The top floor of the Eternal Tower, the Hall of Truth.

The wizard aims at chasing the truth. After reaching the seventh level, a complete analysis of a rule is considered. The wizard is truly touching the truth. Therefore, compared with the ancient rule wizard, the current seventh-level wizard is more in agreement with the name of the truth wizard. This is both a kind of The manifestation of strength is also an expression of original intention.

  Under such circumstances, the name of the Hall of Truth was given to the top of the Aion Tower, which was originally unknown over time, because it was a meeting place for wizards above the seventh step of the Aion Tower.

   The flame burned, Morrel and Marlos came here.

  The pure white marble paved the ground, spotlessly clean, everywhere, starlight flowing freely, and meteors passing by the window from time to time. This is not illusion, but the top floor of the Eternal Tower is truly in the starry sky.

With his gaze moving slightly, Morrel took in the view of the Hall of Truth. In the center of the Hall of Truth, there is a huge gray round table, surrounded by high-back stone thrones, engraved with the pattern of ouroboros. , At this time there are 9 figures sitting on it, of course, most of them are the mind-body descending.

   Morrel could clearly perceive that when he appeared, everyone's eyes fell on him, most of which were curiosity and surprise.

   "Let's go."

   Can guess some of Morrel's thoughts at this time, Malos spoke, and walked towards the round table first.

   Hearing the words, with a gentle smile on his face, he gestured to the wizards who were looking at him. Following Malos, Morrel sat down on a throne.

  In the process, the other nine truth wizards also showed kindness to Morrel, but no one spoke, as if waiting for something.

Perceiving the abnormality, Morrel also remained silent and cast his gaze on the main seat of the round table. There was a throne that was obviously twice the size of the other thrones. It was still vacant at this time, and on both sides of this throne , And two ordinary thrones are also vacant.

   Om, dreamlike, silently, a woman wearing a jet black dress with black hair and black eyes appeared on the throne to the left of the huge throne.

At this moment, the other wizards of truth sitting on the throne, including Malos, had subtle changes in their expressions. The most important thing was that Morrel discovered that the wizard who had just appeared was still his acquaintance. , Of course, is exactly an acquaintance of the deity Sean, because this woman is Yemengade.

   "Sean, you really didn't let me down, or that your achievements have exceeded my expectations."

   His long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze fell on Morrel, a bright smile appeared on his glamorous face, Yemengada did not conceal his kindness towards Morrel.

   Seeing such a scene, the other wizards were thoughtful.

   "The tower master is still sleeping in a dream, this time the welcome ceremony is hosted by me."

   Withdrawing his gaze, his temperament changed, and he swept over everyone present. Before Morrel could say anything, Yemengade spoke again.

Hearing that, the other wizards nodded and were not surprised. The tower owner of the Eternal Tower is the eighth-order power wizard Hypnos, who has the title of dream weaver and nightmare lord, and he has been indulged for most of his life. In the dream, even if they are the seventh-order rule wizards, they rarely have the opportunity to see them. This time a new seventh-order wizard appears. Although this is a big event for the Eternal Tower, the timing seems a little different. By coincidence.

In fact, in addition to Sean, there was another wizard in the Eternal Tower ten years ago who crossed the limit and embarked on the path of truth. · Supnos also did not appear.

   "Sean Montell, the chief student of the School of Natural Studies, has now reached the seventh rank and embarked on the road of truth. Here I only congratulate you on behalf of the Eternal Tower. May the truth be with you."

   looked solemn, looked at Morrel, Yemengade said word by word.

  At the same time, a golden Ouroboros badge dropped from nothingness and fell in front of Morrel. This is the proof of his identity and the proof of his authority.

   Papa, sparse applause sounded, and for a moment, looking at Morrel, the wizards present all smiled.

   "Sean, this is my gift to you. May you go further on the road of truth."

   The seriousness faded, the smile reappeared, and a gloomy light was sent to Morrel by Yemengade.

   After hesitating, Morrel absorbed this gloomy light, which contained a piece of knowledge. Although it was not a secret knowledge, it definitely reached the seventh-order level, and its value was not low.

   At the same time, the ten other wizards present also gave gifts of their own. Like Yemengade, they gave out the same piece of knowledge.

  The meaning of knowledge in the eyes of wizards is priceless and noble, so at such a moment they choose to use knowledge as a gift to express their kindness.

   At this moment, Morrel really hesitated, after all, compared to human relations, wizards pay more attention to equivalent exchange.

   "Accept it, this is the tradition of the Eternal Tower, symbolizing the transmission of truth. Every wizard who has just embarked on the path of truth will receive a gift from the forerunner."

  Understanding Morrel's thoughts, Yemengade spoke again.

   Hearing the words, his thoughts turned, Morrel put away these gifts.

   After that, the atmosphere in the Hall of Truth became more harmonious.

The welcome ceremony was not complicated and ended soon. After this, with this opportunity, twelve seventh-order wizards, including Yemengade, developed a small-scale development on the two points of accommodating and digesting the power of rules. Exchange meeting.

The Eternal Nightmare is the highest tower with a complete heritage. After listening to the words of these wizards, Morrel himself has also benefited a lot. The wizards of the world of truth regard the seventh step as the beginning of the road to truth, and will accommodate rules, digest rules, and emphasize The rule of construction is likened to the first three steps of the road of truth, including the entire seventh step, which roughly corresponds to the weak, medium, and strong divine power of the gods. Every step forward is a closeness to the truth. It is passed down to the present. For these three steps They have been systematically studied and these are beyond comparison by Morrel. After all, compared to the eternal nightmare, compared to the entire world of truth, their background is still too shallow.

   Of course, as the protagonist of this gathering, Morrel also expounded his views, and other people also had their own gains.

  Magic was born out of wizards. Although there are differences, the principles and principles involved are the same. If you look at the problem from another angle, you can find shining points that are not easy for others to notice.

   And compared to wizards, magic has its own advantages. At least wizards have three steps in the seven levels, while magic only requires two steps, namely digesting the rules and reconstructing the rules.

Because of his own particularity, with the help of magic lines, once the magician reaches the seventh rank, he can condense the body of the rules and complete the digestion of the rules. That is to say, the magician integrates the first and second steps with magic lines as a medium. Directly past the time of staying in the first step, as long as you achieve the seventh step, you will naturally stand on the second step, which is comparable to medium divine power.

   I am immersed in the exchange of knowledge, time always flies quickly, and when the exchange meeting is over, Morrel still has some ideas.

   In fact, Morrel also understood that this exchange meeting itself was also part of the Eternal Tower’s goodwill to him. The reason why the theme of the exchange is the first and second steps of the road of truth is to consider his situation.


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