The world of truth, the Eternal Tower, the natural world.

   The brilliance of magic is flowing on the tip of the pen, and at the end of the page, Morrel drew a satisfactory full stop. After ten years, he finally completed the annotation of the seventh-order inheritance of "The Secret of Nature".

  Om, the inheritance is complete, and the dazzling aura blooms on the pages of the truth book made of pure gold. At this moment, the whole room is drawn into a natural country, and the eyes are full of spring.

   Watching this change quietly, Morrel showed a relaxed smile on his face.

After all, he is not the real Sean, even if he uses the big change technique to have a transcendent essence that is almost exactly the same as that of Sean, but in the understanding of the relevant path, he is far behind Sean. This is also one of the big change technique. Limitations. It allows Morrel to have the essence of the object of change, but it cannot allow Morrel to have the other party’s understanding and experience of the road. These all require Morrel to polish by himself. From this aspect, Morrel changes The more objects are not the better.

   In order to finish the sorting of the inheritance of "The Secret of Nature", Morrel has communicated with Sean many times, and conducted research on the essence of his own, which can be said to have spent a lot of effort.

   It would be better for this to be done directly by Sean, but Sean is now in a special situation, sometimes sober, sometimes chaotic, and is not suitable for such a thing, so he can only be handed over to Morrel as the lead.

The most important thing is that Morrel has given Sean the insight that he got in the world of truth through the door of the infinite. In addition to his special state, Sean also uses this mythical magic pupil as the raw material. Further repairing the door of incommunicado, it is really impossible to separate the extra energy.

   Although it is said that the Eye of the Inspector is different from the time key and is not part of the original door of the Infinite Door, it also has the rules of insight and can completely fill in the missing part of the Infinite Door.

   Of course, it takes a lot of energy to complete this step, and it can only be done by Sean, the true Lord of Infinity.

Reaching out, breaking away from the world in the book, returning to reality, a page of truth with natural brilliance fell into Morrel's hands. Compared with the previous pure gold pages, the current pages of truth are somewhat different. Extraordinary aura, with some seventh-order characteristics.

   "It's also time to leave."

   After completing the most troublesome task at this stage, thinking of the news that Ymir had just received in the Liberal World, Morrel had the idea of ​​leaving.

Although the world consciousness of the world of truth has been completely dominated by wizards, and the Supreme Council monitors the entire world, as the seventh-order, Morrel still has great privileges, and many things are more relaxed than those during the sixth-order, such as frequent Use the power of the Infinite Door.

In ten years, using the Gate of Infinity as a bridge, Morrel shared his gains from the Eternal Tower with the three of Sean, although most of what he can obtain are only the more basic ones in the seventh tier. , But it also happens to make up for the shortcomings of Sean and others.

   As for better things, they are no longer available for free, and even many things are invaluable in the market. Although the Eternal Tower encourages communication, it also affirms the value of knowledge.

With a decision in his heart, Morrel no longer hesitated. With the finishing of "The Secret of Nature" and his ten years of teaching in the School of Nature, his only task in the Eternal Tower has been basically completed. Line, at this point in time, the Eternal Tower does not have many constraints on him, and after ten years, the little girl of Etrex has completed the basic polishing, even if he no longer stays here, it will affect It's not big either.

   The Shadow of Fantasy Dream, the residence of Yemengade, even though Morrel intends to leave in a low-key manner, he still wants to see Yemengade side by side. As for the others, forget it, after all, the time of the seventh-order wizard is very precious.

   "The time is coming, when this rune will guide you."

   Sitting relative to each other, without much greeting, Morrel handed a gray-white stone rune to Yemengade, which had the power of the Infinite Door.

   Upon hearing this, Yemengade's expression changed subtlely, with excitement and anxiety.

"I see."

   Without hesitation, Yemengade put this rune away.

"Someone in the tower wanted to use your means to sneak into the Liberal Arts World, but I turned it down for you. After all, they are different from you. They are not native creatures in the Liberal Arts World. It is too dangerous to enter the Liberal Arts World at this time. "

   Putting away the rune, Yemengade talked about another thing.

   Hearing this, Morrel squinted his eyes. He knew that the matter was essentially that Yemengade saved him some trouble.

Although people who smuggle will inevitably pay some resources, the corresponding risk of exposure to the door of Infernal Affairs will also increase. Even if they appear in the Great World of Liberal Arts, Morrel may be affected. After all, the controller of the Great World of Liberal Arts is still the same. Are the gods of the stars.

   "It seems that I owe you another favor."

   Looking at Yemengade, Morrel let out a sigh.

   A smile appeared on his face when he heard this, Yemengada shook his head.

   "This is nothing compared to what you gave me."

Hearing that, Morrel no longer said anything, this matter is indeed more appropriate for Yemengga to come out than himself, because everyone knows that Yemengade is not only powerful, but also has a deep relationship with the tower owner. , So Yemengade’s position in the tower is very special, and his refusal is more appropriate than Morrel’s own words.

   "After you go back this time, you can get in touch with Douglas of the Kingdom of Mestor in the Old World, and you may be able to reach cooperation with each other."

   Maybe it was not enough, Yemengade gave another news.

   Hearing this, Morrel was quite surprised. The Kingdom of Mestor is the kingdom of wizards in the Liberal World. It is located in the northern part of the Old World. Although he has not been in contact with him, the deity Sean has something to do with this kingdom.

When he was young, Sean once joined a mysterious organization called the Mystic Society, and the birthplace of this organization was Mestor. It was just that because his strength grew too fast, Sean’s figure naturally grew from this. The organization has faded.

   "He is also from the Eternal Tower?"

   Looking at Yemengade, Morrel asked. He believed Yemengade would not mention this person for no reason.

   Yemengah nodded after hearing the words.

"Although the major wizard towers of the truth world have been far away from the Liberal Arts world, they have not given up on the collection of relevant information. This is even more so after the extraordinary recovery. Although the Liberal Arts World has been blocked by those gods, there are no major wizard towers. The most common way to give up infiltration is to support local forces to act as their own pawns and eyes and ears. Douglas and Mestor are similar."

   "Although they are not directly under the Eternal Tower, they can be regarded as vassals. Of course, as Douglas is promoted to the seventh rank, his status has also changed. Now he is more like a collaborator of the Eternal Tower."

   did not hide, Yemengade told the secret.

   Hearing this, Morrel was really surprised. He had heard the name Douglas because he was the founder of the Secret Society, but what he didn't expect was that Douglas had quietly become a seventh-order wizard.

It is not the return of the ancients. It is not easy to be promoted to the seventh rank at this point in time. It is the same even if the Eternal Tower provides support behind it, not to mention that he is not a direct member of the Eternal Tower. It must be limited.

   "I will meet him if I have the opportunity."

Looking at Yemengarde, Morrel nodded. At this moment, he did have a strong interest in Douglas. Morrel knew very well that Sean was able to achieve the seventh rank at this point because he had Infinite Gate is able to travel through different worlds, absorbing the background of multiple worlds and taking advantage of the difference in the flow rate of time. In this way, the time the deity walks on the extraordinary road may be far longer than that of Douglas.



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