Yuklar, the breath of chaos flows quietly here.

   maintains the body of rules that are not stable enough, the body is surrounded by wisps of annihilation created by the power of rules conflicting with each other, and Sean's apricot-yellow vertical pupils resembling a snake reflect the appearance of the time key.

   "Same as the Secret Technique of Self-cutting, it's all clean."

   The detection methods were changed from one to another, with mottled traces in his hands and the old time key of the format, Sean got an unexpected answer.

  Pieces of fine gray scales emerge on Sean’s body. The rhythm of the power of the time rule triggers the resonance of the power of the time key, emitting a hazy radiance, just like the sun in the evening.

   stretched out his hand, holding the time key with a light stroke, the brilliance of time burst out on the time key, and a long river of time appeared in front of Xiao En. He came from the past, flows through the present, and goes to the future.

Above the long river is a gray mist, burying secrets in it, blocking the peeping eyes of outsiders. Among them, the current middle reaches of the river are relatively thin, and some things can barely be seen, but belong to the upper reaches of the past. And the downstream, which belonged to the future, was shrouded in dense fog, and it was white and could not be seen clearly.

   "Break through the fog of time?"

Holding the time key in his hand, his gaze wandered up and down the long river of time. Sean moved intentionally, but after all he stopped. His current state is not suitable for this kind of thing, even if he has the time key. The seventh-order wonder of time is used as the key, and it is not easy for him to look into the past and the future.

The power of time is ubiquitous and nowhere to be found. It cannot be grasped and cannot be touched. The most important thing is that too many secrets are buried in the long river of time. Peeking into the long river of time can easily cause backlash. This is what Sean does now Would like to see.

   "If someone is fishing and can put such a big bait and hide it from me, I will recognize it."

With a relaxed smile on his face, Xiao En let out a sigh. Not to mention the time key, the seventh-order wonder, the value of the real self-cutting secret technique is even more than the average eighth-order wonder in Xiao En’s view. Sean thinks that his fish is not worthy of such bait.

After pondering a little, Sean let go of the restriction on the time key. At this time, the ontology is located in the Origin Sea of ​​the Boya Great World. The door of the immortal moved, directly projecting his own power into Yuklar, and then His transcendent nature officially descended on this basis.

   hum, the gray stone gate manifests, the power of space comes, and the silver brilliance immerses the entire Ukraal. At the same time, the dim brilliance blooms from the body of the time key, and the door of infinity is reflected in each other.

And when the power of time and space converge, the original dilapidated stone gate of the Gate of Infinity is washed away from the traces of the past. Accompanied by the sound of splashing water, a long river of time that runs through the past, present, and future emerges from nothingness and imprints itself. Above the stone gate, occupying the entire stone gate, it flows quietly, as if it never stops.

   In the next moment, a few lines bred out, outlining the image of an eye pupil, which is superior to the long river of time, based on the present, looking back at the past, and looking at the future.

   And this is not the end. When the illusory pupils formed, the sound of metal collision sounded, and a dark chain spread out from nowhere, running through the long river, forming a simple lock in the center of the stone gate.

   "This is the real door to infinity."

   Apricot’s vertical pupil reflected the shadow of the door, and Xiao En’s heart was touched. At this moment, he was quite sure that such a door of no room was the truly complete door of no room.

Based on space and time, combining the power of seal and insight, weaving the power of the "door", such a door is the real door, and it is precisely because of this infinite door that it can travel through many worlds, suppress world consciousness, and capture each other. Kind of foreign treasures and feed back their information.

   Om, the dim brilliance of time became more and more dazzling. Under Sean's indulgence, the time key turned into a stream of light, and it was truly integrated with the door of infinity.

At this moment, the sound of the running water is loud, echoing in every corner of Yuklar, the long river of time inscribed on the door of the infinite, at this moment, it seems to be from the virtual to the real, in contrast , Both the eye pupils that symbolize the rules of insight or the chains that symbolize the seal appear to be thinner.

  Hu, the vision disappeared, except for a gray stone gate that stood in chaos, as if suppressing a piece of time and space, everything returned to normal.

   Listening to the sound of the river flowing for a long time, letting go of perception, perceiving carefully, Sean confirmed the current state of the Infinite Gate.

The original door to no room itself is a manifestation of space rules, with complete space rules and incomplete sealing rules and insight rules, but now it has retrieved the key of time, the power of time and space, and based on this, it has already been The power of the broken door began to regroup.

It’s just that the seal rules and the rules of insight are incomplete, so the reunited door power is not complete, and it is also incomplete. Fortunately, the foundation of the door power is time and space, supported by these two forces. The powers and energies are reunited, even if it is incomplete, they can still exert their strength.

  Under such circumstances, the Gate of Infinity has crossed the limits of the seventh order and returned to the ranks of the eighth-order strange things, but it is not complete.

   "The eighth-order wonder, the power of the door."

   After carefully feeling the power of the door, and dispelling the concrete image of the Infinite Door, Xiao En fell into contemplation.

   "Even if it is incomplete, but power is power after all. With him, many things will become simpler."

   The halo of wisdom in his eyes flowed. At this moment, Sean thought of many possibilities.

The power of power originates from the rules and is the embodiment of the source of the rules. To a certain extent, power is beyond the rules, and the power of the door power is mainly reflected in two aspects, one is to open the door and the other is to close the door ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Opening a door is like opening a lock, it is a cracking. Sean can travel through many worlds because the power of the door can open the world’s protective lock, even if this power was broken in pieces, but it is a residue A little bit of shadow still did this step. This is the power of power.

Closing the door is repression and closure. Sean’s world consciousness of suppressing multiple worlds with the help of Infinite Gate is a manifestation of this power. World consciousness has the supreme authority in his own original world, and it is difficult to deal with them by idle means. It is also not good to have great strength, and to act forcefully, most of the results are that the world follows its destruction, and the door of the infinite is different.

By virtue of the power of the door, the door of infinity closes the door between world consciousness and the world itself, cutting off their connection with each other, thereby minimizing the loss. Of course, because the power of the door is not complete, this There are limits to severance.

   At this moment, with the power of the door to close the door, Sean is even sure to suppress the rejection reaction between the power of the three rules, but in the end Sean did not do so.

   This approach treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The current state itself is also a kind of tempering. To prepare for the true smelting of the rules in the future, forced suppression may not be a good thing.

   thought for a while, and then a news came out, and Xiao En fell into a deep sleep again.



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