In the depths of the black abyss, a majestic power spread from the God of Wealth, cleaning the surrounding area, and clearing a piece of pure land from the filth.

   "Evil ones, repent in the dark world."

The reality and the illusion were distorted, and the endless darkness spread, drowning the three people of Sean who stepped into the kingdom of wealth. At this moment, the pupil power in Eric's eyes burned fiercely again. This is another pupil technique of him. · The Great Dark World.

   In the endless darkness, as if being dragged into another world, even the feelings between each other were blurred, as if completely isolated and helpless, the three of Sean still seemed very calm.

   "Standing in the weird world between the real and the illusion, is this also the pupil technique of the reincarnation eye? It is somewhat similar to the moon reading, but here the illusion and the reality are intertwined."

   Perceiving silently, the surrounding area is empty, there is nothing but darkness, even Morrel and Ymir have disappeared, and the thoughts in Sean's heart are quietly turning.

   At this time, a strange whisper quietly sounded in his ears.

   "You can't touch your hands, you can't taste your tongue, you can't smell your nose, your eyes can't see, your ears can't hear, you will be in the dark, and you will become one with the darkness."

  Weird whispers echoed in the depths of the soul, and the power of perception moved away one by one, and Sean soon became a real deaf and blind man.

   "Deprived of the five senses, even the extraordinary perception will be swallowed along with it. Is this a matching pupil technique?"

   Lost his perception, his body was like rotten wood, and he was exposed to endless darkness. Although Xiao En's mind was affected, he was still lively.

   At the same time, Ymir and Morrel in the dark were also deprived of their five senses.

In the real world, outside the closed gates of the ancient golden palace, bright red blood dripped down his cheeks, staring directly at the nothingness ahead, Eric did not hesitate to burn his pupils, even if it had damaged him. The fundamentals are also not hesitating, after all, dragging the existence of three seventh-orders into the Great Dark Realm at one time is really a complete challenge for him.

   "I am indeed not your opponent, and it is difficult to really hurt you, but I only need to hold you down temporarily. As long as my lord wakes up, everything will end."

The thoughts in his heart turned, feeling the golden palace behind which was still as silent as a tomb. Eric couldn't help but feel a trace of worry in his heart, but soon the trace of worry was erased by himself. He believed in the lord of wealth he believed in. It will be the greatest **** in all ages, and everything now is just a stepping stone on the great road.

   The fluctuating mind returned to tranquility again, but at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

   "Do you want to trap me?"

   The five senses were deprived, as if being in the deepest darkness, a condensed and condensed intention rose from Morrel's body.

   hum, blood boiled, hot like a scorching sun, his fists were in agreement with one another, and he couldn't listen. Only relying on his instinct, Morrel delivered a punch.

   click, a weird sound of breaking sounded in the depths of the three people's hearts, the power of smashing the vacuum erupted, Morrel smashed the boundary between the real and the illusion, and the weird Great Dark World collapsed.

   "Damn it."

   The pupil technique was broken, and it was noticed that something was wrong, and the cherry blossoms faded. Eric was about to rewrite reality again, but at this moment, Morrel's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and then he slammed a punch.

  嘭, his body torn to pieces, facing Morrel's fist, Eric was fragile like a piece of porcelain.

   "Illusory? The bells and whistles."

   opened his mouth, revealing his white teeth, and following the feeling in the dark, Morrel punched again.

Eric’s reincarnation eye was transformed into a mythical eye, or illusory magic pupil, according to illusory rules. His best is illusion, but Morrel was born with the nine-orifice divine stone of the world of the sun **** as an embryo. He was born and sacred. Tongshen, compared with real perception, his intuition is more accurate, the most restrained is illusion.

  Standing on the spot, looking at Eric, who was struggling to resist under Morrel's fist, Sean turned his gaze to the Golden Palace. As for Ymir had long since disappeared.

   The outside world was disturbed, and the golden palace remained silent, without a slight reaction.

   "Is it true that you have completely lost your perception of the outside world, or are you lucky and want to struggle?"

   A sharp light flashed through the azure blue pupils, and the brilliance of magic bloomed on Xiao En's body.

  咻, the space rules and rhythm, a silver crescent blade across the space, cut to the quiet golden palace, this is the space magic·dimensional blade.

"Can not."

   Perceiving Sean's attack, Eric's expression changed drastically, and he was about to use his pupil technique to change the result, but in the next instant, he was blown up again by Morrel.

   hum, the space oscillated, and in an instant, the Dimensional Blade was severely slashed on the Golden Palace.

   The magic of the Dimensional Blade is not complicated, and the ranks range from the fifth to the seventh, but it is undeniable that this simple magic shows the cutting power of space to the fullest.

Guru, like the golden halo of water flowing, strange things happened. When the Dimensional Blade slashed towards the Golden Palace, the expected violent collision did not happen, everything seemed silent, and the Golden Palace seemed like a deep water. The bottomless pool water swallowed the entire Dimensional Blade directly.

   "Huh? This feeling?"

   Seeing such a scene, Sean frowned.

   In the next moment, the phantom of the Infinite Gate manifested behind Sean. He tried to open the door again, as if breaking through the defense of the kingdom of but this time he failed.

   "It turned out to be alive."

Although it failed to open the door, Sean also used this to see the true face of the Golden Palace. It was not a palace at all, but a large mountain, covered in red gold, with colorful gems inlaid on the back, and a huge black pearl under the jaw. Toad.

Golden Swallowing Toad, a peculiar beast with weak attack power, but extremely strong defense. When still weak, Sean had contacted this beast in the business alliance branch of Lenz City because of its strong defense power and love. The racial characteristics of Cai, this toad is often used by business alliances as a safe.

   Of course, the one in front of Xiao En should be called the Golden Swallowing Toad Emperor, because he has reached the seventh rank and is a very rare emperor of beasts.

   The power of power is indeed powerful, but the door of the infinite is incomplete after all. With Xiao En’s current power, it is impossible to open the door directly on the body of a seventh-order life.

  Huh, the illusion on the surface receded, even if it had been attacked by Sean, the King Swallowing Toad was still lying there quietly, motionless, not even opening his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep.

   Seeing such a scene, Sean's eyes narrowed. Compared to the King of Angels, Eric, this King Swallowing Toad may be Woking's real trump card.



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