​​the Gu world, where the power of the door of the infinite was projected into substance, suppressing everything, and a Gu worm resembling a spider lay on the door. A brand new net is woven on it.

Fate Gu was originally severely damaged, but after defeating Providence, Sean used the remnant power of Providence as the material to repair Fate Gu. To a certain extent, the current Fate Gu replaced the past providence and replaced Xiao. En monitors the development of Gu World, it's just a weakened version.

But even this Fate Gu can play a very big role, such as suppressing those who are dead but not stiff. After all, after the fate is over, these venerables who should have completely died are naturally suppressed, and they want to resurrect. The difficulty is much higher. For example, being able to discover the birth of Paradise in time and let the Magic Council take her back to the door. In addition, finding a suitable host for the Devil Fruit is also a very important role, because this is fate.

The only pity is that the destiny of Fate Gu is the fate of the Gu world. Only in the Gu world can it play its greatest role. If he is brought into the Liberal World, his power will immediately be greatly attenuated, and it may even suffer. Backlash is directly destroyed.

   "When the space fruit transformation is completed, I can start the seventh-order transformation."

Withdrawing his gaze, the thoughts in Xiao En's heart kept colliding, and now he has truly stood at the critical point of the seventh step, and there is no way to enter. As long as he wants, he can make breakthroughs at any time, but for the future to be smoother. A little bit, so he still needs to wait for a while.

   At this moment, Sean’s inspiration was suddenly touched, and a vague, intermittent voice quietly sounded deep in his heart.

"This is··········"

   Void fluctuations, Xiao En's figure disappeared instantly.

   Coming to the Emerald Crown, looking at the gate of the two worlds inscribed with various mechanical creations in front of him, Xiao En stepped into it and disappeared.


   Transformers World, a world with planets as its core, where there are ordinary humans who have no extraordinary power at all, and there are also mechanical creatures Transformers with wisdom and power.

   "No wonder there is no news for so long, it turns out to be trapped."

   across the starry sky, stepping on the galaxy under his feet, Xiao En's figure quickly shuttled through the void, the space here is much more fragile than the Boya World.

The world of Transformers is made up of planets, most of which are desolate stars. Only two are special, one is the earth where humans live, and the other is the hometown of Transformers Cyber Tan.

   "This is it."

Walking out of the nihility space, following the feelings in the dark, Sean found the place of Begapunk, that is, at this time, a metal mirrored in the endless darkness, as if made of metal, Stars full of science fiction appeared in front of him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Cybertron, the origin of Transformers. "

   Standing in the void, the miniatures of distant stars reflected in the blue pupils, Xiao En whispered softly.

Because of his own interest in the mechanical life of Transformers, Begapunk entered the world for exploration many years ago, but there has been no news since then, but because the life card he left has not changed, so Sean didn't care either. After all, the higher the level of the extraordinary life, the more vague the concept of time. Often an experiment may take dozens or hundreds of years, until this time he suddenly received a message from Bergapunke for help.

"found it."

   A bright brilliance flashed through the azure blue pupils, and Sean's figure disappeared instantly, and when he appeared again, he had passed through the thin atmosphere of Cybertron and came to the interior of Cybertron.

   The perception was fully released, and the prosperous and desolate scenery of Cybertron could be seen in full view, and Xiao En's face showed a hint of wonder.

   The gust of wind whistled and rolled up the yellow sand, revealing the glorious corner of Cybertron in the past. The majestic buildings of the past are now mostly destroyed, and only the occasional incomplete buildings that are revealed record the extraordinary.

   Looking at the scenery on the ground, Sean's expression changed slightly.


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