Shattered, the sound of water flowing quietly echoed, and the dim light lit up, rendering the surroundings.

"That is?"

   cast his gaze, through the light emitted by the time key penetrating the mist, Morrel vaguely saw a new segment.

   In an unfamiliar and desolate sea, a body resembling a tiger, a huge body, with eight heads and ten tails, a face resembling a human, surrounded by endless evil spirits, like monsters like gods and demons quietly appeared, and then he roared up to the sky.

Roar, the human face roared like a tiger, the sound resounded everywhere, echoing in the depths of the void, and this roar seemed to be a signal. When this roar sounded, the clear sky suddenly changed color, thousands of storm eyes Simultaneously forming on the sea, brewing the power of a storm that destroys everything.

   "This kind of breath is indeed the king of natural disasters, and it is also the king of natural disasters that has never appeared before."

Divine light bloomed in the blue eyes. Looking at the monster with a human face, Morrel wanted to see more clearly, and at this moment, the monster in the screen suddenly turned around, his eyes converged, ten The six pupils exuding azure brilliance seemed to penetrate the mist of time at this moment, and they met Morrel's sight.

  Huh, the mist of time rolled, the radiance belonging to the time key was swallowed by the mist, and all the sights disappeared.

The sound of the water flow disappeared, the phantom of the long river quietly disappeared in the void, and the breath of his body floated. Standing in place, Morrel's brows slightly wrinkled. Judging from the perspective of the future, the power of the king of the storm is real. Not weak, the most important thing is that he still has not been able to accurately determine the location of the king of storm disasters, but this is also normal. Peeping into the future can often only get some vague answers. This is also one of the uncertain characteristics of the future. Kind of highlight.

  "Unfortunately, Sieggel is at a critical moment of changing his path. Otherwise, I will provide guidance and he will follow it up. Things may be much simpler."

   The thoughts in his heart kept turning, his eyes swept across the surrounding area, his breath changed, and the space swayed with fine ripples, Morrel's figure disappeared again.

The current Tier 7 combat power of the Emerald Principality is actually not a lot. If you count the death **** Danates, you already have four, but at this moment, only Morrel is really easy to shoot, Sig Geer is in the kingdom of God and is changing his path to prepare to become a magician. Ymir and Danatus have entered the eyes of Styx in the depths of the spiritual world, and are analyzing death with the help of the power of death. The rules have reached a critical moment.


   Wow, the sound of water flowing reverberates in the void. There is nothingness here. There is nothing but a river with invisible source and invisible destination.

The surface of the water was glowing with silver light, sometimes dim and sometimes dazzling, illuminating the void, and above the river surface, the mist was steaming, and there was a faintly slender figure in it, like a dragon and a snake, lying on it, running through it. The whole river.

   "Hiss, breaking through the fog of time, peeking into the future, is this someone staring at the wind?"

   Two bright yellow lights lit up, like a swaying candle, penetrating the fog, and a low voice murmured, adding a touch of coldness to this lonely nothingness.

   "Do you want to help?"

   The snake body twisted, the diffuse white mist was disturbed, and the slender figure hesitated. At this moment, a young and vicissitudes dragon roar sounded, interrupting the figure's thoughts.

   hum, great power blooms, time is distorted, a sharp dragon claw comes out of nothingness, and grabs the slender figure fiercely.

   "Don't you give up? Although I am not your opponent now, but the future is not necessarily."

  The bright yellow snake eyes showed a cold killing intent. Looking at the falling dragon claws, the slender figure of the snake's body stretched infinitely, crossing the boundary between the present and the future in an instant.

   "Time Dragon, I will wait for you in the future. If you have the courage, you can continue to chase it."

The cold snake hissing sound echoed in nothingness, but it seemed to come from a far, far away place when it was close at hand. The dragon's claws fell in the air and only caught a phantom. The true location of the slender figure has passed the present where the light is at this moment. Into a dark future, disappear without a trace.

Roar, the dragon roar sounded again, with undisguised anger, the power contained in it directly dispelled part of the mist on the river surface, that is, at this moment, a body of several hundred meters long, covered with mottled bronze scales, bears With two wings, a dragon with three heads appeared.

Surrounded by the brilliance of time, the one on the left of the three heads of this giant dragon is still immature, and its scales are glowing with bright brilliance. The dragon's horns have just shown its sharp edge, and it is more cute than hideous, the one on the right. The decayed, ferocious dragon horns have been broken, and the gray scales are sparsely sparse. There are many places where bright red flesh and blood are exposed, revealing a strong scent of decay, which makes people no doubt that he will be there in the next moment. May step into death.

The only one in the middle of the skull is gleaming with metallic luminescence. The color is dim but it has incomparable toughness. The dragon's horns are sharp and straight up. It shows the beauty of violence in the hideousness, but the strange thing is that this skull is His appearance is not fixed, he seems to be changing all the time, sometimes he is a ferocious dragon, and sometimes he is a handsome silver fox.

   "The future is a forbidden zone for living creatures. Although the king of natural disasters is immortal and immortal with the origin of the world, it is still impossible to really occupy the future and stay in it for a long time. I am here waiting for you, the king of disasters."

   The face of the fox appeared, and the cold words of men and women rang out, fanning their wings, breaking the fog of time, and the time dragon plunged into the long river of time. Here is a tributary of the real time river, not illusion.

   The river was full of waves, the pure white mist gathered again, and the figure of the time dragon quickly disappeared.

The time dragon, the legendary dragon species, is the mythical dragon species like the fairy dragon, but even among the rare mythological dragon species, the time dragon is very special. Although the general mythical dragon species are born powerful, When they were just born, most of them had only Tier 6 and did not possess the power of myth level. Only when they really grew up over time would they have the power of Tier 7, except for the time dragon. Once the time dragon is born, even if it is still one The little Whelpling can exert the power of the seventh step as long as he wants and it is not the ordinary seventh step, it can be said that he was born to be the pinnacle.

The Time Dragon is the true darling of time. At the moment of birth, he conquered his future and possessed the mighty power that countless creatures admire. However, this is not entirely a happy thing for the Time Dragon itself, because I was born at the pinnacle, so my growth became paler than ever before, losing most of its meaning.

Life is wonderful because of the unknown, but the time dragon has determined its own future at the moment of its birth. If other mythological dragon species still have the meaning of hard work, and there is a weak hope of breaking through the eighth level, then the time dragon has no effort at all. Necessary, because no matter what, he cannot go further. This is time's blessing to him, and time's curse to him.

Of course, nothing is absolute. Although hard work cannot increase its own strength, Time Dragon is not really without the possibility of further progress, but unlike other extraordinary beings, Time Dragon wants to go further than simply accumulating knowledge. , It’s all right to vomit magic power. What He has to do is to achieve conceptual breakthroughs, such as rewriting the future.

  The future is uncertain. When the future environment has subversive fluctuations, the time dragon's own future that has been confined may also change as a result. After all, the time dragon is only a seventh-order, and the future he occupies is actually limited.



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