The training team of the Sutilt Kingdom arrived at Greenfield City, and an invisible wave quietly rose up, and the center around it was whether they should be exposed to potions above Tier 5 or not.

Regarding this issue, the disputes within the Agricultural Association of the Emerald Principality are not small, and most people even think that the Tier 5 holy asylum potions should not be opened to the outside world, but this is normal. After all, people are selfish and open to the outside world. It affects their interests and weakens their advantages, but no matter how strong the opposition is, the outcome of this event is already doomed.

   And just when Greenfield City became lively because of the training team of the Kingdom of Sutilt, in the depths of the endless void, at the root of the world tree, a sense of horror quietly woke up from its deep sleep.

   At the top of the World Tree, in Yuklar, the aura of chaos permeates here.

It's not black or white. In the depths of the chaos, a tall figure appears like a shadow with a **** head. The sharp dragon's horns seem to penetrate the space. The snake's hair dances lightly, as if blown by the wind. Its scales are gray and dense. Snake scales enveloped the whole body, as if recording the traces of time, a pair of large silver-white dragon wings were carried behind him, and the four directions were enveloped in it.

  Compared with the past, the present Sean has a solid body and no disharmony.

   嘭嘭嘭, the heart is beating, as if the essential vitality is flowing inside Xiao En's body, opening his eyes, the emerald brilliance breaks through the chaos like a beam of light.

   "Finally stabilized."

The agile color appeared in the emerald pupil, and Sean’s quiet thoughts began to resurrect. At this moment, in his true spirit, a tall tree of life rooted in the chaos, and a silver-white dragon lying on the crown of the tree. , A gray snake sleeps under the tree end to end.

   The three seem to be one, but in fact they are independent. Although they are alert to each other, they have maintained restraint and did not conflict. This is the result of Sean's sleep for so long.

The body of rules is stable. The forces of time rules, space rules, and life rules move simultaneously in Sean’s body. When these three forces converge for a short time, a breath of the creator is in Sean’s body of rules. The above is looming, at this moment, Sean seems to be able to open up a world and make all things happen.

   "Developer's power."

   reached out his hand, and Sean's claws covered with gray scales seemed to catch something.

   "It's not the time yet."

   The emerald pupil reflected in the chaos, and Sean silently let go of his hand. At this instant, the three powers of the rules that briefly converged in his body once again returned to the state where the well water does not violate the river water.

   At the same time, at the moment when Xiao En's body of firm rules completely crossed the threshold of the seventh step, some subtle changes began to take place, especially the Devil Fruit Tree.

   The Devil Fruit Tree, the current World Tree, is the extraordinary foundation of Sean. His characteristics affect Sean, but when Sean becomes strong to a certain extent, Sean's characteristics will also affect him.

The invisible change occurred quietly. The most obvious manifestation is that the power nature of the devil fruit has undergone a fundamental deflection, completely falling to the magic side. At this moment, according to the difference of the devil fruit, one virtual magic pattern one after another Born inside the devil fruit, it becomes the source of the power of the devil fruit.

   "Very interesting change."

   Feeling in his heart, Sean converged his strength and manifested a human posture. He reached out and grabbed two peculiar fruits from the chaos of Yuklar, one like a pink peach and the other like a pale walnut.

   Looking at the two fruits in his hand, perceiving their changes carefully, Sean thoughtfully.

These two fruits are the retrograde fruits of the seventh-order superhuman family and the barrier fruits of the seventh-order superhuman family. One belongs to time and the other belongs to space. They are substitutes for the fruits of time and the fruits of the door, but things are progressing. Very smoothly, these two substitutes did not work, and during the years when Sean was sleeping, these two fruits also began to further metamorphose.

   "Before I could absorb the power of the devil fruit and transform it into my own witchcraft, but now it is magic."

   The thoughts in his heart turned, and the power that belonged to the regressive fruit and the barrier fruit was easily absorbed by Sean.

The light and shadow were distorted, and the fruit was shriveled. Under Sean’s gaze, the regressive fruit and the barrier fruit turned into flying ash and disappeared. At the same time, two brand-new magics emerged in the depths of Sean’s consciousness. They were the seventh step. Time magic, retrograde fire, seventh-order space magic, absolute barrier.

   "The seventh-order magic pattern of time, past, the seventh-order magic pattern of space, folding?"

   Feeling several new magic patterns born in his body, Sean raised his brow slightly.

After absorbing the power of the fruit, both the regressive fruit and the barrier gave Sean a small magic pattern combination. They represent time magic·regressive fire and space magic·absolute barrier, but they are two new to Sean Although his seventh-order magic is good, it is the two seventh-order magic patterns of the past and folding that really make his heart move.

   With these two brand-new seventh-order magic patterns, it is entirely possible for Sean to perform more seventh-order magic. This is the true manifestation of their value.

You must know that there are only three seventh-order magic patterns that Shaun has so far, namely time, space, and life. Although the two magic patterns of the past and folding are still semi-imaginary, they need to be further used to actually use them. Perfect, but their structure is complete, just need to inject strength to fill it, which is not difficult for Sean.

  Huh, the power surged, and the magic patterns were lit up one after another, as if instinctively, a group of illusory gray flames appeared in Xiao En's hands, clearly burning, but motionless, as if still.

   Time is frozen, everything in the past has become gray. Looking at the illusory gray flame in his hand, Sean’s blue eyes flashed with strange brilliance.

The magic transformed by absorbing the fruits of the devil is engraved into the instinct of his life, and it can be urged between thoughts and movements. At this moment, although the retrograde fire in his hands is illusory, the profound meaning contained in it is illusory. It is intact.

   "It turned out to be like this."

   Gray flames were reflected in the azure blue pupils, and the power of time began to move in Sean's body.

  Huh, the flames fluttered, and the retrograde fire no longer had the calm posture before. After not knowing how long, the illusion receded, and a sense of reality was born in the body of the retrograde fire.

   The flame burned, and he moved his hands to the real retrograde fire, and Xiao En's face showed a smile.

   After gaining insight into the principle of the retrograde fire, Sean replaced the imaginary 7th-order past magic pattern with a complete 7th-order time magic pattern, and reconstructed the magic pattern combination representing the retrograde fire.

In the past, the magic pattern itself was a branch of the time magic In theory, Sean, who has mastered the time magic pattern, is likely to perform the seventh-order magic of retrograde fire without mastering the past magic pattern. , And the fact is indeed the case.

"The time magic pattern is broad and expansive, involving all aspects of time rules, including the past, present, and future, while the past magic pattern is specialized and refined. Although the power limit is more strict, the depth involved in the corresponding aspect is not the broad time magic pattern. It's easy to compare."

   "The time magic pattern can replace the magic pattern of the past to reproduce the fire of retrograde seven-level magic, but neither the power consumed nor the effect of the spell is satisfactory, overall the gain is not worth the loss."

  Five fingers gathered together, pinching out the retrograde fire that had obviously dimmed a lot, and Xiao En's expression was indifferent.

   Similar to the magic pattern in the past, the folding magic pattern is also a branch of the space magic pattern. The essence of the magic of the absolute barrier is to continuously fold the layers of space, and finally build a strong barrier.

   Of course, as an important branch of the space magic pattern, the power of folding the magic pattern is not only used to shape the barrier. It has a wide range of applications, such as continuously folding a huge space and finally turning it into dust.

   "Should go out and take a look."

   stepped out one step, the space portal opened automatically, and Xiao En's figure disappeared.



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